hello good update you with my progress. Post up where I had a quadruple heart bypass and a replacement valve. It’s day four and I am in pain on my arm and chest. This is my new horse by a lot of floating in my belly and because I’m constipated. My oxygen is running a little low at 91% so they put me on one or 2% and trying it on and off. I’m in pain around the chest and arm where they have taken the vein from. I’ve been up in hours every day walking up and down the ward. I’m really tired and look forward to just been able to breathe and move without pain. It’s worth saying the staff have been absolutely amazing. It really does look like I care I want to do the best. I am in at the Priory at Edgbaston. Does anybody have any tips around what I’ve said and what day 567 will look like we’re expecting to be discharged in the next couple of days. Thank you so much. God bless
update post quad bypass. and valve - British Heart Fou...
update post quad bypass. and valve

Hi Bubbler99
I don’t have any advice on this topic but I just wanted to say that overall you sound really positive, well done!
Keep going, take one day at a time and I’m sending best wishes for a speedy recovery ❤️🩹
Soap 🧼
Its extremely early days. Presumably they won't release you until they feel you can cope at home. The operation, the aftermath and the medicines will knock you sideways.
it will likely take weeks before you start to feel remotely normal and you will often take one step forward and two steps back in your recovery.
Have you prepared for your return home as things will need to be rearranged to cater for your change of circumstances, sitting and sleeping arrangements, access to food and drink, entertainment etc
Hi Bubbler
I am on Day 15 post CABG. Mine was double and vein was removed from my leg.
I really do understand how you feel, and as tiring as it is, , in my experience walking up and down the ward is the best thing you can do.
Because your vein was removed from your arm, my guess is that your pain is more localised to the upper part of your body.
Day 5 for me was easier than Day 4 as the pain was becoming more controlled. Talk to you doctors about this when they come round this morning. You really need to have that pain under control and balanced out with the right amount of laxative to deal with your constipation. You really must talk to them about this as their are many ways ( not all pleasant) to relieve your discomfort.
Day 6 and 7 onwards if you get the pain and constipation more controlled should become a little easier and you should then be able to get some meaningful rest.
Unfortunately sleep doesn’t come easy for some time. I manage to get about one and a half hours at at time before I start beating up the pillows. Pillows feel like bricks in your back but by Day 6 and 7 for me started to become softer.
You sound like you are doing really well. Don’t beat yourself up too much. You are up, on your feet, walking around and that’s more than many people were able to do when I was in hospital last week.
Do seriously talk to staff about your pain and constipation. If you could alleviate those just a little it makes a major difference physically and psychologically. Believe me I really do understand! Bear in mind though that we are all individuals and our recovery is different . At Day 4 I felt like had had been to war with a double decker bus. At Day 15, I feel like I actually might be able to throw a punch back at the double decker bus, psychologically at least.
Hope this helps a little and that you are feeling better soon.
Age 71, 2xPCI, CABG and AVR.
I’m 5 months post op. They used the Saphenous vein as my donor vein but my chest and arm are only just feeling mostly normal, had some discomfort until now.
I tried swimming at about 12 weeks, doing crawl was extremely painful, breast and backstroke were ok.
I was discharged at 6 days, doing Parkrun at 12 weeks and I’ve been told I’m doing exceptionally well. Surgeon discharged me at 8 weeks.
I wasn’t sleeping lying down until 6 weeks or so, used a triangular pillow for some time. The first month or so I was waking every 4 hours in exactly the same routine as in hospital.
Hi it will get better but I’m sorry to say you are at the very start of a long journey. Im now 16 month’s post quadruple and even now I get chest discomfort especially if I lift something to heavy, but on the other side I’m a million times better now.
You have to remember you have had one of the most major surgeries you can have your body has just done 10 rounds in a boxing ring. If you were to brake your arm it it takes a couple years to finally know what your left with.
The main thing is to not rush and take it easy use your cushion, take all the pain killers, take all the help you can get, rehab is well worth it. I still go to Action Heart at Russells Hall HP which is not far from the Priory, it’s brilliant one of the main things about it is the mental side with the rehab your with people who are in exactly the same position and fully understand the pain and anxiety.
Hope you start to feel better soon, going home will make a big difference and once you get the first month over things will look much better.
Thanks Martin.
I won't give you a run down but I will say you will be pleasantly surprised how quickly you recover if it all goes to plan. Well before day 567! 😁