Palpatations After Eating : Hi everyone... - British Heart Fou...

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Palpatations After Eating

Heyjude31 profile image
88 Replies

Hi everyone, I hope you are all having a good week. I get some small palpitations after eating, no pain just discomfort sometimes. I am thinking this is reflux, does anyone else experience this please? Thanks for reading. Judi

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Heyjude31 profile image
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88 Replies
Helly75 profile image

i get this all the time ,running back & forward to Dr's & still don't really have an answer. It seems to go on for hours with me & is worse if I eat anything sugary or hi carb ,very unsettling

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to Helly75

Hi Helly75, I am very sorry to hear that you are having to go back and forth to the doctors, it is very debilitating. I think for me it might also be a side effect of meds. I don’t have any answers, like you I have had tests and all are okay. I am hoping to speak to my cardio surgeon soon so will let you know if I get any answers. There also may be something to do with acid reflux which I get. I am trying to eat more slowly in the hope that it might help my digestive system. Also I am wondering if anxiety can make it seem worse, even if it is in my head!

In the meantime I hope you get some answers and start to feel better soon. Take care, Judi

GRANDPUPA profile image
GRANDPUPA in reply to Helly75

Check your cholesterol.

Valentina98 profile image

Hey Judi

I haven't got any advice, but I get palpations when I eat as well.


Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to Valentina98

Hi Valentina98, I am hoping so see my cardio surgeon soon so will let you know if I get any answers. It can be a number of things which I am trying to work out! I hope you are okay, take care, Judi

Helly75 profile image

i had some toast the other day & felt awful for ages , then a couple of biscuits another day ,same again ,still no idea what's the cause . I'd cut out caffeine/ fizzy drinks & alcohol years ago

Alisbabas profile image
Alisbabas in reply to Helly75


it might be sugar issues. I had gestational diabetes and used to get it after eating carbs, bread or even fruit.

I still get it now even though the diabetes has gone.

I'm no doctor though so get it checked.

take care


Helly75 profile image
Helly75 in reply to Alisbabas

thats exactly what I thought ,all been checked already multiple times but thank you

Lorraine78 profile image

 hi everyone I have the same thing but mine seems happen when having dinner I start getting extra beats which are so unearving when it happens I become anxious and makes situation worse my gp has referred me to cardiology due to my heart history i had an ablation 14years ago just waiting on apt to hopefully get some answers

Helly75 profile image
Helly75 in reply to Lorraine78

Hi Lorraine, I've had to eat really small portions of food & eat really slowly ,it is very unsettling, hope you get some answers soon

Helly75 profile image

just wholemeal bread with flora

chickeninthewood profile image
chickeninthewood in reply to Helly75

Almost all shop bought breads have added sugar. It's totally unnecessary and when I make my own I omit sugar but still put a little salt in it. Instead of adding butter to the mix I add oil - rapeseed or olive. I can't imagine why food producers keep adding sugar as it's just NOT necessary and I personally can taste it and it's horrible!

Lorraine78 profile image

HI,with me it's got to the point where I dread eating dinner but can't let it win I'm trying to ignore them its frustrating isn't it not knowing why it's happening I completely understand how you feel guess we just need to get through it best we can untill we see cardiologist

Helly75 profile image

ive just finished 6 weeks of the low fodmap diet which was awful too , yeah I have reflux too so already had to remove lots of things from my diet ,haven't had a coffee in years I miss that more than I miss alcohol

SmokeAKipper profile image

did you say flora as in margarine... avoid this my cardiologist said it’s synthetic plastic basically

Dogloverxthree profile image
Dogloverxthree in reply to SmokeAKipper

may i ask what you put on your bread? At the moment I’m using Olivia and dislike it!

devonian186 profile image
devonian186 in reply to Dogloverxthree

Butter is back in favour as it is a natural and unprocessed food. Of course by next week it may not be!

