Hi everyone, I have not posted for awhile. In 2016 I was diagnosed with persistent AF. Long story but went in to have a pacemaker and AV ablation. At that time I was told my tricuspid valve was moderately leaking and they would keep an eye on it.
I had yearly Check up with my cardiologist last week, and mentioned I had been having stitch like pains in the heart area, he didn’t seemed to concerned, I also suggested doing an echo. Looking at my records he agreed as it’s been over 2 years. I was able to have the echo the same day and the doctor rang me that afternoon to tell me there were a few issues.
The tricuspid valve has moderate to severe regurgitation. The right side of my heart isn’t working properly. Pulmonary hypertension was 60. The mitral valve has mild to moderate leaking
With midley thickened leaflets.
He increased the spirolactin I take and wants to see me again in February, he said to decide what they will do with me.
I am 68 a female living in Australia.
I was wondering if anyone has had a similar problem and what they did about it. My GP told me they usually replace the valve, but I’ve heard there is a clip they insert through the artery in your leg to repair it. I would be grateful for any feedback. Thankyou🤗