Well that year went quickly! The photo popped up on a memory today and I thought I would post here just to give anyone who is facing a similar operation, or has just had one, a bit of support and encouragement. It shows the pre op ward where the sleepless night and interminable wait for the trolley took place but also shows the toast I had the morning after my surgery - I had survived! I was lucky enough to have surgery that went well and a reasonably uneventful post op recovery. It wasn't easy at the time but a year on I feel great and we have just come back from our first holiday abroad in 3 years.
I had a lot of support from this forum so thank you and I hope this post helps others a little. Massive thank you as always to our NHS for getting me through it all.
In comparison to the war in Ukraine this seems a drop in the ocean to the heartbreak they have had to endure and my thoughts are with them as it continues.