Aamh profile image
Aamh in reply to Dogloverxthree

toast and honey is really good. Honey cures alot illness. Well pure honey. I use this over butter.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to Aamh

Hi Aamh, I might try that! Judi 😊

Dear you,

Not sure if its the same thing but I get a sort of fluttering around the heart area, like someone is emptying a sink ! last for a few hours then just fades away after eating certain things.

I even sat in the surgery with a bowel of porridge to bring it on for the nurse who called in the Dr and both said that it had something to do with the tummy side of things and not the heart.

So still to this day I have { not only porridge } certain foods and the fluttering/gurgling will start, I grab the dog and find a walk seems to help it pass.

But this is just me, chase your Drs and get it checked, purely as it worries you and needs addressing.

Hopefully like me it is nothing.

Take care.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to

hello, I only get mine very rarely, I do think it is due to some foods I am eating it’s just a case of finding out which one! Take care, Judi

Silvertail profile image

I have to be careful not to eat too much, or sit down too much after eating or my reflux gives me heck. It's like a burning pain in the middle of my chest, Like angina but far worse.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to Silvertail

Hello Silvertail, I am trying to each much smaller meals now so I think that will help. Thanks for your reply I really appreciate it. Judi

Noviceartist profile image

Hello Heyjude - as others have said no expert advice on here but I have found nutritional advice (from a nutritionist!) helpful. My own experience is that foods with a high glycemic load (GL) affect me in terms of palpitations and so following a low GL diet or at least being aware of the impact of high GL foods has been helpful, particularly in the evening. These would include the starchy carbs like bread, potatoes, pasta etc. You can get handy GL guides and it might be worth giving it a try. It's very unpleasant when it happens so hope you find something eases the symptoms.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to Noviceartist

Hello Noviceartist, many thanks for your response. I am hoping it is foods and nothing else. I just need to understand which foods are causing me the problem. Thanks again and take care, Judi

Noviceartist profile image
Noviceartist in reply to Heyjude31

you too Judi

Blondie12345 profile image

i also have similar symptoms. Been through tests for thyroid and ecg for heart and all seems fine.. no answers yet!

Let us know which tests you have arranged.. i am wondering if its gastro related.. or blood sugars

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to Blondie12345

Hello Blondie12345, I am hoping to see my cardio surgeon and hopefully it will just be the foods that are causing me problems with reflux. Take care, Judi

Becksagogo profile image

And another sufferer here! I have given up caffeine, alcohol, most chocolate and I eat a mainly healthy diet.

The only luxury I allow myself are biscuits. I am very underweight and have had all the gastric tests but nothing.

After 4 years of af freedom the "mongrel" has returned with a vengeance so I am waiting to see my Consultant. Its making me very anxious 😟 which seems to be common too.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to Becksagogo

Hi Becksagogo, I am hoping it is foods with me. I am sure that anxiety does not help and probably makes it worse. Take care, Judi

devonian186 profile image

Sugar in all its many forms is likely often a culprit as are processed foods. You might keep a health diary including food and drink and exercise and see if you can link any of them to your condition. Having said that many doctors dismiss minor heart disturbances including ectopics and palpitations saying they are common. Perhaps they are common because on the whole people are regularly eating sugary and highly processed food believing they are healthy? Low fat food for example is often highly processed and has added sugar as can be seen on the labels of low fat yoghurts for example

GRANDPUPA profile image

I know of some people who experience it after taking certain drinks, at times tea. I heard that palpitation is harmless, it's just your stress hormone that's activated. However, if it is coupled with dizziness & weakness, see a doctor.

Aamh profile image
Aamh in reply to GRANDPUPA

While on medication i had this issue for long being gastric. (Burping like 100 times a day) Its normal. Stops when off mediciation

Then i was left with tingly gassy feeling on my left side of chest ever since . 1 yer post medication. This Usualy happens due to oily food and anxiety im guessing. Had many ECG MRI x rays. They spotted no cause for this. And lifes been normal and ive accepted this.

