Been getting chest tightness for the last week when I was walking to my daughters school , this changed to chest pain so thought I should get checked over , I was seen in cardiac assessment and I have raised infection markers they have started me on colchicine again as in December 2020 I was very unwell with pericarditis and an effusion , I’ll be having a cardiac mri, the last couple of days I’ve started getting intermittent very sharp chest pain just while I’m sitting or lying down , occasional tight feeling in my throat , breathless when I was putting a load of laundry into the machine . Really hoping this isn’t the early start of peri again , I’m going to have my pacemaker repositioned next week and I got pericarditis after having my pacemaker so starting to feel slightly concerned about my symptoms .
Pacemaker repositioning procedure &’p... - British Heart Fou...
Pacemaker repositioning procedure &’possible pericarditis

Must be v worrying, but you are at least getting some good attention? I hope it settles down with the colchicine … sounded as if it did that with your last episode. Hang onto that…
Keep in touch.
I had myocarditis in 2000 and was put on colchicine for 3 months. At first they thought I'd had a heart attack as markers high. I couldn't swallow as the inflammation spread throughout my chest. But colchicine really helped my symptoms. I did develop af but I've not had an episode in 21 months approx. It does take time and be kind to yourself and take it easy when you need to.
I’m glad you are doing better now , I’ve felt awful today , I think it’s mainly side effects of colchicine , I get breathless doing things, exhausted just doing bits at home . I’mHoping it’s just the medication as I have my pacemakerreposotion procedure a week tomorrow
It sounds like it could be the pericarditis returning. There is no indication it will be a serious episode as loads of people get mild self limiting ones. Good thing you’ve also been started on colchicine which often helps. Get a lot of rest and try not to worry too much. If there’s concerns it’s the pericarditis they might have to postpone your pacemaker operation till things settle. Hope everything goes well.
I am sorry that you are suffering from post procedure problems. I have a permanent pacemaker since February 2000 at St Thomas but having early check up at Dartford. Although my post implant problems are quite different from yours but nevertheless very interesting. As a medic, I have heard about Colchicine but never used it because it must be used with great caution. Was this used in your case as an inflammatory and if so why they chose this in preference to others. Infection following implant is rare but still worrying. Are you in risk factor like diabetes or immunocompromised for some reason? Wish you a speedy recovery. I have learnt something new.
I was started on colchicine on my third emergency admission to CCU , I wasn’t told how serious pericarditis is and wasn’t told how vital it was I rested . As I’d been feeling better a few days after my second hospital stay I was walking to take my daughter to and from school and rushing around getting ready for Christmas . Due to all the rushing around I ended up getting very unwell on Christmas Eve , saw my gp and she called an ambulance . The effusion had got to a dangerous size and even though my heart was constantly beating at 150 I couldn’t feel it racing , the paramedic kept asking if I could feel it and said he was really surprised as cardiac wise basically I was running a marathon , I was in for a week and needed iv antibiotics , ibuprofen , colchicine and pain relief . I came very close to needing the fluid drained . When I was discharged I had to continue all the meds apart from the antibiotics. I was taken off colchicine in august but kept on naproxen for costochondritis. The colchicine is an effective medication for pericarditis . I have no risk factors . Thank you for your reply .
Less than 24 hours to go until procedure day , I’m hoping it’s 3rd time lucky 🤞