I’ve had episodes of chest pain on exertion in the past , I’ve had a heart mri , ct angiogram and exercise stress test , tests and scans all ok . I walk to take my daughter to school every day, I’ve had a two week break with the Easter holidays but Monday it was back to it and it triggered the all too familiarl left sided chest pain that stops after a few minutes . I’m going to action heart next week after a referral from my cardiologist , (he thinks I need cardiac rehab )so it will be interesting to see if I get any chest pain when I’m there . In a way when I go I hope I do get the symptoms I get when I’m walking up the hill just to see what is said if I have the heart monitor/ecg on at the time . I’ve been struggling with cardiac symptoms since I developed pericarditis due to post pacemaker complications . I’m 50 but feel much older at times .
chest pain triggered by walking uphill - British Heart Fou...
chest pain triggered by walking uphill

You haven't mentioned angina, which your cardiologist must have identified as a symptom of something that may not be quite right and for which you are being investigated. Chest pain after or during exercise which normally goes after rest is a symptom of stable angina. One common treatment is a GTN spray. Have you been prescribed one? If not they are available over the counter at pharmacists. And if your condition is not worsening, investigations aside, it is, apparently, possible for people to live 'normally' with stable angina subject to monitoring and with the use of the GTN spray and/or other medication. However if your chest pain symptoms suddenly worsen and don't go way the advice is to call 999, which is something I am sure you have already been told.
Cardiologist and go both said my symptoms can’t be angina as I had scans over a year ago that were ok . No gtn spray prescribed though I have been given it on a few occasions , twice by paramedics and once in hospital . I haven’t had any chest pains today thankfully so I guess everything is ok .
I am currently waiting tests for something like this, possible, microvascular angina, not picked up by angiogram. More often by women. BH site has a good description of it. Keep pushing till you get answers!
What symptoms do you have ? Scans done over a year ago were ok so ruled out angina . I think they’re putting my symptoms down to anxiety which is a slight concern as before I lhad tests and diagnosed with heart problems that warranted me needing a pacemaker I was repeatedly told my symptoms were all caused by stress and anxiety .
had bypass Oct 2019, then we went into lockdown! Heaviness and tightness in chest, more difficult if walking up inclines and going up stairs. Angina was ruled out after op! Talked to gp , and given different pain killers. Eventually got referred back to Barts in Feb. Waiting CT scan and echo.
Read A Woman’s Heart by Dr Angela Maas, which has been helpful.
You might be interested in this information from the BHF website. It's Jenny Waller's story about being diagnosed with microvascular angina following coronary bypass surgery.
You may find this website helpful too.
Prof Angela Maas's book is very good. She has sadly now retired as a Cardiologist.
There certainly is a lack of awareness about how heart disease affects women differently.
thanks for your information, will continue to read up on it!!