Also when you take vitamins be mindful alot vitamins can cause this wierd sensation on your chest. I stopped alot vitamins and it worked. The feeling goes. Now i try avoiding oily food or overeating and the tingly feeling on my chest is somewhat under control. It is alot to do with anxiety too.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to GRANDPUPA

Hello 52577779, I am hoping it is foods that are causing it. It just makes me very anxious which I am sure doesn’t help. Take care, Judi

ZoeSS profile image

Hi Judy I get this too.

Haven't read all the posts yet so not sure of consensus but wondered if it was a kind of induced 'action stations' of the muscles or heart. Perhaps just more acutely tuned to workload whilst in recovery.

I've had the acid reflux and for me it wasn't quite the same although it could just be another dimension of it.

Am guessing it's normal (expected) if so many are experiencing it.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to ZoeSS

Hello Zoe55, many thanks for your reply. I am hoping it is foods that are causing the problem. Many thanks, Judi

Anon2023 profile image

hi Judi. Hope you are doing ok. I get this all of the time and thought it was eptopics. I think certain foods make them worse and, of course, once I’m aware of them they drive me crazy. Hope you get some answers from the cardiac surgeon soon as I can imagine how frustrating and uncomfortable this must feel for you. Best wishes. X

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to Anon2023

Hi Anon2023, Many thanks for your note, it is much appreciated. I think it might just be the foods I am eating I just need to understand which ones are causing me a problem. Many thanks, Judi

fishonabike profile image

i have not read all the responses here so please forgive me if i am repeating what others have said

i do not experience this, but there are other possible causes apart from reflux/Gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD) - one of these is Gastro-cardiac syndrome - there is a short video by Dr Sanjay Gupta (NHS and private consultant in York) which might be helpful;

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to fishonabike

Hello fishonabike, many thanks for your response and the video I really appreciate it. Thanks ever so much, Judi

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to fishonabike

Hello fishonabike, just to let you know i have watched the video and found it really helpful and informative, thank you! 🙏

MumaLines profile image
MumaLines in reply to fishonabike

Brilliant video, thank you so much as this gives so many explanations to symptoms suffered by so many.

ZoeSS profile image
ZoeSS in reply to fishonabike

Marvellous video . He's brilliant ! Really interesting.

Arnika profile image
Arnika in reply to fishonabike

Thank You so much Fishonabike! Thia was brilliant. This explains video explains exactly what has been happening to me, and why. I wish I had a cardiologist like this. In fact I wish a had a cardiologist at all. Two years after my pacemakers was fitted and I still have not met my cardio, despite some emergencies etc. but this is a different story. At least this video explains something which worried me a lot, and now I will try my won methods to reduce the post eating palpitations, by dividing my one meal a day, meal into some small portions of food etc.

Bluelace profile image
Bluelace in reply to fishonabike

thank you so much for sharing this video. Such great information

HeartyJames profile image

Pretty common nothing to worry about.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to HeartyJames

Thank you HeartyJames, I appreciate it. Judi

wischo profile image

Everybody gets them and the more you expect to get them the more often you will notice them. You have had them checked medically and they have not found anything sinister so the most common causes are tummy related and worst of all anxiety! both of which can be addressed by your GP. I get them requarly and have both of these issues and this is going to shock some of the die hards here but if I get a persistant bout of them I take a 5mg Valium and a small glass of whisky in the evening and this works everytime. Like they say on the TV shows do not try this at home as I am not endorsing this method at all. All it does is tell me that they are caused by anxiety as they stop when I do the above. Do not drive yourself crazy with some Amazonian plant type diet! just ask your GP could it be anxiety or acid reflux causing this. I wish you all the best in sorting this out.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to wischo

Hi wischo, many thanks for your response it is very reassuring! I am not sure I will try the Valium and whisky! Though if it works for you, that’s good! I am sure the anxiety does not help! Take care, Judi

wischo profile image
wischo in reply to Heyjude31

No maybe give my method a miss, your GP should be able to sort you out as there is a lot of bad press regarding PPIs I would ignore it and do what my GP tells me. I have been on omeprazole now for over 20 years and recently had a dexa scan done privately (70 euro) and the results are normal, all my blood tests are normal as well B12 and all the other essentials still at normal level. Once again thats my experience and I am not trying to advise against medical advice. A prominent cardiologist told me a few years ago that if I get palps to take a Valium and another low dose beta blocker. I just replaced the beta blocker with the whisky😊. Do not do this at home.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to wischo

