Sometimes I just want a day off from ... - British Heart Fou...

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Sometimes I just want a day off from the ‘sensible’ diet…..

Heyjude31 profile image
110 Replies

Does anyone else feel like this? It’s bank holiday weekend, and I have recently been on holiday and was very good at sticking to my healthy diet, but today I just feel like eating chocolate and cakes and biscuits! I know it’s about all things in moderation but I would like a weekend off! Happy bank hols everyone, Jude🤗

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Heyjude31 profile image
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110 Replies
Dogloverxthree profile image

Enjoy for once a little of what you fancy does you good

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply toDogloverxthree

You too! x

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply toDogloverxthree

You too! Have a lovely weekend x

Captain_Birdseye profile image

I may get shot down here... but as long as you don't overdo it and it doesn't become a habit... enjoy your weekend.

I was once advised that an 'off' meal doesn't need to mean an off day... and an off day doesn't need to mean an off week. And you might find that once you've satisfied the craving, you're done and ready to be back on the wagon.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply toCaptain_Birdseye

That’s makes sense, and a great way to look at it! Have a lovely weekend x

BeKind28- profile image

Hello :-)

Yes I feel the same so often just about everyday and it does not help when you live with 2 people who can eat what they want and you sit and watch feeling fed up

I know a little treat does not harm you but my other issue is when I do that I feel so guilty after

So I would like a weekend of where I eat what I want and guilt free doubtful it will happen

I cannot remember when I last had bacon or fish and chips and sometimes I just would love to have some so you are not alone how you feel :-)

I hope you will treat yourself and have a lovely Bank Holiday to :-) x

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply toBeKind28-

Hi, it is difficult to weigh up the enjoyment with the feelings of guilt sometimes. I do try and eat lots of fish, not in batter, but then I will have a handful of chips in the air fryer! I hope you have a lovely weekend xx

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply toHeyjude31

:-) x

Sljp0000 profile image
Sljp0000 in reply toBeKind28-

Hi BKThere's nothing wrong with bacon. Get the nitrate free bacon from sainsburys. Cut off all the fat and grill. That with poached eggs and maybe half a slice of wholemeal toast is an excellent breakfast for protein and a great breakfast for your diabetes xx

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply toSljp0000

Hello :-)

I always used to cut the fat of bacon grill it but I have never had that bacon from Sainsburys nitrate free

I will get some and thank you for the suggestion :-)

I hope you are keeping well :-) x

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

Please don't tell anyone.....🤫 I had a cream tea last month. (I dare not say if I put clotted cream on the scone before the jam- the Cornish/ Devon scone and clotted cream order police may give me grief)I savoured every mouth full.

Etblue profile image
Etblue in reply toMilkfairy


HHH2017 profile image
HHH2017 in reply toMilkfairy

This is music to my ears lol

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply toMilkfairy

Hello :-)

Your secret is safe with me I wont tell anyone :-D :-) x

Heyjude31 profile image

How wonderful! 👏👏 The debate is always a good one. Also do we say scone as in phone or scone as in gone! 😀

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star in reply toHeyjude31

Ah, the north south divide?My husband says scone as in phone, I say scone as in gone.

Managed 35 years of marriage debating the pronunciation 😂

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply toMilkfairy

Wonderful! 🤗

Hrty profile image
Hrty in reply toMilkfairy

Same in our household. It's definitely gone although Mrs H will insist on phone. She is obviously wrong as se also likes bananas and peanut butter 🤢

HeartyJames profile image
HeartyJames in reply toMilkfairy

How do you say cone? Says it all. It's not con. So its scone as in phone :) I am from Yorkshire

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply toHeartyJames

I think this debate could go on for a while! I wonder what it says in the etiquette books? 😀

Dollcollector profile image
Dollcollector in reply toHeartyJames

I am from Yorkshire and l say scone as in gone.

HeartyJames profile image
HeartyJames in reply toDollcollector

How Bizarre

fishonabike profile image
fishonabike in reply toMilkfairy

how you say it and the order of the cream/jam combo make no difference to the end product! bon apetit whatever you say! (as long as you don't pronounce the final "t"!)

