Hello lovely ones!
So a few of you know me know now, I had a 2xbypass (CABG) aged 34 in January last year, as a result of severe coranary artery damage caused by vasculitis. I am back to being signifcantly better than before my op and have been getting fit by hiking with my faithful dog Marmite.
On Saturday I did the Yorkshire 3 peaks challenge! It is 24.5 miles (40km) and 1,500m of ascent which is very nearly a marathon distance whilst climbing higher than Ben Nevis and I did it in 11:40hrs - you need to do it in under 12 hours for it to "count"! It was really hard in places - it took me back to my breathless days of having to really gasp but the difference is that I was hiking up a mountain not walking up the high street. To any one reading this who is going to need a CABG please hear me say this: It's not as terrible as your imagining and f**k me, it'll be worth it!! To those who are recovering: It's hard now, really hard and it will get better. You will turn several corners and everytime you do, you will look back and think wow I couldn't have done this xx weeks or xx months ago. You will go back to a point of fitness that you have forgetten you ever had.
There was a tough point on the second moutain climb which was the "easier one" that I started to get tearful thinking about the difference that my surgery has made and that before I wouldn't have even contemplated doing anything like it, especially in 2021 when my angina was really getting bad and would be triggered by just a warm bath or a large meal. I am so incredibly greatful to everybody in my recovery to the many health care professionals that looked after me, and continue to do so, my husband, my family and my friends. I'm incredibly grateful for all of the love and support I have in my life, including you guys, you've been here every step of the way even if I just read your posts or comments without replying. So thank you fellow hearties, your support means more than you know xxx
p.s if you are about to have or are recovering from CABG and you want to talk, please do message me, I'd be delighted to chat through anything with you xx