I will follow the GPS advice I have just been transferred onto omeprazole. It worked for me many years ago, so I hope it will work this time round. Take good care and thank you for your lovely post x

ZoeSS profile image
ZoeSS in reply to wischo

Has any one noticed that the omeprazole can relax the body too ? The conscious anxiety might mask it - but I find I hold tension and continuous involuntary tensing a lot of the time and this has been increasing over recent months . I took my omeprazole in the small hours last night ( first of new prescription) ( taking advantage of insomnia) to be right - stomach wise - for breakfast time. I got almost instant relief and relaxation for something I hadn't even clocked properly. Ecstatic!

I just wondered if anyone else has this 'state' and if they associate it with their stomach and the extra activity that goes on with too much acid.

It's also a feature of life post anti depressants and I'm trying very hard to persuade the doctors that some of what I experience is actually a physiological problem and real ( apart from mental over activity ). I've not succeeded in raising any 'possibly' replies as yet .

( Just to add - pre HA a bout of omeprazole did not have this affect - but it's possible that I took it at a different time of da ).

Just wondering. Find it fascinating.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to ZoeSS

I am just about to start taking Omeprazole so will let you know! 🤗

chickeninthewood profile image
chickeninthewood in reply to wischo

Interesting about the whisky! I have known several people who lived to be 100 and over and every one of them had a small sherry or glass of wine once a day!

july2020 profile image


Another sufferer here.

Mine started about 12 months after my bypass and gradually got worse and ultimately lead to gastric spasms with symptoms very similar to a heart attack and a trip to A&E.

To cut a long story short this has now been managed by a change to my Protein Pump Inhibitor medication, diet (e.g. no caffeine) and lifestyle changes.

Knowing the reason for the palpitations does help lower the anxiety associated with them.

I hope you can get yours under control.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to july2020

Hello july2020, many thanks for your reply. I am in the process of changing my PPI, following a conversation with the Pharmacist so I am hoping this might help. Thank you again for replying. Take care, Judi

july2020 profile image
july2020 in reply to Heyjude31

BTW I was also prescribed Gaviscon Advanced (much thicker than normal Gaviscon) as well as a different PPI and that has helped where I eat foods that might trigger issues.

Alphakiwi profile image

Get the same. I do have a slight hiatus and doc gave me omaprozol not related to palps though but i do find a bonus so far of getting way less palps. I hope that helps. I think we all need a better diet. I think i need less coffee and ginger slice maybe lol.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to Alphakiwi

Hi Alphakiwi, I hope that changing my PPI will help me. Thank you for replying I really appreciate it. Judi

Sljp0000 profile image

This is because your blood sugars will be higher after eating. Always happens to me. Try and reduce your carbs in every meal. Nothing to worry about bit I suggest you get checked for diabetes

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to Sljp0000

Hello Slip0000, thanks so much for your post. I have been type 1 diabetic for 30 years. I understand that my blood sugars go up after a meal but had never thought about how that might cause reflux/palpitations. That’s really helpful to know. Thanks again, Judi

Petercat1 profile image


I don't know what your meal pattern is, but I find if I eat quite big meals I sort of get palpitations. Maybe little and often for your meals might help if you're not already doing it.

Best wishes


Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to Petercat1

Hi Denise, thanks ever so much for your response. I am sure you are right I am going to try little and often, I think it will help. Thank you again, Judi

MumaLines profile image

Hi Jude, you say you are having Palpitations, small palpitations after eating, no pain just discomfort sometimes. When I had palpitations, my heart used to race, I could feel it in my neck, tummy and chest. I used to feel like my tummy had just gone down a roller coaster, would make my head giddy. Do you get these feelings my lovely?