Dunandjam profile image
Dunandjam in reply toMilkfairy

I do too xx

Keder profile image
Keder in reply toMilkfairy

We decided on scoon but your pronunciation is correct.

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply toHeyjude31

Personally I vote for gone

BobbyB1962 profile image
BobbyB1962 in reply toHeyjude31

I'm scone as in gone ...... and definitely cream first and then jam! 😋

Keder profile image
Keder in reply toBobbyB1962

No salted butter. Jam then cream. Does it really matter?

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply toHeyjude31

Hello :-)

It is phone here :-) x

Rogo23 profile image
Rogo23 in reply toBeKind28-

It's easy.When it's on the plate it's a scoone, when you have eaten it it's scone.😂

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply toRogo23

Someone is on top form today :-D :-) x

Rogo23 profile image
Rogo23 in reply toBeKind28-


BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply toRogo23

:-) x

Autumn_Leaves profile image

Pleasure is an important part of life. Taking pleasure in food is a way to feed the soul. If you see sweet or very tasty foods as forbidden you’re more likely to crave them and overdo it, so it’s fine to have a little bit of indulgence here and there and really savour the moment.

I don’t know if this will work for you but have you ever tried a mindful eating exercise? You can find a how-to online if you search for ‘raisin meditation’. The exercise uses a raisin but you could use a nut or something else, and explore the texture, the scent, the mouth sensations and so on. When you do get around to having a slice of cake or a few chocolates or whatever takes your fancy, you can really take pleasure in the experience. You may find that you don’t necessarily eat the whole packet or the whole cake, lol. It’s also nicer to share the experience if you can. Eating socially is better than comfort eating alone.

Always remember, if you do overdo it, remind yourself that we all do sometimes. It’s not the end of the world. It’s what we do MOST of the time that matters, and if that’s all going well, a bit of what you fancy feeds the soul.

Creations profile image
Creations in reply toAutumn_Leaves

I've found my taste buds have changed. I've read this happens every 6 weeks or so, but I can't remember the source. I now hate anything with chocolate or cream, and I used to be a chocoholic. Can't remember what bacon tastes like. I treat myself to fish and chips at the seaside, and occasionally in between. Cake is still my downfall, but increasingly it tastes too sweet. Starting to make fruit crumbles as a substitute but not every weekend. Mauve top 1° milk is a god send. I would advise to make changes slowly and don't beat yourself up. It's taken me 4 years to get to this point

Autumn_Leaves profile image
Autumn_Leaves in reply toCreations

Yes, I’ve heard that too and I think there’s truth in that.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply toAutumn_Leaves

I shall try that exercise with dark chocolate if I can do it for long enough without eating it! 😀

Autumn_Leaves profile image
Autumn_Leaves in reply toHeyjude31

That’s how I eat chocolate all the time! It’s like being one of those wine tasters! 😂

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply toAutumn_Leaves

Sound advice! 🙏

benjijen profile image

Go for it!!!!

Ascb profile image

Hi, I agree with Captain Birdseye.... I have lost weight on a diet that included a day off where I had what I wanted once a week. It worked very well. Think of the 80/20 rule. Eat in a healthy way 80% of the time, the other 20%, have what you want.

momander profile image

HiI guess it depends why you are in the diet!? For me it's about heart health and doing everything I can to stay healthy and stay alive, so I just plod on with it. A wee treat never hurts as long as you get straight back in the diet. For me if I was to have anything naughty I would just keep eating it!! Not worth it!!

RaquelSpain profile image

I changed on to Whole Food eating earlier this year after finding out I have an irregular heart beat and was put on Sintrom, so I have to watch what I eat. Whenever I eat food that is full of free sugar I get tummy ache. I miss the cake etc but not worth the feeling after. You may find the treat is not as nice as you imagine it to be.

