Hi everyone, a couple of years ago I was told I have a femoral hernia and the surgeon I spoke to told me nothing might happen ever but if it does it is emergency surgery and could be very serious. He has left it up to me to decide and just to phone if I want it done. There lies the problem, I don't know! I am scared, after all the surgery I have had I don't want any more so I have just been ignoring it when it aches, I wish he had said it had to be done and not left it up to me. It is repaired with mesh and that puts me off as well as I have read some horror stories about it he also said the pain could be worse after the op. I was wondering if anyone here has had it done with mesh and what the recovery was like and maybe that would help me make a decision.I didn't get my normal morning e.mail from the site today but yesterday I got four, is it just me?? Char
Hernia op: Hi everyone, a couple of... - British Heart Fou...
Hernia op

What a dilemma they have put you in I agree why could they just not say you have to have it done or you don't I would be in exactly the same turmoil as you wondering what to do
I have no experience with this at all hopefully others will when they see your post but what you have read try not to let that play on your mind to much as when we read anything it always seems they focus more on the negatives rather than the positives
I think someone else has done a post saying they have had no mail and I have not had any these things happen sometimes
I hope you make the right decision for you and let us know what you decide x
Hi there was something about the consultant that didn't give me much confidence in him I am not sure what it was but I can't put my finger on it, he never even bothered to send me a letter after it explaining things, I have had a great reply from qualipop about the mesh and I am going to see if I can get it done without it, I have never asked for a second opinion or for another consultant and I have no idea what to do but I will need to find out as it niggles away with me, especially when he told me if left it can strangle the bowel lead to sepsis and well!! Hmm not so good, or just leave it and nothing might happen, I am confused to say the least, I hope you are feeling a bit better and managing to get out in the garden unless your weather has changed like ours up north, char
He would not have given me much confidence either have you thought about asking for a second opinion I think I would seriously consider it but glad Qualipop could give you some advice to help
Me I am nearly pulling my hair out as they say here when you cannot take much more they have decided it is going to be insulin and I am suffering with a dreadful stomach to but thank you for asking x
I did read about your diabetes it must have been a shock on top of everything else you are going through. I hope they can help you with something for your stomach it just all gets you down.I am going to phone my GP and see if they can help re a second opinion as I have no idea how to get one. Char
I think the shock is I have never eaten as healthy and then you end up with this and yes another thing to cope with now when I am already not coping and as for my stomach the Doctor just keeps loading more things on me to take which to be honest has not helped I feel worse she is phoning later so will be telling her
I think that is a good idea your Doctor may even be able to do a referral for you asking for one
Let us know how you get on x
OH PLEASE avoid mesh. Hernias can be repaired with your own tissue it just takes longer and you need to f ind a good surgeon. It's most often women who get mesh used for prolapses and other abdominal problems and the problems it causes are utterly horrific but it's used in men too. It's now been banned for some procedures but st ill used for hernias. Whether they call it tape or mesh it's the same thing causing auto immune disorders for years and years; constant pain because it goes hard and sharp and can cut through internal structures. There's a Facebook group called sling the mesh which is mainly women but clearly shows what problems can arise. 34 years ago I had mesh used after a hysterectomy to fasten my bladder back to my spinal ligaments so I supposedly wouldn't get a prolapse. The pain started within a week and has worsened ever since affecting spine, bowel and bladder. I've been in a wheelchair for 20 years because I can't bear to stand up; on the highest dose of opiates I can have and my life has been ruined. It can be removed with great difficulty and only at a very few hospitals but the damage has already been done. I would be looking for a different surgeon who does not use mesh and who would give you better advice.
Thank you so much for your reply and I am so sorry to hear what you have been through it sounds horrific. to be honest I didn't feel confident in him at all, I suppose that's why I have been dithering about getting it done, he never even copied me in with the letter from the consultation my transplant nurse ended up printing it off for me and pointing that out. I don't know who to ask about finding someone else to do it, do GP's help with this type of thing. I have always just accepted what a consultant has said to me and many years ago I ended up having a hysterectomy that I didn't need and has possibly caused the hernias, I have one at the other side as well but it's a different type and not dangerous same general hospital 😡 he frightened the daylights out of me. Char
I haven't a clue how to find one other than asking around and Googling I'm afraid. Mine was done without prior permission or my knowledge. Some people seem able to cope with mesh but a lot can't. It went through Parliament to ban it for things like hysterectomies but it's still used for other things because it's so much simpler to do than using your own tissues.
Afternoon Char, so sorry to hear about your dilemma. I haven’t had this problem but John did, he had it fixed by the mesh method. Luckily he had no problems at all, recovered very quickly and was back at work within a few weeks.
Would it be worth having a conversation with your transplant team?
Sending you very best wishes Pauline xxx
Hi lovely to hear from you, I hope you are doing all right and keeping as well as possible.I spoke to my consultant just in general about it when I first found out and they just said they were fine with it to go ahead, I feel I do have to go ahead with it in case the worst happens. I am not sure how to go about getting a second opinion, I will phone my GP and hope they can point me in the right direction. Char x
I just had to say Hello even though this is not my post and sorry Thanksnhs for that but had to say I have been thinking about you and hope you are doing the best you can be and keeping well x
I am doing okay have my moments, miss him every day. Health wise, not too bad. Last echo showed pressure was the same as last year. So the pig’s valve is doing okay it’s now over 7 years old so we will see what next year brings, I was told at my last review that now days the tissue valves are lasting longer because of better medication.
Best wishes Pauline xx
It must be really hard Pauline when someone as special as John is no longer with you but he is still looking over you and always by your side
I am glad your valve is doing well and I will never forget all the support and comfort you gave me when I was frightened about my op I just wished I could do the same for you and take your pain away x
Thats a great idea, second opinion can’t hurt.
I am doing okay, have my moments! I miss him so much. Long to hear his voice again! What do they say grief is the price we pay for love! In the past 12 months our granddaughters have achieved so much, I just wish we could share in their success together.
Let me know how you get on.
Love Pauline xx
I had a hernia repair 15 years ago. The surgeon recommended the use of mesh, to which I readily agreed. Seven days after the op I was back driving my car, and have had no issues since.
It does appear mesh is perfectly ok for some of us
Thanks for your reply, I had heard of so many problems with mesh that I was scared it would happen to me and I know that at some point I will need to get it repaired. The surgeon saying that I had to make the decision has just left me worrying about it and reading Dr Google too much 😅 it's great to hear that after 15years you have had no trouble at all. Char