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to MumaLines

Hello MumaLines, thanks so much for your response. I don’t get any of the symptoms you describe, just the palpitations after eating. It sounds as though it must be a challenge for you, I do hope you are okay, take care, Judi

Holly_lax profile image

I get this to, or more of a crashing banging heart rate, as if I’ve been exercising. Never figured it out / always had gut issues and currently trying to work through gallbladder problems, don’t know if it’s linked. Very annoying and horrible.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to Holly_lax

Hi Holly..lax, gosh that sounds awful. I do really hope you get some answers, it must be very debilitating. Take good care Judi

HANDY1 profile image

Hey Jude

It could be many things. I am a 60 year old male who gets ectopic beats. I’ve had them for years. I also have a small hiatus hernia and was tested and diagnosed with Celiac. Without getting into a long drawn out story, there are times when I eat and the ectopic beats seem to go crazy. Then of course it would freak me out and then get worse. Now when it happens it doesn’t bother me a bit. Every test that was run on me, I’d run into people who had the same symptoms. That includes cardiologists and doctors. They all say the same thing. They are normal and will not harm you, as long as you are tested and get cleared of any other underlying conditions. Dr. Gupta (hope the spellings correct) has great YouTube videos on this topic. You may never get a difinitive answer on the cause. I never did but know you will be ok.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to HANDY1

Hello HANDY1, thank you so much for taking the time to send such a detailed reply I really appreciate it. I am definitely going to look at Dr Gupta, one of our other hearties has also suggested him. Thank you also for your kind words it makes me feel much better and assured. Take care and thanks again, Judi

Bigandy profile image

It also depends on your mental condition when while you are eating. Are watching TV, listening to the news, having heated conversations, unpleasant company. Your state of mind while eating is important. Do not consume food when your are not focused on what is in your mouth.

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to Bigandy

Thank you Bigandy, you are so right! Sometimes if I am feeling anxious eating a meal can make my reflux and palpitations worse. Sometimes watching the news can have the same impact. Take care and thank you again. Judi

Hello :-)

I get what feels like a little palpitation after eating when I have indigestion before I burp

I hope the Doctor can sort this out with a change of meds and it seems from your replies you are certainly not the only one which even though we do not wish anyone else to suffer I hope you find it reassuring :-) x

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to

Hello my friend lovely to hear from you. I am changing meds so I too hope it helps.I also think my anxiety makes it worse. Certainly lots of our fellow hearties seem to experience the same. I have been thinking of you and hoping you are okay xx

in reply to Heyjude31

Hello :-)

I have to agree that anxiety certainly does make it worse

Since I have caught this thing my Indigestion has been dreadful with burning stomach never had it this bad but I have been unwell and super anxious

I still have a way to go it got me good but thank you for asking me

Have they changed your meds already and I wonder what they have put you on you will have to let me know and if they worked any better , I really hope they do :-) x

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to

Hello, I will give it a week or so and let you know how I get on. Take good care 🥰🥰🥰🤗🤗🤗

DJK99 profile image

Hey there - i’m a bit late replying, but wanted to say I have this often too and mentioned at my cardiology review last week (but just shrugs from cardiologist). I’ve had this happen all my life (have AF, aortic regurgitation, and ectopic and supraventricular beats) and also when I wee.. things like that. I just presumed when eating the blood goes to the stomach more so change in BP which affects my heart, could be that, but also eating and weeing etc gives the body a lot to do so have just always thought it was struggling more at those times, you know, has a lot more to think about. I think it’s quite common and don’t worry anout it unless it won’t go back into sinus. I’m nearly 60 now and just accepted it as another one of those things ;). Have you googled for medical research papers on it? I might later, there’s always something out there. All the best, D

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to DJK99

Thanks so much for your lovely and detailed response I really appreciate it. Interestingly I saw my Cardiologist on Friday and I got the same reaction. He did say he thought it was to do with reflux and my slight hiatus hernia. Also if it persisted then I should see my GP. I have also recently changed my PPI and blood pressure, and although it is early days I have started to feel better and not get such a strong reaction in terms of palpitations although that may be in my head! I shall feel more confident in a week. I am very grateful for your reply, thank you and take care. Judi

