Spironolactone or Eplenerone - British Heart Fou...

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Spironolactone or Eplenerone

Ireness profile image
63 Replies

My ejection fraction has decreased from 40-45% to 35-40% so my cardiologist is starting me on Dapagliflozin and then either Spironolactone or Eplenerone. I already take Candesartan.

Is either one of those better than the other and are side effects the same? I’ve also read that Spironolactone can cause migraines so I’d rather avoid that if it’s true as I get them regularly anyway.

I’m wondering what all that will do with my blood pressure which is already in the 120/65ish range.

He’s arranging another echocardiogram in six months to see if they’re working.

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Ireness profile image
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63 Replies
10gingercats profile image

I take Spirolactone for fluid retention. It helps in keeping lungs and heart free from fluid.I take a tiny dose. It is not usually prescribed ,from what i have read, in large doses. I did not know it was prescribed for low EFraction. So perhaps ask what dose he is thinking of prescribing.It can also heighten potassium in your blood....in larger doses. i am mot medically trained. I write from my own experience

Ireness profile image
Ireness in reply to10gingercats

Many thanks for your reply. It’s a bit scary suddenly having to take a lot more meds.

Hello :-)

I take Spironolactone along side Candesartan I did not know it was not usually prescribed I thought they both were standard meds given

I also suffer with migraines regular and never knew they can give you migraines even though I did suffer before taking the med I am not sure why they would give me something that could make them worse

So even though I cannot really help with your question it has been very interesting to read your post and has given me something to think about :-) x

Ireness profile image
Ireness in reply to

Many thanks for your reply. I was hoping the migraines would go when I got older but they’re worse than ever so I don’t want to increase them. I guess I’ll just have to find out and stop the meds if they do.

in reply toIreness

Hello :-)

It has been the same for me since I have got older I usually get at least one a month and they are debilitating as you know

Give them a try they may not have this side effect on you and if you have time let us know how you get on with them :-) x

Ireness profile image
Ireness in reply to

Yes I’ll let you know. Thanks again

in reply toIreness

:-) x

i take lisinopril and spironolactone. Now the reason for the lisinopril. Was for blood pressure control. What else it does I don't know. I google it but I hate googling, sends me over the top with anxiety. The spironolactone was given to me , after I done a stress test and found that my oxygen transfer was not good due to the tricuspid valve regurgitation, when exercising. Basically it was to remove any water from lungs and heart to help with breathing. I think it is being prescribed to get as much efficiency from what I currently have. The potassium in the blood will go up as this diuretic allows the body to hold onto potassium. That's why I have had a few blood tests since taking it. I take 25mg of spironolactone and 25mg of lisinopril. What the spironolactone does to help the heart in other ways I don't know. Migrains I get them but not too bad. Had them since 15 years old so they come go. The trouble with medication they have have to be given time to adjust your body. One tip I take the spironolactone at tea time before 6pm with food and the lisinopril at 9pm before bed. Incase of side effects. Still really want to know the advantages of both medications

Ireness profile image
Ireness in reply to

Many thanks for replying. These drugs seem to produce pretty horrible side effects. I guess being alive is ultimately more important. But I already get one or two migraines a week and the thought of more fills me with dread. I can cope with the pain - it’s more the flashing lights in my vision that knocks me for six.

trevg profile image
trevg in reply to

Spiro is an Aldosterone antagonist. I take the similar Eplerenone 25mg to reduce the hormone, which was established very high for some time.It seems to work' as other 2 BP meds work at half previous dose! Not had Aldosterone/Renin check since starting this med, but GP seems unconcerned on that.

well the one bit of positivity Is that the cardiac nurse said said iam on the right medication and in a better place than I was before my issue was found. as you say being alive and putting up with a few niggles? But when do you say enough is enough with the niggles? The migrains I get are with the aura flashing zig zags. Can last half hour. Then head ache. But that's another story. Carnt beat Dr Google. But you have to put your trust in the experts. One thing I did learn is they use spironolactone for acne.

