I saw a gp in December with heaviness on chest. She told me to go A and E. went there and ecg was normal and troponin and FBC fine so discharged. However, I still have the heaviness on the chest as bad as ever. Also other symptoms. What else can be causing it and can I rule out heart problems with an ecg and troponin? My ejection fraction was 55% last year on an echo.I am 50. Ferritin level is 14 so taking ferrous sulphate over the counter. I would like to request a BNP- can I just ask receptionist at my GP to request a form from my GP?
What else causes heaviness on chest? - British Heart Fou...
What else causes heaviness on chest?

Hi Mollypet,
You will need to go and see your GP or Cardiologist who can then request a NT pro BNP blood test if they feel it is necessary.
Is there are particular reason why you want this particular blood test?
I don't know what else to ask for. My cardiac ability has definitely gone down this year since chemo type treatment I had for MS.
I can understand why you are concerned.
Definitely worth discussing with your GP.
Is there any information on the MS society website about this issue?
"chemo type"?
I have seen posts on cardiac diseases, caused by chemo therapy......
If your "drug" is killing your own immune cells....a logic tells me it's not going to go too well down the line...
How? It's like you are bombing at your own house. There are a few wizards around, I'm sure you'll get an answer.

Thanks for the reply. The immunosuppressant treatment is called alemtuzumab - it deplete lymphocytes to stop the immune system attacking the myelin sheath and causing spinal damage/MS.
It's a "dangerous" drug you are on. I didn't call it "dangerous" myself.
A doctor did. I think he was "honest".
Hi Mollypet
Smiling at your name my mother was Molly and being from Wallsend she was also referred to as Molly Pet could you !!
55 % is almost a perfect E F so it looks like they have ruled out Heart Failure
BNP is one of the blood tests to confirm Heart Failure not to diagnose it, as far as I know, but like everything else open to be corrected. I don't think it is a test that can be carried out at every centre, but again not 100% sure but I have read it some place along the journey.
Best Regards
Hi you gp receptionist are not medical train to give any advice
You should be able to get a referral to the rapid chest pain clinic and they can start test to make sure that it is not your heart via MRI or a CT scan and scan stress test, it's worth doing, I do not want to worry you but I was similar, some pains but not always, Troponon tests all fine, ECG and bloods all fine but still had a blockage in my LAD that was only found via a scan, you should request a stress test scan with a CT or MRI and access to hospital Chest pain clinics, ask your GP for the referral dont be worried about asking, it's your life you are talking about.
Get checked out for a myocardial bridge which causes heaviness in the chest along with a load of other symptoms. The tests done in A&E won't always show up anything to be honest in a lot ofcases. I've been there believe me before I was diagnosed. Don't take no for an answer. You know your own body. Keep advocating for yourself and best of luck x
Be careful self-dosing mineral supplements .! I was calcium Deficient . G P precribes calcium. My Haematologist. Who I see for APS . Blood tests 2 x year, said my calcium too high last time stop taking calcium . My health food lady , told me to always check with my Haematologist about self dosing mineral supplements. . As she saw I was taking 2000 Vit D , (as not much sunshine and covid last 2 years) she said she knew Vit D overdosing changes balance of calcium in blood tests !! So I stopped taking the Vit D . My blood results did not show deficient in Vit D , don’t need them . I take a chelated magnesium for afib as helps . (Self dose) So in a couple of months , I will ask Haematologist, if my calcium is normal ( after having stopped the Vit D ). I am Prescribed Vit B as deficient plus calcium as osteoarthritis . I will ask about the self dosing Vit D , see blood results after stopping Vit D ( plus calcium ) as the Vit D screws with blood test results , not show true calcium levels . I will check the chelated magnesium also. Better to not self prescribe. With my blood thinners I did check if low dose turmeric was OK . I know can’t take Iron ( or bulk spinach as thickens blood or Vit K. With supplements , must check with Haematologist. If health food expert had not told me Vit D screws up true calcium levels in blood tests , would have never known . I stopped the Calcium
As high in blood results
, I May or may not actually need the calcium , as eat dairy . Must be careful with that .