Tight chest ~ waiting for angiogram - British Heart Fou...

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Tight chest ~ waiting for angiogram

Wolfgirl71 profile image
17 Replies

Hi everyone. I went into A&E last weekend with chest tightness and some breathing difficulty, along with some other symptoms.

They were brilliant, kept me in for a couple of days, lots of ECGs, a chest X-ray and contrast CT to rule out a PE, which was clear.

Long story short, ECG shows some ischemic (sp?) changes and due to a family history of heart problems I have been referred for an angiogram in October.

I am going to try and get an appointment with my GP this week though as I am still having lots of chest tightness and have some trouble breathing, along with occasional palpitation and chest pain. I am finding everything an effort, even climbing stairs and when I bend over I feel like my chest is in my throat. Mornings are the worst and it takes me an hour or two to be able to do anything.

I am on a blood thinner (Clopodigrel?) and aspirin. (I’m 51).

Can anyone relate? 11th October feels a long way away at the moment!

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Wolfgirl71 profile image
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17 Replies

We all have our heart related stories. The good news in your case is that you have an angiogram booked in about six weeks time. I have been waiting for mine for five months with no date set yet and I'll bet there are others who are worse than that. But if you feel your symptoms significantly worsen before your angiogram date do not hesitate to get yourself to A&E.

Wolfgirl71 profile image
Wolfgirl71 in reply to

Thank you, I’ll try to be grateful that I’m not having to wait as long as some. I’m just finding it tough as these symptoms have come on so fast, a couple of weeks ago I was walking 3-5 miles a day and working full time, along with running a house and garden, now washing and ironing is exhausting. 😞

Carlg profile image

Speak to the professionals. My symptoms were very different to yours and I had a very long wait until I had my angiogram.

There was a spray I was issued with to help, I think it was called gtc or something similar to take as and when. But i didn't need it so cannot comment fully on its effectiveness

Wolfgirl71 profile image
Wolfgirl71 in reply to Carlg

Thanks Carl, I tried the spray in A&E and it just lowered my BP. I may have to try it again at some point though.

Kristin1812 profile image
Kristin1812Heart Star in reply to Wolfgirl71

I found GTN spray a real life-saver……but only once I’d got used to it. But this takes time. A lot of people get a fiendish headache at first. It does lower BP, but that’s how it works, to take the strain off the heart, by dilating the blood vessels and getting more oxygen to the heart. Thus reducing angina.GTN can be a problem, if it reduces your BP too much.

Ageingfast profile image

Dear Wolfgirl

It is time for your GP to give you advice.

Not least of all, for him/her to confirm your current prescriptions. It is generally not appropriate to take Clopidogrel as well as aspirin. I take Clopiwhatsit and have no side effects apart from the obvious tendency to bleed a lot. I have become expert at shaving without any nicks. Actually there is a side effect…..migraines have reduced a lot.

I became easily exhausted, really really exhausted, when my aortic valve was failing. A notable effect was that I was inclined to fall forwards when trying to walk. I was sleeping 22hrs a day.

If you are in urgent need of a valve replacement then maybe your GP will push for an earlier angiogram. You really do need the GP to see you.

Do let us all know what happens with your GP.

Best wishes


in reply to Ageingfast

After my heart attack four years ago I was prescribed Clopidogrel and aspirin. I took the Clopidogrel for a year then this was stopped but I continue to take aspirin which is a for life thing. I have noted others on here report the same. My understanding is Clopidogrel and aspirin can be jointly prescribed, e.g post HA as in my case, and therefore parallel use must therefore considered be appropriate by the medical profession under some circumstances .

Ageingfast profile image
Ageingfast in reply to

Dear Lowerfield

Yes indeed. You are quite right, I have noted a few recent patients are now on the 75mg aspirin and Clopidogrel.

I had a stroke in 2015 and was told to only take aspirin if I stopped Clopidogrel. But things have changed since then and I guess Clopidogrel prescribing is one of them.

I often wonder what else has changed,


1959DarkBurst profile image
1959DarkBurst in reply to Ageingfast

Clopidogrell works slightly differently to aspirin. They're both anti platelet meds but use a different mechanism

Wolfgirl71 profile image

Thanks Sooty, that’s really helpful. I’ve had migraines for years and that was why I originally visited my Dr and got on this journey. Not had one this week which would be a worthy side effect.I’m not tired in a sleepy sense, more physically so hopefully my valves are ok, I’m sorry to hear about yours, that must have been scary.