Ireness profile image

Your migraines sound the same as mine. Horrible. It’s amazing how these drugs have such surprising effects on other conditions.

yes I have them. As soon as I see the little zig zags I think here we go. Then they get bigger and the vision gets all mingled up in the zig zags. Then it goes away and then the headache. I have found that stress and dehydration can make them more common. But touch wood the medication has not brought them on too much. Iam hopping that the lisinopril which opens up the blood vessels which aid bringing blood pressure down has helped all over the body to reduce the narrowing of blood vessels. But the human body is complicated and above my expertise.

Bigbrian profile image


I am on eplerenone and sacubitrol valsartan, have been for 3-4 years. My EF has gone from 30% to 50-55% and feeling good. So go with it and it’s good to see your cardiologist checking you in 6 months. Dapagliflozin looks to be a Superdrug too .

Ireness profile image
Ireness in reply toBigbrian

Many thanks for replying. Wow that’s an amazing improvement in ejection fraction. You must feel a lot better too.

Molben profile image
Molben in reply toBigbrian

Hi, I have just been started on these drugs along with furosemide and an increase in my Bisoprolol. Can I ask how long it took before you started to feel the benefits. Not feeling too good at the moment. Living is a bit of a challenge at the moment so looking forward to a return to some normality. Thank you

francesw47 profile image

Hi I also take Eplerenone. I understand from my cardiologist that its used to treat peripheral oedema - fluid retention - in chronic HF. I take a small dose alongside Furosemide. Has kept the fluid build up at bay. I am more comfortable I have to say - I used to get puffy ankles and legs, and fluid in my tummy and was quite breathless at times. Not so bad now.

Ireness profile image
Ireness in reply tofrancesw47

Many thanks for replying. I haven’t got any oedema or fluid retention. I haven’t really got any symptoms apart from occasional palpitations.

SLK-14 profile image

Hello....I also am going to put some positivity on here. I was diagnosed with left ventricular systolic dysfunction with an EF of 25 two years ago. Since commencing Nebivolol, Perindopril, Spironolactone and more recently Dapagliflozin my EF has increased to 38, I am so grateful. I have not long had my 12monthly Echocardiogram and waiting for my results. Yes there can be many side effects but for most people these settle down. Take care and stay safe

Ireness profile image
Ireness in reply toSLK-14

Many thanks for replying, That’s really quite an improvement in ejection fraction.

VelvetSky profile image

Hi, I have EF of 25-30 from HA 3 years ago. I take Candesarten, Eplerenone, Famatodine and Furosemide a couple of times a week. I’ve had migraine all my life but since the HA I’ve only had the aura and no headache and they have gradually got less, only when I get very stressed I find. All meds take time to get used to. I don’t take beta blockers as I am a chronic asthmatic. Good luck😸

Ireness profile image
Ireness in reply toVelvetSky

Many thanks for replying. I’ll see which one my GP decides on and see what happens.

Letsallhope1 profile image

I take Spirolactone 25mg to avoid fluid retention, no migraines at all for me.

I’m surprised you don’t get prescribed something more specific to help with the strength your heart pump, like Rivaroxiban or Entresto, the latter for me has been a life changing drug (for the best). Maybe worth questioning/suggesting these to your specialist.

Good luck Ireness

Ireness profile image
Ireness in reply toLetsallhope1

Many thanks for you reply. He’s just suggested Dapagliflozin then one of the other two drugs a couple of weeks later. He didn’t mention Entresto but I’ll ask about that.

Letsallhope1 profile image
Letsallhope1 in reply toIreness

I don’t know Dapagliflozin and I’m no doctor to judge how good it is compared to Entresto.

I know that the latter is on the high end of these types of meds and for me it has been an amazing drug to take.

I was on Ramipril first and did not much difference to me.

