Weird palpatations or something after... - British Heart Fou...

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Weird palpatations or something after caffeine

Ninjacat profile image
22 Replies

Caffeine - I felt like I was about to have a heart attack - can caffeine do this? First I got a migraine aura then My head was light and weird, couldn’t talk properly or think of the correct words? It was so weird? It seems to be calming down now? I’m all jittery - it was quite terrifying. I’m putting it down to caffeine? And lack of food perhaps? Any ideas?

Thanks J

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Ninjacat profile image
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22 Replies

Caffeine can raise the heart rate, cause palpitations and, in some cases, if a person is sensitive, trigger certain types of arrhythmia involving fast and/or irregular heart rate. These episodes can be accompanied by a variety of symptoms ranging from simple awareness of your heart beating fast, through to chest pain, fainting, and breathlessness. Whatever the cause, you should always get episodes like the one you describe checked out, as it’s better to be safe than sorry, particularly as you’re expressing difficulty associated with speech and finding words. There are other conditions that can cause these symptoms that aren’t directly related to the heart, but that may also need medication or treatment. Caffeine is also a known migraine trigger for some people, though.

Ninjacat profile image
Ninjacat in reply to

Thanks Charlie - great to hear your reply

PeterpPiper profile image

I’m on decaf coffee it’s quite tasty if you get the ground type.. try it for the coffee taste without the caffeine

tapfoot profile image

Hi, I have had migraine for many years. The worst ones have left me unable to speak properly, and once I had one where I could hear someone speaking but could not process the meaning of the words at all. Added to the usual aura related visual disturbances and knowing there's a horrific headache on its way in 20-40 minutes is miserable and scary. Too much caffeine is definitely a trigger for me, as is hunger. Have you ever noticed a rush of energy or a 'high' before your aura starts? If it is going to be a bad one I've noticed this. Also changes in air pressure like before a storm? So many things seem to trigger them. Best of luck and maybe try decaffeinated coffee ( yes, I know!)

LBCdance profile image

I think caffeine has been known for some time to be a stimulant, I know it has made my pulse race especially if I have it too often or late in the day. Other replies have been accurate and helpful I think and as we are all different maybe it is good to experiment and cut down on the amount you drink but you may not need to give it up altogether - I am not a fan of green tea or tap water personally but I do get small bottles of eight carbonated water and find that a pleasant drink, always have some in the fridge and a bottle on my bedside table.

peterjones105 profile image

Oh yes caffeine is a powerful stimulant, I am prone to ectopic heart beats and caffeine even from decaf can cause them, in my case caffeine also causes my BP to spike, I largely gave up caffeine some months ago and just enjoy an occasional decaf, no more than one per day.

MDR1 profile image

As people have pointed out, coffee is a stimulant and one of the triggers of my migraines, along with red wine and strong light including strong sun! All 3 things that I love!!I switched to decaf after my HA and it's definitely worth it. There are some good ones on the market these days. I use the nespresso pods which are really tasty if you have a nespresso machine.

spinningjenny profile image

I gave up caffeine many years ago for the same reason. I only drink decaf tea now. Well, when I say only decaf tea I admit to the odd tipple. I’ve recently made rhubarb gin - yum!

Aopl profile image

Last year I met up with a friend but I was early so I had a cappuccino while waiting. Then, when she arrived I had another. I left her to go to Sainsburys and whilst I was in there suddenly felt awful, heart racing, feeling sick and as though I was going to collapse. Got myself home and had to lay down and spent the rest of my time vomiting and other stuff. It truly took me a couple of days to recover somewhat and then only very slowly. I was feeling the diminishing effects for days. Every time I thought of that coffee my stomach turned which I always think is a good indication of what causes such a thing. I only ever have the one coffee and that is when I am out and about otherwise it has been tea for quite a few years now. I obviously got hit with a massive caffeine overload and boy, did my body object. It was months before I could face coffee again so I’ll did I feel and it is only ever a decaf cappuccino.