Carercmb profile image

Everyone needs a day off or a bank holiday. I can’t see the harm unless you continue it.I would have the usual treat in small portions.It’s not poison!🤣

The good news is you’re keeping to your diet and the small portion will now feel like heaven. Enjoy and let us know how you got on after your piece of cake or glass of wine 🎂🍾🥂🥳🎉

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply toCarercmb

I am looking forward to a glass of red wine this evening. Cheers! 😀

Dunandjam profile image
Dunandjam in reply toHeyjude31

I’ve had a few glasses tonight of a-lovely Shiraz

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply toDunandjam

I have enjoyed my glass of wine tonight. Shiraz is my favourite. I have also recently tried a nice Malbec.

Not sure my wine goes with low fat Chicken sausages, but hey it’s the weekend! 🤗

devonian186 profile image

Its well known that if you close your eyes and no one else sees you, that eating chocolate , cake, pizza, chocolate cake on pizza has no effect.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply todevonian186

Perfect! 🤗

Dollcollector profile image
Dollcollector in reply todevonian186


CrazyLif profile image

one has to consider one’s mental health too. We have just gone through both A level and GCSE results. We all needed treats, celebrations and a break - so lots of cakes and deliveroo involved. I will now get back on track - sometimes we just need to let go a little. No harm done.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply toCrazyLif

Totally agree. 🤗

Truffles2 profile image

Sometimes you just gotta have a day off. I used to drink every morning a Starbucks sugar free iced latte from the supermarket but even sugar free used to send my blood sugar up. So I stopped. Thought I would treat myself this morning and have one but urg I didn’t like it. So used to my own homemade skimmed milk no sugar iced latte. I hope when I treat myself to our family’s tradition fish and chips after picnic and day at the beach, even in the rain , today that it tastes wonderful

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply toTruffles2

Absolutely, enjoy! 🤗

Cavalierrubie profile image

l have a day off on special occasions and it doesn’t seem to do me any harm. Although l enjoy my cake, ice cream and chocolate, l am always glad to return back to healthy foods. The key is moderation. Life is too short. Enjoy.😀

GrannyE profile image

It depends why you are on a diet. If it is because you have a gluten intolerance then def a no no but if it is purely for weight loss then I guess a little bit now and again is OK although sugar does encourage the bad bacteria and fungal overgrowth. Try eating lots of cherries or strawberries or other luscious fruit.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply toGrannyE

Thank you, I do have a big bowl of mixed fruit after dinner every evening. I really enjoy it which is important. 🤗

Truffles2 profile image
Truffles2 in reply toGrannyE

I live on berries every other day of the week and I took some with me for my picnic but didn’t eat them, but I did eat the fish but the chips were just too greasy everyone says just eat the fish and leave the batter but why that’s the best bit

GrannyE profile image
GrannyE in reply toTruffles2

I cannot advise. I can only tell you what I eat and I accept that it is not for everyone because everyone is different. I don’t have gluten, minimal sugar, hardly fry, no dairy and minimal soy(the soy thing is because of the destruction of the environment to grow it). No processed meat. I prefer to steam than to boil. I no longer use the microwave to cook because I believe it destroys the enzymes in the food. I don’t like the thought of eating meat from animals that have had a terrible life but grass fed and free range OK.

Noodlesalad profile image

Hi because of my Hba1c result up again from last year my GP offered me a gym prescription and a diabetic dietician. I took both as clearly eating salad five days a week is not doing it for my weight. I start my diet on Monday with Second Nature and have been following their advice on diet choices and exercise, my knees are so painful today. I am going to give it my best shot and I can't believe how much food they want you to eat in a day. I will struggle with that because I'm not a big eater and of course most of the recipe suggestions are for upwards of two people which being single makes me mad but I can adjust recipes.I start swimming on the 18th September so I hope all these things combined will do the trick and get my blood glucose going in the right direction.