I’ve not cut myself yet, but it is just a matter of time, it is generally a weekly thing as I’m so clumsy!

I’ll get an appointment this week and go from there, I’ve been super lucky with the care I’ve had so far so fingers crossed that will continue.

Have a lovely sunny day.

Ageingfast profile image
Ageingfast in reply to Wolfgirl71

It is a true blue sky here. A slight breeze. Can I try to cheer you a little with the plus side of my AVR.(aortic valve replacement)

I had, unknown to me, reached a critical stage. My GP did an ECG which destroyed two nurses appointments for the entire morning. He then made an appointment at the cardiology department for a scan. The consultant rang me at home the next day.

Covid had in the meantime closed most hospitals.

I decided to go private because the hassle of closing hospitals was too much.

Well I was soon whisked off to a smart London hospital. It was due to be West Brompton but it was closed before I got there. I was in a right state. Then I walked through the hospital doors and my panic melted away. I can’t believe how well the staff worked. Major op but I was of course sound asleep. This was nothing like other hospital departments. So efficient. So reassuring. Home after one week and then needed home rehab. It took 15 weeks but I just got a little better every day. I now have a new valve and it’s been no bother at all. My chest scar is hardly visible.

So, if you need a new valve, or have aortic stenosis then do not panic. Well you will panic, but do not panic too much.


Ghost-233 profile image

Hi Wolfgirl I can relate to you. I was aged 50 when my problems started. Like you I had a busy life working full time and thinking now our children were almost grown up my husband and I could have some time to ourselves. I suddenly had symptoms like yourself and was taken into hospital where I was given tests similar to your own. I was discharged a few days later but the same symptoms came back and I was readmitted to coronary care twice more. Eventually given an angiogram I was told everything was ok but they thought I had Prinzmetal angina. This was over 20 years ago so there wasn’t the same knowledge about that condition then as there is now. I was also diagnosed with another two unrelated heart conditions at the same time

( although I was very anaemic so that affected my heart) so all our plans went out the window. I had to retire on health grounds. I saw a cardiologist from time to time but no further diagnosis was forthcoming.

Fast forward over 20 years and the chest pain became worse with breathlessness and I was given another angiogram which showed narrowing of the arteries but no stent necessary. I was also diagnosed with Microvascular dysfunction. Now on Clopidogrel and other drugs.

There is much more knowledge now about Microvascular dysfunction etc.

Milk fairy is very knowledgeable about this and has been a great support to me. As others have said speak to your GP but also be a good advocate for yourself write down any questions you have and just hand it to your GP or Cardiologist,they will appreciate that as it saves you having to remember what to ask and takes up much less time.

Good luck and keep us informed.

CyclingTime profile image

I would say be very careful in what you do in the interim period, I had to wait 2.5 months for mine and the results were shocking when I got them and they took me immediately in to hospital on 24x7 monitoring and bed rest until I could get an operation date.

The things I was doing despite the chest pains in the waiting period don't bear thinking about, lucky to still be here!!

mathematics profile image

Yes my husband is 59 and is waiting for his angiogram in September after seeing cardiologist in July. We have not had the appointment date yet either. He also had to wait last year for just under 3 months after seeing the cardiologist in August. He is also down as urgent as having unstable angina so know exactly how you feel. He has just had another bad attack this morning and after gtn spray and aspirins it is lifting and says he's totally fed up. It is a waiting game unfortunately. He needed stents urgently last November which he had while having angiogram as his artery was99% stenosis. Take care

Shellac profile image

Morning I was like you breathless walking up the stairs etc had chest pain on and off went to a&e about 6 times nothing showed on ecg or bloods hospital did a CT scan of my heart and my right artery was severely blocked I went straight in for angiogram and a stent put in I'm on loads of heart tablets now I would keep going back to a&e if still getting your symptoms but ask to see a cardiologist as ecg and bloods didn't detect my blocked artery ❤ hopefully you will get to see cardiologist

Wolfgirl71 profile image

Thank you everyone, I really appreciate all your comments and will re read them all soon.I went to the Drs this morning and continued to feel worse overnight and today and am now in A&E again. Not sure how long the wait will be.

Andian profile image

Hi Wolfgirl, I can relate to all of that I went to A&E with your symptoms by taxi as telephone queue for Ambulance. While there I had a HA and fluid filled lungs, literally couldn’t breathe. I was swamped by Drs and all in seconds. Spent 11 days in CCU during which time I had Angiogram, and then Pacemaker fitted. Home now and recovering. Wonderful treatment. Keep pushing for what you need. Good luck.

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