I’ve been home since Wednesday evening, so 4 full days and things are ok. I’ve been walking in the garden and slowly building up stamina but it’s taking a lot out of me at the moment.
To date, I’ve planned my days (moving stuff about) so that I use the stairs once in the morning to go down and once in the evening to go up.
This is the week where anything goes (albeit sensibly) and if I need to use the stairs at any time during the day then I’ll do so (luckily I’ve got a downstairs bog).
Saturday night I had the worst nights sleep ever - couldn’t get comfortable, everything ached, my back was killing me and I was very fretful and annoyed. My wife kept offering suggestions which I shut down and every opportunity.
Sunday night, with a bit of spousal pillow intervention I was able to sleep on either of my sides for a few hours and on my back and had pretty a full nights sleep, waking up fresh on Monday.
The moral of the story: if your wife, partner or anyone offers a suggestion, don’t poo poo it before you try it!