I wish you luck and my motto is once in a while we all need a treat.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply toNoodlesalad

Hello Noodlesalad do let me know how you get on. It can be sooooo hard sometimes with HBa1c levels. During the past few months my sugar levels were 80% in target range, but for some reason over the past 2 weeks they have gone awry for some reason. It is so frustrating. You would think after being type1 for 38 years I would get the hang of it!!! Do you have a Libre sensor? 🤗

Noodlesalad profile image
Noodlesalad in reply toHeyjude31

Morning thank you for responding. I don't have a libre sensor but joined the Diabetes Forum and most of the advice was to purchase a blood glucose monitor which I did and it took me a few goes to get the hang of it and as yet I haven't done the pre meal then post meal readings to see how much change there is my blood glucose depending on what I eat. I will keep you updated on my Second Nature progress and diet as for the exercise component only the swimming which I have done in the past is a semi pain free exercise for me.

Have a good bank holiday and thank you again.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply toNoodlesalad

Please do let me know how you get on and take care, Judi

Truffles2 profile image
Truffles2 in reply toNoodlesalad

? Second nature. Would like to know more about this. Wish I would be offered a diabetic dietitian I will ask at my next appointment. I was given the gym membership but am considered high risk so am not allowed to use the pool and can only use the gym at certain times( the odd hour here and there) which doesn’t really fit into my work pattern so have signed up with a women’s gym that has a little pool and lots of equipment. Am diabetic type 2 on insulin I have cut out most carbs but just cannot loose weight

Noodlesalad profile image
Noodlesalad in reply toTruffles2

Bless your heart.I would definitely ask your GP about diabetic dietician and Second Nature program.

I have never owned a set of scales to weigh myself and like most people know when I have put weight on by my clothes, you get a free set of scales from Second Nature and a recipe book. You have to download the app into your phone and there's a lot to read but each section short.

Lots of advice on diet, exercise and length of course. Your assigned a Nutrionist who you are encouraged to contact with any concerns especially regarding diet.

For me the biggest disappointment is all recipes apart from drinks are geared to more than one person! What about all is single ladies on a small budget!

I'll keep you posted, my course starts tomorrow but I've been doing it since Tuesday to get used to it.

Truffles2 profile image
Truffles2 in reply toNoodlesalad

Good on you. I have owned a pair of scales since bypass in feb. Have been told I need to weigh myself daily to monitor for fluid retention. I would be very interested how it works for you. I am lucky I have my husband and adult sons at home

Hylda2 profile image
Hylda2 in reply toNoodlesalad

My Hb1ac up again like you 38, 39, 40 now 41! Asked nurse about it at surgery, advised me it was my body getting old and shutting down!!! 🙄

Told her I wasn’t ready to go anywhere yet!

Good luck


Noodlesalad profile image
Noodlesalad in reply toHylda2

Bless you. What an awful thing to say to a patient!

Autumn_Leaves profile image
Autumn_Leaves in reply toHylda2

No, you are definitely not “shutting down”! Maybe she needs “shutting up”!!!! 😂😂

HHH2017 profile image

O feel your pain! I do have occasional days off and this works for me mentally but I instantly gain weight, and it goes on sooo much quicker than it comes off 🤷🏽‍♀️

This weekend my foodie treat is gonna be Michaels virtual afternoon tea party on Monday 😂👌🏼

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply toHHH2017

Yes, looking at cake can put on weight 🤣

HHH2017 profile image
HHH2017 in reply toHeyjude31

Always 😂 especially if my tingues hanging out! 😋

Noodlesalad profile image
Noodlesalad in reply toHHH2017

Bless you. You made me chuckle. I can't believe that being a size 10 all of my life till eleven years ago has led me to so many health problems and my sister continuously telling me it's all age related grrrr.Don't get old, don't get fat, don't eat sugar or refined carbs, don't drink alcohol, don't drink coffee before going to bed, but do drink gallons of water, plenty of veg, plenty of fruit...not too much though, lots of weird coloured not near products, whole wheat pasta, wholemeal bread, beans, pulses.......and don't forget your cocktail of medication! Goodness knows how I'll end up fat, thin, just keeping track of all this is a full time job😁

HHH2017 profile image
HHH2017 in reply toNoodlesalad

😂😂 crazy old life ain't it 🤪

Sljp0000 profile image

If I eat sensible main meals I allow myself what I fancy now and again. On holiday I had a Mr Whippy a few times but stuck to my salads/protein/veggies for meals. You can't live life without enjoying food. Also, let's not call them treats. It puts naughty food on a pedestal and we shouldn't feel bad about ant food we consume. Just makes cravings worse. Xx

DasyB profile image

I give myself a day off at least once a week! perhaps that is where I am going wrong?!

