Heart, heat or dental : I can’t believe... - British Heart Fou...

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Heart, heat or dental

MummaSoap profile image
34 Replies

I can’t believe what glorious weather we’re having but 30 seconds stood in it to wave relatives off this afternoon was enough for me! Definitely enjoyed the respite of the brief showers too.

I’ve been feeling rough the last few days but can’t decide if it’s my heart, the heat or the infection in my wisdom teeth (well where they used to be, all 3 of them). I’m on antibiotics, 20ml of calpol and 30mg codeine 4 times a day at the moment so I guess that could also be a factor.

It’ll be 2 weeks tomorrow since my surgery and I’m still unable to open my mouth properly or eat much.

Does anyone have any tips for hydrating and soft foods I can eat to keep me going? At the moment I’m living on weetabix, complan shakes, scrambled egg, mashed potato (with and without Philadelphia) custard and mousses.

Tried eating a magnum yesterday but couldn’t open my mouth wide enough to eat it so ended up cutting into pieces in a bowl 😂🙈

Hope everyone is managing well and keeping cool and safe in the sunshine ☀️

Best wishes

Soap 🧼

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MummaSoap profile image
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34 Replies
Yumz199725 profile image

Hi Mummasoap

Sounds like a combination of all three to be honest. Had something similar on Friday was awful felt so rough after being out in the sun was a combination of not sleeping well, travelling and walking in the sun and I only did it for 15 minutes what a joke. Sorry to hear about your wisdom tooth sounds well painful and annoying 😕😭.

Hope you feel better soon x

MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply toYumz199725

I avoid going outside when it’s like this because I’ve been close to fainting too many times and at least at home, I’m in a familiar environment if that makes sense?

Thank you for your kind words, it is getting better slowly but I’m already quite thin and I think I’ve lost nearly a stone in 2 weeks so I’m starting to worry about that.

Plus my skin on my face has exploded, initially I thought it was the general anaesthetic that caused it but now I’m wondering if it’s the infection.

Thank you x

Tos92 profile image

Codeine makes me feel awful. I really felt like I was going to pass out on it when I was given it on one instance during an A&E trip. It made me want to vomit as well so I can’t imagine what 4 loads of Codeine a day are like!

I know you said you’re not sure if it’s your heart. There are some antibiotics that can cause abnormal heartbeats. Have you checked the patient information leaflet for yours?

Definitely sounds like a combination of all the above and the weather to me.

In terms of hydrating and soft foods, the first thing that comes to mind is baby food 🤣. Would fruit be an option for you such as berries? Even bananas, but they’re probably more soft than hydrating.

I hope others suggest better food options. I can’t imagine the ones I’ve recommended will keep you full and going 😂.

Hope the symptoms subside soon and the dental surgery heals sooner rather than later.

MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply toTos92

I was REALLY sleepy on it to begin with but seem to be tolerating it a bit better now.

From your recommendation, I did check the leaflet and there’s no mention of abnormal heartbeat or rhythms but it does mention nausea and dizziness so could be partly responsible for that.

I can have fruit but have to be careful of anything with seeds in case they get stuck in the wound. Unfortunately I cannot stand bananas but I was considering it. I might have to just to make sure I’m getting enough balanced nutrition!

Thank you for your kind words, it’s really appreciated

Threecats profile image

Hi Mummasoap

I’m sorry to hear you’re feeling rough. As you say, in that situation it’s hard to know what’s causing it. I’ve certainly struggled with codeine in the past. When I had a couple of wisdom teeth out years ago things went a bit pear-shaped with an infection which took a while to resolve. I found soup was a lifesaver for me - along with my blender! I would, and still do😀 chuck various veggies in the pan as well as lentils or other pulses, plus some herbs/spices to make it interesting and blend it until smooth. Not the most exciting meal in the world but at least there’s plenty of nutrients and fibre in it to help fill you up.

I do hope things settle down for you soon.