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to DJK99

Hello, me again. I have just read your bio, what an amazing person you are to deal with so many challenges health wise and you still found time to reply to me. Take good care and I send you lots of hugs and thanks, Judi

DJK99 profile image
DJK99 in reply to Heyjude31

A.. thanks so much for your responses. Yes, life has been a bit difficult health wise much of my life, but the last 5years (or 10!) have been rather pants! I am struggling right now (or was last week) with flares, so painful and started to feel a bit hopeless.. which isn't like me, but yesterday I began to move around the flat a little better.. and today I've managed to hoover.. but bod not very happy at all with me now ;). I'm a v v young at heart nearly 60yr old.. I have always kept myself healthy with an excellent diet, supplements, keep very hydrated and exercise daily (according to how my bod is!) as I know this makes a huge difference. Do you do the same? Thing is, my old job (and the way I am naturally) was about helping others.. it's a wonderful feeling if you can make a difference eh?! I'm so pleased I helped a little.. I have to say I don't have any reflux issues and I've always had this rhythm change if I do all sorts really... turning over in bed, or just lying down.. or a bit of stress suddenly, but the heart rights itself usually.. but not always.. hence I'm back seeing cardiology and having tests. I just can't see how reflux can make you go into arrythmia... but then I'm not a doctor ;). I'll have a look later and see if there is any research on it all. I hope you are OK and feel supported here - and by your docs.... I think you have to really keep up on everything yourself, so can be prepared in appts and be really up to date.. All the best to you.. and, oh, have just seen you are starting to follow me.. Hope my posts etc are helpful. D x

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to DJK99

Hello D, I hope you are feeling okay today. I am doing okay thank you, I am hoping that the new meds will help my palpitations a bit, and also a hoarseness I get in my throat. According to the doctor reflux can cause that as well. I hope your body is being good to you today. Take care xx

DJK99 profile image
DJK99 in reply to Heyjude31

Thanks so much. Yes, another 12hrs kip and still taking it very easy with this flare. Thanks for caring :). Did you see my response below with info? What meds has your doc put you on for your palpitations? Sotolol and the like? My mother was on Digoxin for the last 20yrs of her life (along with Warfarin) and that helped a bit. You don't have GERD do you? Maybe have a look up on it... x

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to DJK99

Hello DJK99, I hope your day has been okay today. I do think my new meds have definitely improved my palpitations. I am on Diltazem twice a day and am now on Omeprazale as my PPI. I do hope you are okay, take care x

DJK99 profile image
DJK99 in reply to Heyjude31

Aha... the first for high blood pressure and the second stomach acid. I have read the latter can stop nutrients being absorbed (but I might be wrong) but this can be gotten around with extra supplements etc I guess. I'm so glad they are helping you, great news. I'm much better today - this time last week I was in a world of pain and suffering! So, hurrah!! I just need to keep away from stress, as much as one can. All the best to you x

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to DJK99

if I could keep away from stress and anxiety following my heart bypass I would be great! . It has improved but I feel I ‘should be over it now’ as it has been just over a year. Take care x

DJK99 profile image
DJK99 in reply to Heyjude31

Oooer... that sounds extremely hairy. You poor thing. It takes as long as it takes to recover.. and getting over it is hard I'd imagine.. it's pretty major after all. I've only had ablation heart-wise anyway (mind you that was pretty grim, 4hrs of half awakeness freezing cold on a cold slab as there's not much insulation on me naturally!). My late brother had an aortic valve replacement (this was 15years ago or more) with the ole complete open chest way of doing... zip up the chest thang as a result. And that was long term hard recovery. I do hope things calm down for you anxiety wise - do you have any NHS (or other) therapy? I do yoga every night (if my body is allowing) and I find it very helpful... even just deep breathing with lovely calming music on. I hope you have support too... it's tough living on your own with serious health stuff to manage. Huge hug, brave person! x

Heyjude31 profile image
Heyjude31 in reply to DJK99

Hiya, I am very fortunate to have my rock who is my partner. Though I can say husband now as after 30 years we had a very quiet ceremony a month ago. I do try to do calming exercises, perhaps I should seriously try yoga. You sound very disciplined to do it every night! Your ablation sounds a nightmare you must have been incredibly brave! X

DJK99 profile image
DJK99 in reply to Heyjude31

Well congratulations! How wonderful.