Noodlesalad profile image
Noodlesalad in reply toDasyB

Your not going wrong, your living.

SJ410 profile image

As already been said have the weekend off. Fir the last twenty years I've staid on healthy meals all week the Sat and Sun I have a cake with my fruit at lunch time I have home made cod and chips for dinner, Sunday I have a roast for dinner but still fruit and cake for lunch. BUT all the meal portions are sensible a size 😉👍

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply toSJ410

Great advice 🤗

Jetcat profile image

Go for it. 👍

LSCE profile image

Go for it, have a treat day. Enjoy

Misstibbs profile image

Hey jude just to say that the Zoe App provides some reassurance in that a sensible diet and some breaks so that you live a life has little impact on your health most of it is in and our destiny comes from our genes apparently- stressing about food too much is probably worse!

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply toMisstibbs

Thank you, good call with the App. 🙏

Misstibbs profile image
Misstibbs in reply toHeyjude31

This is probably easier than paying for the App, my doctor shared it with me.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply toMisstibbs

Thanks so much🙏

in reply toMisstibbs

Zoe wouldn't let me join with Diabetes Type 2 ! So listening to their great free podcasts😀

gorillaqueen profile image

Hi Heyjude I would so love to eat without feeling stressed and worried. Since my bypass I have become obsessed about what I eat and worry constantly about clogging my arteries up again. I have a healthy high fibre diet ( I hope) but if I do have a treat like the odd decaf skinny Cappuccino or the odd biscuit I feel so guilty and worried afterwards I really regret it. My husband chooses to eat what he likes but I don’t ever think wish I could eat that as his diet is definitely not good, it’s just the worry when I do allow myself a treat. Like you I recently went on holiday and was really good at watching my diet but the stress and constant worry about the what ifs is hard.

I can’t remember when I last had bacon for example but can’t say I miss it. I have tried to relax things a little as my cardiac rehab team said stressing about this is worse and everything in moderation but I can’t do it I find it more stressful than sticking to my diet. My family are fed up with me I think and I would love to be able to go for a meal with them without sitting there picking over the menu and worrying about everything such as how the foods been cooked etc. Have a lovely bank holiday weekend 😊🌞X

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply togorillaqueen

It is so difficult, I have no advice, but perhaps with time the stress will ease. We do need to enjoy life, all us hearties have been through so much. Providing we are sensible, then we should have some treats. good luck 🤗

gorillaqueen profile image
gorillaqueen in reply toHeyjude31

so agree yes we do need to enjoy life absolutely. I feel I’m too disciplined maybe but I can’t handle the stress and worry not being disciplined would cause. Reading some of the other comments I’m not alone X.

MattG1875 profile image

Iam 4 months post CABG, prior to my op I was a pretty healthy eater.. and fit but post op I question what could I have done differently. What I questioned was my diet and ended up going to another level, trying to reduce my saturated fat intake, so no choc, no butter, no pastry, no cheese, only lean meat etc. My CL was 4.8 pre op, with statins and my diet my CL reduced to 2.6. As diet only accounts for 10% of the CL reduction I am now thing I really need to find a balance between intake and pleasure. Guess it's all part of the learning curve.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply toMattG1875

Hi MattG1875, thank you for replying. I think it is difficult to find a balance, and I do think we need to enjoy our food! Interestingly my cardiac surgeon, when I asked him why my heart attack had happened he said, it is either my diabetes, hereditary or just bad luck! Perhaps he was being kind in not mentioning diet as a contributory factor. I had never had a problem with my blood pressure or CL, so who knows. I am grateful for every day and try to be good even though sometimes it feels that no matter what I do my blood sugar levels go awry. I am sitting here having some multi seeded toast with olive oil spread and a latte made with decaf coffee and skimmed milk. I might just have a cake on bank holiday Monday! Happy weekend 🤗

