Hi , I have several heart conditions and amongst other medications I am taking 25 mg of Spironolactone . I recently had my annual echocardiogram and it’s showing that my ejection fraction has decreased . The cardiologist has now prescribed Dapagliflozin 10 mg as well as the Spironolactone . I’m concerned as they are both diuretics and I’m already in the toilet day and night. I have a telephone consultation tomorrow with a gp about something else so I will talk to him regarding it , but thought I’d ask the experts first.
Taking 2 water tablets : Hi , I have... - British Heart Fou...
Taking 2 water tablets

hi. I’m on 25mg of spirolactone and 10mg of Dapagliflozin too, as well as various other meds. I do pee quite a bit but it’s manageable. I was told by the heart failure team that spirolactone was meant to be a fairly mild diuretic. Much milder than furosemide. I haven’t really noticed that Dapagliflozin adds to the diuretic effect. Dapagliflozin Is meant to be a very good medication for heart failure so I’m hoping it works out for you. X
At one time I was taking to water tablets and goodness in a Morning for several hours I was back and forth all the time and often thought it is a good job I don't go out anywhere because this would be impossible !
I stuck with it though knowing there was a good reason why I had to take them both and eventually I was given the thumbs up that I could stop one of them which was a relief
So I do feel for you and tomorrow I would have a good talk with my Doctor about this , way up the benefits against spending a lot of time in the bathroom
I hope others will see your post and be able to give you some advice and let us know how you get on x
Its all about getting the balance right.. not enough diuretics and fluid could collect around your heart and lungs. Are you on a liquid restriction.i am restricted to one and a half to two litres per day which includes soups, teas and coffees and water/squashes.
I have just been reduced to 3 Bumetanide daily and I Spironolactone on alternate days as I was getting dehydration symptoms
The Spironolactone is kinder to your kidneys and doesn't get rid of the potassium .
Hope all goes well for you
im on 50 mg of spiralactone, 40mg frusimide and 10mg dapagliflosin. I pee a lot bit id i dont take them i get so puffed out. Try and stick with them if you can. We brought a portaloo to take with us so if i get really stuck i can find a quiet place and use that. Hugs sara
HI Buddy00...I also take 25mg Spironolactone and was prescribed Dapagliflozin around 6 months ago. I haven't noticed any side effects with regards to being a diuretic. On the plus side my EF has improved to 41% from 25% when I was diagnosed with LVSD. So it's really worth persevering...Good luck 😊
I'm on 12.5 mg Spironactone and 20 mg Furosemide and I take them after breakfast. They don't make me pee all night.
i am on 2 also starting 2 days ago. i am 40 days post quad bypass surgery and had to have fluid drained from my left lung area 2 days ago. nothing like going all the time.