I had a long trip this Feb. After coming back, I had a bit of chest heaviness. It's not left but instead slowly getting worse. I've been calling cardiology, my GP, the BHF nurses, went to A&E and have had very little help.
Honestly, right now, I don't care about figuring out what it is, I just need it to go away because it's interfering with my life. I am stuck in bed most days and have had to cancel my meetings etc.
Has anyone had this and figured out how to make it go away? Any medications that have helped? I am taking aspirin, bisoprolol (6.25mg but I recently doubled up on the 1.25mg tablet to make it 7.5mg and that's sort of helped?), gabapentin and codeine. I have restricted high level activity (as if I could do that anyway) but I need to go to the shops occasionally to get electric and that might wipe me out.
Please any suggestions are welcome! (I am not going to A&E however because 1. Long wait times will aggravate my chest, 2. everytime I've gone, they've just suggested I go talk to the specialists and are quite unaware of heart issues).