MattG1875 profile image
MattG1875 in reply toHeyjude31

When I first started getting about post op, we went for a walk round a small lake (big pond) and stopped for a coffee, I didn't have a cake but there was one I had my eye on and it looked amazing. I very close to going back for that..... May be Monday's the day. 😂

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply toMattG1875


pasigal profile image

I have found that a tiny bit of forbidden fruit satisfies my cravings. Literally 3 chips, one spoonful of ice cream or a thumb-size piece of steak and I'm happy.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply topasigal

That’s well disciplined! 👏👏

cappachina profile image

Hate to admit to this but while reading post I am enjoying a fish fro the chip shop but with no chips My bank holiday treat to myself

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply tocappachina

Good for you. Hope you enjoyed it!!!

cappachina profile image
cappachina in reply toHeyjude31

I did thank you a d I had 6 squares of chocolate tonight but I will be goodtomorrow again

Carion profile image

I know exactly how you feel. I would love a day off banned food and supplements. I have a high CRP level that is stopping me from having my OHS which I need now. I get no help or advice from the medical professions on how to lower my CRP so have researched it online. I've had to really cut back on cake, biscuits and carbohydrates and stop eating my beloved and craved crisps. I've also started taking a turmeric supplement. I would love a day where I didn't take the turmeric and could eat nothing but crisps all day. I crave crisps!

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply toCarion

I do hope you get sorted soon 🤗

Wooodsie profile image

Go for it, why ever not 🤷‍♂️

KIMMY60 profile image

Be careful because I had fish in batter for my birthday meal and ended up in A& E the next day with my AF racing heart at 170 , drug drip took several hours to slow it down but at least they know which one works for me now, not have to go through 4 other drugs before they find the right one

Autumn_Leaves profile image
Autumn_Leaves in reply toKIMMY60

Good grief! What in earth was in that batter?!! Or maybe it was something else you had in that meal. What an ordeal, on your birthday too.

KIMMY60 profile image
KIMMY60 in reply toAutumn_Leaves

I know happy bloody birthday did manage to get home the next day as my family had arranged to visit. We sat on the beach and I watched my grandchildren play in the sea just happy to see another day in the sun 🌞

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply toKIMMY60

Hi KIMMY60, just read your bio. How are you doing now? Take care 🤗

KIMMY60 profile image
KIMMY60 in reply toHeyjude31

Am home from hospital now but very scary this time heart racing 160 again I can't take beta blockers as my in-between normal rate is too low. So have to go on the blood thinners and wait till it happens again, then they will try this pill in hospital first dose to slow the heart. If I'm suitable can carry those in my bag for when I get an attack ,I think this is a temporary measure said I will end up with a pacemaker

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply toKIMMY60

Please keep is posted and let us know how you get on 🤗

Keder profile image

The thing about so-called dieting is it has to be a way of life. My mother put me on a strict weight-reducing diet when I was eight years old. I can remember the hunger! So for the next 64 years I rebelled and got quite big.

Then came the first heart attack and a surgeon looked me up and down and said 'You need to lose weight.'

So I decided to change my eating habits and it worked - I lost over two stone in about 12 months. Just less of what I like, cut out the snacking and no food after 6pm. Always better to lose weight slowly.

I weigh myself daily checking for both water retention and mass increase. Weight does vary and I note that after even a slight deviation from my normal routine, weight may increase by several pounds. Sigh. This is all without doing much exercise.

Talking of deviating: I had a lovely big burger in a pub recently - took a week to get back to previous weight but it was worth the anguish.

Hope that helps you

Heyjude31 profile image

I had a lovely choux bun for afternoon tea today, my excuse is bank holiday Sunday. I shall be back to normal on Tuesday. 👏👏

KIMMY60 profile image

Just exhausted now do a little job have to sit down heart beat has settled but need time to recover now just have to watch more what I eat until the next attack if heart racing just seems to come from nowhere sometimes can't pin point a reason been going on ten years just getting worse first of all doctors said stress, then hormones, only just got it diagnosed and maybe hopefully the right treatment probably end up with a pacemaker eventually

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