Maybe try the drug that your cardiologist prescribed to you first and see in about 3-6 months if it is making any difference to your EF

Ireness profile image
Ireness in reply toLetsallhope1

Many thanks for replying. At the appointment the cardiologist said he’d add one drug at a time starting with Dapagliflozin then if that didn’t improve things he’d add Spirolactone. Then when his letter to the GP came it says to start Spirolactone or Eplenerone two weeks after starting Dapagliflozin. He’s left the hospital now so I can’t ask why he changed his mind.

Tidy69 profile image

hI, I was prescribed Dapagliflozin and couldn't tolerate it at all, headaches, dizzy spells, feeling absolutely awful ( thought I had covid again which I didn't ). Within 36 hours of ceasing taking them I improved. Eplerenone has been fine for me, 25mg daily. No problems with that at all.

it takes a while in my experience to get the meds right, and certainly my cardiac team work very hard to get to that point, so big thanks to them. Stick with it until the balance is found.

Devondoug profile image

hi. I have been on 50mg of spironolactone daily along with entresto, dapagliflozin and bisoprolol. EF was 12 when I initially diagnosed with HF. Last echo showed EF of 20 so its all working and the only side effects I do have affect libido! I live in hope! “Why ask for the moon, when we have the stars” 👍

Ireness profile image
Ireness in reply toDevondoug

Many thanks for replying. That’s a big improvement. I hope it continues improving too.

Pjjmhaa profile image

hi I take bisoprolol, feurosomide, and spironolactone and never had any sore heads ! I am not medically trained but thought I would say try not to worry as stress will ruin things for you give it a go and see what happens I think you may get a pleasant surprise! 👍🏻

Ireness profile image
Ireness in reply toPjjmhaa

Many thanks for replying. It definitely sounds encouraging.

Anon2023 profile image

hi. My ef was 45 so the heart failure team have put me on dapagliflozin, entresto, bisoprolol and spironolactone. I’m told that these are the best meds for heart failure. I’m told that spironolactone helps to stop the heart from changing shape and that’s why I’m on it as I don’t have fluid retention. I’ve noticed no side effects with the spironolactone, dapagliflozin oe entresto. I’ve been on this combination a couple of months so I haven’t had a scan yet but I live in hope that they will improve my heart function. I hope that you manage to find a combination tha works for you. X

Ireness profile image
Ireness in reply toAnon2023

Many thanks for replying. That’s very reassuring.

Pjjmhaa profile image

definitely ! 👍🏻

SaraTwycross profile image

i am on dapagliflozin and i also take spirilactione. I dont experience side effects with either. My ejaculation is also low. If you do get mograines you can get ammotripaline to take to avoid them but i appreciate its another tablet. I also take frusimide for fluid retention. Hugs sara

Ireness profile image
Ireness in reply toSaraTwycross

Many thanks for replying. I’m feeling a lot better about taking these drugs after reading all the replies. They sound very encouraging.

SaraTwycross profile image

its always worrying when we go on new drugs espescially if they arent explained why properly. Glad your feeling more positive about it, hugs sara

Ireness profile image

Yes - he didn’t explain what the two additional drugs are for so unfortunately I looked on the internet.

Prada47 profile image


I take Eplenerone 25mg every other day, reason it was changed to every other day was my blood pressure was dropping to low. No other side effects also on Dapa, Entresto, Bisoprolol all issued for Heart Failure control.


Ireness profile image
Ireness in reply toPrada47

Many thanks for replying. Low blood pressure is one of my concerns as it’s pretty low anyway. I wouldn’t have thought of taking it every other day so thanks for the idea.

Prada47 profile image
Prada47 in reply toIreness

Just to be clear my Heart Nurse said to go to every other day. I didn't make the decision !!


ps Low Blood Pressure was 90/60

laser189 profile image

The British Heart Foundation has an excellent booklet explaining all the drugs and their potential side effects.

