So to cut a long story short a cardiologist told me i had Ventricular Tachycardia at 37 weeks pregnant. Prescribed me 2.5mg Bisoprolol and sent me on my way. So, my baby was safely delivered and my heart rate remained low and i tolerated labour well. So my baby is now 10 weeks old but since birth ive noticed that even though my heart rate is lower because of the bisoprolol which is great im still getting palpitations. In fact its fair to say im getting them very regular indeed. Some days i can have loads in a day, other times lots over a couple of days. The cardiology department dont want to see me until next year and will send an appointment as they said that your body will still be stressed from pregnancy and labour for some time afterwards. I dont know what to do. Do i ride them out or call the cardiology team to be see earlier??
More palpatations than ever! - British Heart Fou...
More palpatations than ever!

What heart rate do you have when tachycardic? If it is excessively high and prolonged it would be good to seek some help with that.
My heart rate is nice and low thanks to the bisoprolol. Its the palpations that i still getting, that missing beats feeling and occasional fluttering. Thats how j know they are still happening. My heart rate at the moment isn't the problem its between 68-90 bpm.
Ah sorry, should have how long do the palpitations last for? I was told that runs of 30 seconds or more need looking at.Mine last for a few seconds then back to normal then perhaps back to the palpitations.
Mine literally are so quick that by the time ive realised then its over, until the next time x
Ah well I've had ectopics like those for decades with no effect.That said at 55 I'm on bp meds and since then I get a short run of ectopics for a few seconds.It feels like a trembling in my chest.I've had a 24 hour ecg but having a 5 day one in January.The cardiologist says he thinks it's harmless but it isn't pleasant.I suppose post childbirth your hormones are adjusting. I had three kids but I don't remember it being a particular problem postpartum.Love the budgie by the way.I have five of them and one looks just like yours.😀
How did they diagnose the V-Tach? Did you wear a Holter Monitor ?
If no monitor then perhaps call and ask for a monitor. My GP has prescribed me a monitor in the past so maybe yours would too? Then if anything urgent is found perhaps your cardiologist appt could be moved up !
I am very curious if it was ventricular tachycardia or supraventricular tachycardia that was diagnosed. Both cause very similar symptoms, but SVT is benign (albeit bothersome), while VT can be not so benign.
If they just want you to be seen yearly, and just prescribed bisoprolol, I am wondering if it's SVT you are having.
My electrophysiologist said even with medication, they cannot cut out the SVT's (and other benign arrhythmias) 100%, there will still be breakthrough episodes.
It took some adjustments, and a little time, but my SVT's lessened considerably from when I first started seeing a specialist after taking Toprol.
I later was diagnosed with ventricular tachycardia as well, and due to my family history of and my diagnosis of hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, received another medication, Sotalol, as well as an implanted defibrillator/pacemaker. I was 40 at the time.
Wishing you the best, please keep us updated, and congratulations on your little one! :O)
I am on bisopolol for a slow heart rate
Bisoprolol lowers heart rate so it will not be prescribed for slow heart rate.
Hi DanniC88,
I suffer with ectopic beats, and have done for years. Your symptoms sound just like mine. I’m 37 and have a 5 month old and can relate to the palpitations being worse at this point after birth. Are you still on the bisoprolol? Sadly sleepless nights and being a bit run down can make palpitations worse. Also the extra blood during pregnancy etc can certainly make them worse too. Mine were fine after birth and got worse/more noticeable around the same time. Your body is still adjusting so take your time. They will improve. However, I would say, I would definitely chat it through with a GP as its bothering you. Have you had the holter monitoring? Ecg? Etc? I had several whist pregnant with my first and once this time too which picked up ectopics but I pushed for further testing. Finally managed to see a cardiologist who suffered with the same condition and had an exercise ECG which has finally given me some confidence that all is well which is important for your mental wellbeing reducing the anxiety about them. You have plenty to do looking after little one and you’ve done a fantastic job of dealing with pregnancy and getting through labour so far. Make time to get yourself checked out for your own peace of mind as its hard when you’re distracted by worrying palpitations. I would also say keep up with a multi vitamin and mineral supplement esp if BF to keep up with magnesium and vit D levels. Best of luck 👍
Glad there are others with similar problems. Ive had the odd palpitation or fluttering throughout my life but was only once in a blue moon. Didn't have any problems with my other 2 pregnancies but they were smaller birth weights. This little one weighed 9lb 6oz and was the biggest ive ever been. I was huge all the way through. The palpations picked up alot around 10-15 weeks pregnant so GP referred me to cardiology. I had a 7 day holster monitor back in july which showed some high recordings but they said it was non sustained. Had an echo in August which was fine. Then 999 in September at 36 weeks pregnant because of severe palpitations and spent the week on a cardiac ward. First they thought SVT then said VT. Prescribed bisoprolol 2.5mg then saw me late September maybe early october before delivery just to check meds were ok then said they wont see me now until sometime after the birth as they are limited with certain tests and meds with pregnant women so would rather investigate properly after the birth.
9lb 6oz. He was massive looking. As i was really big throughout pregnancy, swollen feet and ankles from the word go, its was my biggest pregnancy and he was my 3rd
Thankyou. Good point you made. 3 times i asked about a gestational diabetes test in pregnancy as his growth was big. Nope they said its not a worry at the moment. After birth he had a low bm of 1.5 and had to be treated in neonatal. Then they asked me if i had or was tested for gestational diabetes. Are they taking the p***
Hi DanniC88
I have been on Bisoprolol for 3 months now and also have ventricular tachycardia. While on Bisoprolol I was still getting palps for up to 4 hours at a time but I have started taking 200mgs of Magnesium Citrate a day and they seem to have calmed the Palpatations a bit but I still have flutters. Unless your doctor has told you to take multi vitamins I would be a bit careful as there are a lot of interactions with the Bisoprolol tablets.
Hope you feel better soon
Hi thanks for that. I dont really take anything else with the bisoprolol apart from my contraceptive pill. I do need to start a multivitamin again now im breastfeeding. Do yiu know if bisoprolol is ok with multivitamins?
My ectopic are called pvc s are they the same thing anyone xx