All the best, TC

MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply toThreecats


Thank you for your reply. Can I ask how long it took roughly to resolve please? I’m 2 weeks in and I’m really worried that I can’t really afford to lose the same amount of weight in the next 2 weeks as well.

I think soup is going to be my saviour too by the sound of things!

Thank you for your kind wishes, I really appreciate it.

Soap 🧼

Cat04 profile image
Cat04 in reply toMummaSoap

Add some milk or a drop of cream when you blend the soup to help keep up your calories intake.

Threecats profile image
Threecats in reply toMummaSoap

Hi again,

From memory and I’m going back about 30 years😳 it took about two weeks for the infection to clear fully but I started to feel better with the antibiotics about 5 days in. He also broke my upper jaw in the process and that took a bit longer - hence me becoming great friends with my blender 😀

On a serious note though I do get where you’re coming from with the weight loss, so make sure the soups are high calorie - throw in cream if you can tolerate it, or full fat coconut milk with some lemon grass etc for a Thai twist. How long have you been on the antibiotics? If it’s been a week and you’ve not seen an improvement I would get that checked out if it were me.

Hope there’s some light at the end of the tunnel for you soon, Soap. It’s a miserable experience, I know x

Fullofheart profile image

Oh, nasty. The heat and the infection will both be causing your heart to work harder.Plus the meds will have an impact.

Sounds like you need to get rid of that infection!!

I'd rely on soups in your situation I think. And plenty of water.

Hope it eases soon!!

MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply toFullofheart

Hi Fullofheart

Thank you for your kind words, I appreciate it.

I’m doing saltwater rinses 3 times a day after meals and using corsodyl mouthwash after brushing my teeth at night, plus the antibiotics so hopefully all in combination will tackle it 🤞🏼

Unfortunately my dentist thinks the infection may have been triggered by the surgery due to my symptoms and how much pain I was in but it was 8 days before I contracted anyone because I didn’t realise it wasn’t normal for it to go on that long!

I’m trying to drink plenty of water as an extra way to help the side effects of codeine too 😬

Best wishes

Soap 🧼

BeKind28- profile image

Hello :-)

How long have they said this will take to heal sounds an awful lot to be coping with and I think in this heat been on those painkillers and antibiotics I would be feeling unwell

Other than soup I cannot think of anything else you could eat hope others can

I hope this settles down soon for you let us know how you get on :-) x

MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply toBeKind28-

Hi BK,

Lovely to hear from you, how are you doing?

Initially I was told up to 10 days and then when I was given antibiotics last week he said the 5 day course should be enough to get rid but sadly appears not.

I’ve phoned the dentist this morning and they’ve told me to finish the bottle and hopefully the few extra days will help 🤞🏼🤞🏼

Thank you for your kind words, I really appreciate it.

Best wishes

Soap 🧼

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply toMummaSoap

Hello :-)

I am not doing great to be honest this heat is getting to me and I have a really bad stomach for some reason as well as the obvious anxiety so I really do not feel great

I am glad you phoned the dentist I was going to suggest it but knew you would have thought of it and no doubt would do

I have had issues when having teeth out before I once got what they call a dry socket goodness the pain was something else so I do feel for you coping with this and in this heat to

Let's hope those extra few meds are enough to see this go and keep us updated how you are :-) x

MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply toBeKind28-

I’m sorry to hear that you’re not doing well and feeling poorly with it too.

The heat doesn’t help things either does it! Everything feels amplified when you can’t exist comfortably, I really empathise with how you’re feeling.

I heard about dry socket and it sounds excruciating!

I’m taking all my medicine except for the codeine in liquid form at the moment 🙈😂 the calpol is providing nostalgic childhood memories at least 🥰

I hope so too, thank you again for your kind wishes.

