hi, I'm a 50 yr old perimenopausal woman. I had a heart attack 5 years ago and had two stents put in. Since then I have been generally fine with sporadic episodes of what is probably angina. Been checked out each time and nothing was discovered to be wrong. Since the weather has been getting hotter I feel like my heart is struggling, in early July I had a couple of really sharp pains in my chest, they lasted only a few seconds each time and then I felt really tired so I rested. I get heart palpitations or tightness in the chest or occasional mild chest pain with some lightheadedness. None of these last very long about 5 to 10 mins. I can barely go a week without something like that happening, especially when I'm really warm. The hot flushes don't help either lol. I just wondered if anyone else has experienced anything like this and if it is likely to clear up when the weather starts to cool down. Am reluctant to go to doctor as I feel they will not find anything wrong as usual and I'll end up feeling like I've wasted their time and mine. Thanks.
anyone else feel like they are strug... - British Heart Fou...
anyone else feel like they are struggling in the hot weather

I do find the hot weather is harder to cope with I had a triple Bypass last year and I can tell the difference when it gets to warm but from what you have said you need to go and get checked out if they find nothing wrong that is good but you are not wasting their time and I am sure they would say that to you if they knew what you was thinking
Make an appointment and let us know how you get on x
Dear Freda7
Please contact your Drs and please don’t worry about wasting their time, they would rather tell you that there is nothing wrong than tell you that they could have done more if you had got there sooner.
5 to 10 mins is a longtime for a tightness and lightheadness and needs to be investigated, you maybe issued with a GTN spray that may or may not release that feeling.
So please go to the Dr or even phone 111 , but please do something and don’t suffer anymore.
We would be interested in knowing how you got on
Take care
😂😂well I live in Scotland so no!! The few days of summer heat we had yes I found it hard the breath. I'm getting ready to wear my hat and gloves!! 😂😂
Hot weather seems to make me unwell in all sorts of ways, in particular if I am in the direct sunlight.
Heat does increase the oppressive nature of my ongoing chest pain and tightness. But as you’ll know menopause reduces that hormone that’s starts with an e (can’t spell it) and this can make all sorts of thing feel worse regards pain I’ve heard? None the less as above consult someone medical very soon. Take care.
Hi FredaI do think the hot weather, especially humidity makes the heart work much harder and with the added beast of menopause brewing you body is in a battle. It is worth trying your GP to see if they will check you out, but in the mean time try to avoid the midday heat and lets hope we soon return to good old British rain x
Yes to struggling in the heat ! Do go and seek advice - in the meantime do what you can to stay cool - I’m staying home on days expected to be very hot , windows and back door open , curtains closed , drinking lots and lots - not alocohol ha ha ! I have a fan , cool shower etc doing lots of reading in shade in garden , however even in shade it has been too hot some days. I hope you find a way to get through this week with less worry .
Hi I'm 50 also perimenapause this is a nightmare in itself I struggle in this hot weather plus I got low b12 and low iron I feel every ache and pain in my heart and occasionally get angina attacks, I would go to the doctor just for peace of mind
Contact your GP, something isn't right. I love the sunshine and hot weather and spend as much time as possible outside.
After a HA and two stents last June I found it really difficult to tolerate the heat in July and August last year, to say the least this really upset me and I was quite worried as to how I would cope with Summer 2022.
I'm pleased to say I've thoroughly enjoyed myself being outdoors this Summer and I've had zero issues with heat, the garden and allotment are in top shape if a little on the dry side!!
I'm 70 by the way.
Thank you for all your replies, I will get an appointment with my GP as soon as I can. Fortunately I work in an air conditioned office and we have a small air con unit at home so am doing my best to stay cool. Hope you all enjoy the rest of the summer.
Hot weather will obviously not be helping and yes it exacerbates my heart and menopausal issues too (I drink lots of water, wear a hat etc) but....if you're having chest pains and other symptoms are worsening I think you should talk to your doctor. They can't help if they don't know what's going on. I know it's frustrating nowadays getting an appointment but it's often worth it.Best wishes!
Hi Freda7 ... from what you have said it does sound like you have had a change in your symptoms so I agree with others, that it is worth discussing these with your doctor for their opinion.
To answer your question though, yes I have noticed that I experience an increase in breathlessness and on occasion tight chest in the heat. I have been diagnosed with heart disease. From what I understand the body strives to keep itself at a constant temperature so when the weather is hot, the body has a bit of extra work to do. So take care to slow down and take it easy in the heat and strive to keep yourself as cool as possible. If you are going from an air conditioned building out into the heat, perhaps having a cold drink to take out with you might help to cool you down and try to keep to the shade if you can.
Menopause adds to the complication of what is triggering your symptoms and from what I understand Palpitations can be a symptom of Menopause. (Your doctor is best placed to advise you for your individual circumstances but I personally find that knowing the possibilities is helpful).
My own GP directed me to a website by Dr Louise Newson for evidence based information about the Menopause. There are lots of factsheets on there. I personally found it useful and was surprised just how many symptoms can be connected to Menopause. Here is the link if you are interested
I'd be interested to hear what your GP has to say.
Hello Freda7 . A doctor now retired told me last week to take it easy in the heat. Not to do much strenuous exercise . I’m starting to feel tired after exercise now so am curtailing it until the temperature is much lower.,
Agree with advice to consult your GP but have a look at the BHF website where there is advice re hot weather which makes heart work harder.
Just a point to note, all commenters will probably be in blood thinning drugs. I understand that can be a problem in hot weather (rather than the heart). It would be good to get a medical response to that though as I read conflicting information.