I have a low EF and i am on Eplerenone and Dapaglifozein as well as other drugs. I chose to have Eplerenone as it is a newer drug with fewer side effects especially it does not cause breast enlargement

Ireness profile image
Ireness in reply tolaser189

Many thanks for replying. Also thanks for the information and I’ll definitely take a look at that. I definitely don’t want breast enlargement so will see if I can go for Eplenerone. I didn’t know that was the newer one.

lavenderpot profile image
lavenderpot in reply tolaser189

Have taken both Spironolactone and Eplerenone and personally found newer drug Eplerenone had fewer side effects

Ireness profile image
Ireness in reply tolavenderpot

Many thanks for replying. Eplenerone is sounding the better choice.

1beatatatime profile image

I’m on Dapa and Eplerenone and they both good for me.

Ireness profile image
Ireness in reply to1beatatatime

Many thanks for replying. That’s very reassuring to hear.

bwiltshi profile image

I have been taking spironalactone for 6 to 9 months, no issues, Dapaglifozin for 5 months no issues, except weight loss, and possibly more night time weeing. Also take Sacubutril/Valsartan, which tends to drop my blood pressure, sometimes a little too low. Feel fitter, but no strides forward re ejection fraction. Had to stop beta blockers heart rate too low. No other blood pressure tablets.

Ireness profile image
Ireness in reply tobwiltshi

Many thanks for replying. You must be disappointed with no improvement in ejection fraction. I guess as long as it remains the same that’s a good result. I had to stop beta blockers too.

bwiltshi profile image
bwiltshi in reply toIreness

To be honest, I feel very well, and am very unrestricted in what I can do, especially relative to other 70y olds. I keep myself fit, control my weight (and Dapaglifozin helps with this) and smile a lot. Ejection fraction is just a number, and 40 ish is ok, as long as it stays there. Because I get angina if I really over exert, I am always concerned that in the event of an accident or really frightening experience I may suffer a fatal heart attack. Otherwise all good.

Ireness profile image
Ireness in reply tobwiltshi

Ah that’s good that you’re able to live a normal life. I’m 68 but in total denial about getting older apart from sometimes in the middle of the night when unwanted thoughts come into my head. I wouldn’t really know I had a heart problem but all the tests say otherwise 😂

Harveyone profile image

Hi I would try the eplerenone as they ar e easier on your stomach.Goodluck.

Ireness profile image
Ireness in reply toHarveyone

Many thanks is for replying and for the advice

Silvertail profile image

I've been on spironolactone for 10 years, also Candesartan and Bisoprolol. I've had no side effects , except dizziness until I got used to them.

Ireness profile image
Ireness in reply toSilvertail

Many thanks for replying. I’m really grateful for all the help I’ve had on here.

Malcvtr profile image

HI. I was on Spironolactone, but I started to suffer from painful nipples and then gynaecomastia - the growth of extra breast tissue. This is, apparently, a side effect in 10% of cases. My GP switched me to Epleronone where the risk of gynaecomastia is 0.5%.

Ireness profile image
Ireness in reply toMalcvtr

Many thanks for replying. Crikey that sounds awful. I hope you’re okay now.

Malcvtr profile image
Malcvtr in reply toIreness

Yes, no pain now. Thanks.

Ireness profile image
Ireness in reply toMalcvtr

That's good

captscott profile image

i have been taking both for a year and half ef stable and no side seffects so far. Just make sure you have regular kidney function tests and watch for possible side

Ireness profile image
Ireness in reply tocaptscott

Many thanks for replying and for the advice on getting kidney checks. I’ll definitely do that as they’re not in good condition to start with.

trevg profile image

Eplerenone (as an anti Aldosterone) allows me to reduce 2 other BP meds to 50% of previous when not even working well at that level, so it may drop your BP. How has it checked out?

I preferred it to Spiro due to already low Testosterone.

Ireness profile image
Ireness in reply totrevg

Thanks for replying. I didn’t get on too well with the Eplerenone. I didn’t realise it was causing so many symptoms until I’d run out of it for a couple of days and the fast heart beat, plus other stuff went.

I tried it again a few days later and sure enough my pulse went up to 105, felt breathless lying down and the feeling of a UTI coming.

It’s a shame as it’s a really good drug.

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