Hi, prior to my heart attack and 4 stents fitted I suffered dreadful migraines. Caffeine can be a trigger, and it sounds like the migraines I experienced when my blood glucose was low. Luckily I have not suffered many since my heart treatment.I ran a pub for 7 years and one day talking to a customer about migraines she mentioned an elderly aunt who suffered dreadfully. Someone told her to take a glass of sherry as soon as the aura started and from then on she never had the full migraine ever again.

I tried this and it works! I have not had the full blown debilitating migraine since,

just the occasional aura.

I don't know how it works but it does.

When I had a really bad episode my wife thought I was having a stroke, loss of feeling on my left side, slurred speech, unable to think straight.

It is definitely worth checking out though, it took a couple of brain scans and eventually finding a doctor that knew about migraine to get a diagnosis but unfortunately the medication prescribed didn't work at all. The last brain scan did show narrowing of the arteries so I guess being on blood thinners maybe helping.

Perhaps sherry thins the blood. Good luck.

tapfoot profile image
tapfoot in reply to

Hi Paulo, I took part in a migraine meds trial many years ago. It came about after a heart surgeon noticed his post-op patients reported fewer migraine. He had prescribed them all Clopidogrel routinely post-surgery. Do you mind if I ask if you were prescribed Cloppy Dog too? The drug trialled was Clopidogrel, and though I didn't have a known heart condition then, My GP prescribed it for me as it had such a positive effect on my migraines. I have been taking it for over 10 years now. I'm happy to hear your positive story. All the best.

in reply to tapfoot

Hi tapfoot, thanks for replying.My post op meds were Prasugrel, Entresto, Furosemide, Bisoprolol, Atorvastatin, Omeprozol, Metformin and Aspirin.

I am presently only taking Prasugrel (coming off that end of July), Entresto, Furosemide and aspirin due to awful side effects of Atorvastatin and Bisoprolol. Omeprozol no longer needed (my cardio guy said he didn't know why I was prescribed it) and off the Metformin because my blood glucose is now OK.

Very rarely get the aura (castellated scotoma nearly always on left) and haven't had full blown migraine since. Cut back on caffeine years ago (try Aldi"s decaf, bloody lovely!) I get the very occasional eye shimmering when I am hungry.

All the best.

Ninjacat profile image
Ninjacat in reply to

Hi Paulo is that what they are called castellated Scotoma? And eye shimmering? Now I can put a name to what I experience and try and describe to people! And do you get side effects from Bisoprolol? I seem to be okay on it. I think I am going to have to start a statin - heard so many bad reports about them !

I so live the bitterness of a the coffee’s been getting the decaf ones and they are pretty awful. Will try your recommendation, cheers.

in reply to Ninjacat

Hi Ninjacat,Castellated scotoma is an aura that has the shape of a rugby ball, in my case not always complete shape, that has bright zig-zag edges. Mine have blue and yellow edges.

Having a heart attack and 4 stents fitted last year and the treatment since seems to have virtually stopped them.

Had terrible side effects on Atorvastatin but not at first. It took a while to get the severe muscle pain and cramps. Tried a small dose of Rovustatin but no good, muscle pain straight away and felt very unwell. Then tried Ezetimibe and the effects were instant and severe, tingling lips, rash and lumps on my neck, blurred vision, very dizzy and feeling sick.

So no more for me.

I have read many articles about statins and cholesterol and it is very divided with lots of claims of flawed research and cover ups by the big pharmas, who make billions of dollars from statins.

An interesting book A statin nation by Dr Malcolm Kendrick is worth a read.

My main problem with Bisoprolol was feeling out of it, brain fog, memory problems and cold hands and feet. Eventually got to the point where my feet would burn like they were on fire at night and would turn red when lowered to the floor to get out of bed in the morning with excruciating pain. Eventually they turned very shiny and dry and split and would not heal, then become infected. I had read on here about similar things happening with Bisoprolol so I eventually managed to get a doctor to take me off them slowly. Feet are healing nicely, I feel 30 years younger, I used to shuffle around like a 95 year old man!

I can read books again without forgetting the characters in it.

I can walk again and do gardening and DIY although I do get tired easily, frustrating but I know this is how things are now so I just sit down and rest.