Soap 🧼 x

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply toMummaSoap

Hello :-)

The heat has been bad we have had our first thunderstorm this evening good for the garden but I am not sure if it has cooled it down and now it is saying so far we have 5 more days of heat again with no rain and it does make it harder

Yes dry socket you don't want that one I wondered what had happened had the tooth out and the next day well I am agoraphobic as you know so going to the dentist once takes some doing so for me to go back again the next day says it all it is not good but neither what you are going through is

Have things eased any at all ?

I hope you have managed to eat something today :-) x

jeanjeannie50 profile image

How about making a stew and blending it (full of goodness), you could then freeze some portions for other days. There's also some soups you could manage, also stewed apple.

Two weeks is a long time to still be unable to open your mouth properly. I had no problem at all when I had one wisdom tooth removed. Lets hope your antibiotics kick in quickly. How long have you bene taking them?


MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply tojeanjeannie50

Hi Jean

Thank you for your reply, I really appreciate it.

Gosh, some yummy suggestions, I do love stew!

Today is day 5 and was meant to be the last day but I’m still unable to open my mouth properly so I’m continuing for another 2 days on advice from dentist.

I thought 3-5 days and I would be fine. 2 of them are absolutely fine but I had to have my gum cut open for the 1 and the dissolvable stitches haven’t dissolved either so it’s all fun and games!

Best wishes

Soap 🧼

Thanksnhs profile image

Hi sorry to hear about your dental pain. Porridge is really nutritious and easy to eat you could put berries or other fruits on it, I just like it with milk,ommlette or scrambled egg are also quite easy to eat. I hope you feel better soon, this hot weather definitely won't help, take care char

Cat04 profile image

I empathise with the jaw problem! After my wisdom teeth removal (all 4 under GA) I ate tinned peaches chopped small and rice pudding, mashed pasta and bolognese sauce, mince in gravy or sauces, yogurts, soups, scrambled egg. Try a baked sweet potato too. Think - cooking for weaning a baby, everything mashed up. My jaw was frozen for approx 4 weeks and the stitches which didn't self dissolve couldn't be removed until my jaw worked again!

MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply toCat04

Hi Cat

Thank you for your reply, it’s made my mouth water!!

Yes mine haven’t dissolved either yet the dentist seems to think he’s going to snip them on Wednesday - not sure how coz I can’t open my mouth wide enough 😂🙈

Can I ask, do they know what caused your jaw to take 4 weeks to heal? I’m starting to wonder if I’ve fractured my jaw - is that even possible?

Best wishes

Soap 🧼

Cat04 profile image
Cat04 in reply toMummaSoap

If I remember correctly it is something to do with the disc in the jaw joint being damaged by your mouth being opened too far and for a prolonged period during the surgery. Good luck on Wednesday! x

MummaSoap profile image

I’m starting to realise that 😂 thank you for your well wishes, I appreciate it.

That’s a really good idea, someone else suggested that to me too so I’ll definitely be asking the chef (aka my partner 🤣) for some soups!

MummaSoap profile image

Hi Blossoms

Thank you for your reply and your kind words.

I have contacted the dentist and they’ve agreed to extend my course of antibiotics and I still have my follow up appointment on Wednesday too so hopefully will get more detailed advice then if needed 🤞🏼

Best wishes

Soap 🧼

TheBoys profile image

try some kefir drink - a Turkish friend told me about it and all the supermarkets stock it.

I like to put some chopped strawberries or raspberries in it. It’s nice and rich and cool. It’s reportedly good for tummy health and nutrtas well… I drink it every day now as my immune system is compromised.

MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply toTheBoys

Hi TheBoys

Thank you for your reply.

I’ve heard of that but never tried it - I will ask my partner to keep an eye out when he goes to the shop later, thank you.

Sorry to hear that your immune system is compromised but glad you’ve found a solution that helps you 😁

Best wishes

Soap 🧼

Swalecliffe88 profile image

oh dear poor old you. I had Wisdom tooth out last Monday (upper left) but thankfully no such problems like yours. Do hope it gets better soon for you. I was going to say that I don’t seem able to tolerate codine and wondered if medication was adding to you feeling crap. But sounds like it’s not that sort of feeling crap. So hope it all starts to heal up for you soon.

MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply toSwalecliffe88

Hi Swalecliffe

Haha that’s the only 1 of mine I have left 😂

My upper right and lower left are absolutely, it’s lower right that’s causing me trouble - that was the case as soon as I came round from the anaesthetic!

Thank you though, I appreciate your kind words.

Best wishes

Soap 🧼

Hi Mummy Soap So sorry to hear that you're not doing too well atmo 🙁. Hope it won't be long before you're feeling better. Try chilled home-made soups in this hot weather - I thought they sounded a bit weird, but they're delicious! My favourite is roasted veg blitzed, then watered down with veg stock, then chilled 😋 That would help to sooth your gums & mouth too 😊. Get well soon xx

MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply toPembrokeshirelass

Hi Pembrokeshirelass

Thank you for your reply, and your kind wishes.

I’m going to be honest and say that cold soup doesn’t really appeal to me but at this point I’m open to trying anything!!

With a bit of luck I’ll be turning a corner by Friday 🤞🏼 x x

Oh I do hope it won't be too long for you now 💕 Do give chilled soup a chance - it took me until I was in my mid-50's to pluck up the courage to try it, and I've never looked back since 😋😊 xx

Beta70 profile image

Hi, so sorry to hear about your extracted wisdom teeth gum infections, I think these will be causing your face to swell. I hadn't realised dentists still did them, as I had all mine removed under full anaesthetic in hospital. The hardest thing was not being allowed to rinse my mouth out for several hours when I first came round. Once I could I also used a tongue scraper to clean all the debris that had built up on my tongue. My go to food was sucking small ice cubes and eating jelly and ice cream plus something called pobs which is bread soaked in milk. The heat won't be helping so I suggest you buy a dog bed cooler or two. I use one on my pillow and one under my upper body every night atm. You can buy them for abut £5 in most large supermarkets or on line from E bay or Amazon, they really help. Wishing you a speedy recovery.

MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply toBeta70

Hi Beta

Thank you so much for your reply and suggestions, I really appreciate it.

You’ve just reminded me that I own one of those cooling mats. I’m going to put it on the bed when I go up tonight.

I had mine out under general anaesthetic too but had to stay in overnight because they couldn’t get my pain under control and then when I started to feel more unwell I phoned my GP and they told me that I needed to see a dentist.

Tonight I’ve had a carrot and coriander soup and left a bit to go cold to try Pembrokeshirelass ’ suggestion and I didn’t hate it so I’m taking that as a win!

Thank you for your kind words.

Best wishes

Soap 🧼

Exie8 profile image

After 2 weeks you shouldn't really be having so much pain or difficulty opening your mouth. You need to see your dentist. Codeine won't help how you're feeling either so possibly discuss some other type of pain relief? All food suggestions above are good but do make sure that you are having regular salty mouthwashes as you obviously aren't able brush your teeth.

PS Not being able to eat a Magnum is truly terrible! You could try Cream of Galloway ice cream on a spoon!

MummaSoap profile image
MummaSoap in reply toExie8

Hi Exie, thank you for your reply.

I saw my dentist today and extending the antibiotics from 5-7 days seems to have got rid of the infection but still got ongoing pain and inability to open my mouth properly (much to the delight of many I’m sure 😂).

The dentist told me he can’t prescribe me pain relief as I can’t take ibuprofen but I have managed to cut down to 3 times a day and going to reduce to twice a day from tomorrow.

He said everything is healing nicely from what he can see and continue with salt water rinses and corsodyl. I’m using a baby toothbrush to brush my teeth but still with difficulty and I daren’t brave trying to do the back yet.

Ooh that sounds delicious, ice cream is definitely helping in this heat that’s for sure!

I have another follow up booked for next week so hopefully my mouth will be better by then and he’ll be able to remove the stitches for me 🤞🏼🤞🏼

Best wishes

Soap 🧼

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