I am very disciplined, yes, as I am a singleton, after decades of failed relationships (not a good childhood, so didn't have the tools really.. just lots of "working out who I am" stuff and healing). I have to be as well as I can to look after me, as no one coming to the rescue.. so yep, I have always have a good diet, drink gallons of water a day (always thirsty due to Sjogrens), spend a fortune on supplements, body lotion, top of range hair stuff etc etc, and keep as fit as I can. I like to look nice too.. as have good looks genes passed from my beautiful mother.. but sadly my bod is also passed down from mum and dad.. ie a bit up the spout/lots of congenital stuff (although I kinda look alright!) but Dad taught me how to do all I can diet-wise etc from an extremely early age.. and the rest I've picked up along the way. I'm a fighter if nothing else.. but getting a bit harder especially times such as last week and a couple of weeks before that with the flares.. really nasty.. v upsetting. I just have to keep away from negativity as much as I can..

And, yes, please give yoga a go.. it saved my life throughout the lock downs.. The raft I clung to as part of my day. I would always end up crying (usually during the face down flat on the mat positions!) as it seemed so hopeless for us immunosupressed etc etc, but it was so cathartic.. and frankly keeps yer butt etc nice and tight (well, it used to:!). I have done Raquel Welch yoga since I was 21. That's nearly 40yrs now! Wow. First I found her book (when my hair was falling out - didn't know I had lupus then - and thought the very stressful job in advertising was the reason.. and it was I guess, as stress will bring on symptoms). I used to do it every night when I got home, without fail, even before saying hi to flatmates.. as I had to decompress. This also made my bod fantastic! I've always dipped in and out through the years as, of course, life got in the way and it wasn't practical - but when the lockdown came it really was my saviour.. and now, if I'm able, I'll always do some of it each night, and just started doing the whole lot each night again.. You can find the (very dated!!) hilarious video of it on You tube.. If you can get past guffawing at her obvious self- obsession, and thinking that you have to do it to the limits she does (any bones in her back at all???!) then it's good to have a look at. Put " Raquel Total Beauty yoga" in and it should come up. Any problems then let me know and I'll send a link. Mind you, you'll probably want to start with something MUCH gentler... ;).... just put in "easy yoga start" or something. And, to be clear, it takes months to get anywhere near able to do what she does.. and even then I have never been to the bendiness she does... and it hurts the next day as using muscles you're not ever used to.

Right, I've blathered. Time for sleep. Good luck with the contortions.. and the real peace of mind it gives.. x

DJK99 profile image

And here we are... just typed "heart arrhythmia after eating" and this came up (as I thought, it's very common) :

Heart Palpitations After Eating

Heart palpitations feel like your heart flutters, pounds or skips a beat. Certain ingredients in food, such as sugar, carbs or salt, can cause them. Supplements, medications and other factors can also play a role. Heart palpitations after eating usually aren’t harmful.

And as I said before it can be due to the change in BP when eating as blood goes to the tum to start doing things:

Eating and the Pounding Heart

It’s not unusual to feel like your heart’s pounding after exercise. We’ll even agree that a little romance can make the heart pound. But eating? For some patients who visit a cardiology clinic in Suffolk County, NY, meals seem to trigger heart palpitations. Eating does cause changes in blood flow, which can result in an increased heart rate. Eating can also cause an increase in blood pressure. If you overeat, you force your heart to work harder than normal. You need more blood going to your digestive system, which causes your heart rate to go up.

There is always something out there to answer our queries I find.. I used to be an Information analyst pre social work, and so I'm naturally someone who will search for answers...

All the best to you x

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