Well it's happened and I now seem to have a tiny bit of colour in my cheeks.
Keyhole surgery took place on 8th July, all very successful, all very scary, and 4 days in, was I depressed! No idea why but spoke to a nurse immediately who pointed out what serious surgery it had been and could I please give my body a little more time to recover. I got back home on 14th July, immensely relieved, only to have to return via A & E with suspected heart attack. Didn't do a lot for my scary, depressed (again) state, but it turned out to be a spat of atrial fibrillation which was causing considerable pain. Probably/possibly caused by heart settling down after surgery - not unknown. Back home again on 17th July, much happier and really quite steady. The depression took me completely by surprise as I view this operation as a second chance at life as it is meant to be lived. Final stitches removed yesterday and I have had 4 holes the size of my little finger nail and a 3" incision for all the stuff to go in. The annular ring was inserted through my groin. As you know I can panic at very little but I am so utterly delighted to have got this small ordeal behind me. The medical staff are fantastic, they know what they're doing and they look after you. A big thank you to each and every one of you who helped me considerably along this journey, yet to be completed I know but at least I'm facing the right direction!