Hello. I have suffered heart palpitations since my 20's, only in 2019, they got MUCH worse, literally out of the blue. They've gotten progressively worse since 2019. I now suffer palpitations (usually a feeling of heart flutters or skipped beats) every single day, off and on, ALL DAY from the time i wake up, until i fall asleep. There is no mercy in this. It never leaves me alone. I have no good days anymore.
This condition has been a wrecking ball in my life. I cannot work anymore, I rarely go out anymore, I rarely exert myself because that makes it worse, I have no life. Everything seems to trigger my heart to be worse. Talking, singing, eating, moving around, everything.
i cut out caffeine, alcohol, etc years ago but it's made no difference
I was put on beta blockers - propranolol, 40mg 3 x a day, a few years ago, and it's made no difference. I've tried other beta blockers and nothing improved. Docs will not give me drugs like flecanide or anything else. They act as though I'm making a big deal out of nothing, when this is like torture. Their attitude is appalling. I also believe that I am not being taken seriously because I'm female. It sickens me that if I were male, doctors would be more proactive.
My ECGs have been abnormal since 2019 when my heart started playing up badly. Showing S and T wave inversion, mainly. Docs now say this is "normal" because I've had it for so long. That's their logic.
They've done tests on me. MRI. Echo. Found nothing sinister. Claim I only suffer bouts of ventricular ectopics and bouts of bradycardia, but nowhere near enough to warrant cathetar ablation, again even though I suffer every single day and it's had a huge impact on me mentally.
Docs haven't offered anythinng else. Pacemaker, other drugs, other tests.
Last time I was in A & E, very recently, doctor thought I had heart block but my cardiologist and GP surgery are of a "do nothing" mindset.
It's like they are just letting me suffer. I cannot understand this. They would treat a dog better.
I also suffer bouts of bad chest tightness that come and go.
But my fifties have been taken away from me, literally. I have had no quality of life since I turned 50 when all of this started. Zero. I spend every day sat up in bed, and even sat up in bed I still get bad palpitations. NOTHING stops them.
Who will help me? This is getting worse. Who will help me? Why am I being dismissed and written off? Why won't doctors help me? Do they actually think this is all in my head?
I also have a family history of heart arrhythmia, which doctors seem to ignore
Someone tell me why I am being treated as if I'm disposable