My cholesterol is in the normal NHS guideline range but they like it lower once you have had a heart attack.

I'll take my chances. Quality of life is much better for me off these drugs.

All the best.

Retirement65 profile image

Hello just to say I went on decaf tea only drink a coffee outside - costa decaf is really nice but I’ve had palpitations off and on for years ectopics mainly and BP spike last month so have been on the decaf about 2 months now and it’s made a difference worth a try hope you feel better soon 😊

Ninjacat profile image

Thank you all for your informative and kind replies ... my vices are chocolate and coffee (I didn’t know chocolate contained caffeine 🙃) and I drink little water! I am going to have the decaf from now on in costa (if I can face it ) - and I might try the sherry tipple! 😃👍🏻 And water 💦

Handel profile image

Hi Ninjacat. I can only relate what happened to my 70 year old sister 4 years ago. She stopped for a Costa coffee and decided to just have an espresso (the older ones amongst us know what too much fluid intake can do when you're out and about!!)Heart rate immediately risen, couldn't stand as she felt dizzy, and couldn't explain to those around trying to help her.

She was given a glass of water and told to sit still while they called 111 for advice. After 5 minutes, she was back to her old self.

I did tell her to get checked out but those checks revealed nothing.

The silly so and so decided to have a strong coffee at home to see what happened and she had the same weird symptoms!

The GP put it all down to caffeine and told her to have decaf!!!

Sending good luck and hugs your way. Jan xxx

Woollymum profile image

I've always found caffeine made everything go way too fast, mind, speech, the jitters, and heart rate. I was told to go caffeine-free when diagnosed with over-active thyroid and when diagnosed years later with AF was told to avoid caffeine. That has been a tremendous help in controlling symptoms. It certainly can cause your symptoms but, as others have said, it'd be a good idea to get it checked out. (De-caff drinks are fine but I do miss the odd chocolate bar!!) Hope you get sorted.

invictaAlec profile image

Decaf coffee only for me since my bypass surgery three years ago. Put too much milk in and its pretty tasteless, but (slightly) better than nothing! 😀

in reply to invictaAlec

Hi invctaAlec, I love Aldi coffee, I have a cup of full caff Sumatran ground bean 1st thing in the morning and use their instant decaf if I fancy a coffee during the day. It is the nicest decaf I have tried.

I used to work in a place that that strong Colombian coffee permanently brewing and I overdosed on caffeine, felt awful, went to doctors and luckily the guy was switched on and after asking about what I ate and drank said "stop the coffee allow yourself one a day and see what happens."

After a few days felt so much better, no palpitations, less fatigue and after two weeks brighter and more with it.

It surprised me that caffeine could make me feel so ill!

Caffeine could be at least part of the problem, but better to get checked out anyway. A few years ago, just after a winter holiday, I suddenly started having a racing heartbeat and cramp like pains in my chest. I went straight to my GP, who questioned me about what I'd been doing on holiday, specifically, how much I'd been drinking, as he suspected too much alcohol. I explained that I hadn't had any alcohol, but I drink tea, but couldn't get a decent cup of tea where I'd been, so had been drinking several cups of coffee a day instead. His diagnosis was an overdose of caffeine. He said no more coffee for 2 weeks and only max 4 cups of tea a day. Problem solved! I now have AF and have cut my tea consumption down to 2 a day, and drink a lot more water. It has made a difference, and as a bonus, I'm sleeping better as well.

Sherob54 profile image

Hi ninjacat, for years I've always said caffeine is as bad as some illegal drugs. I can't do breakfast so sometimes have a coffee while walking my dog, bad news, migraine really bad! Also I can't take food with Monosodium glutamate or flavour enhancers in it, it's called Chinese food syndrome. After my aortic valve transplant and getting back to the normal ward from intensive care I had a coffee I don't know why I think I was still away with the fairies on morphine. Anyway my heart started racing and set the alarms off that I was still wired too, what was that all about? It effects my siblings too. I always know when my son's had a coffee because he talks! Good luck.

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