I have been on meds for high BP for about 20yrs. Then suddenly 18mths ago my BP started to fluctuate, I.e. AM before getting out of bed was 169/100 and then by 10AM could be as low as 75/50. This didn’t last for long, but obviously felt very dizzy, light headed, sick etc. I would sit down and wait for it to pass. Consulted GP and then Cardiologist all of this over 1yr trying different meds. Beta blockers made it worse.
Had all the tests imaginable I.e. tilt table, BP monitor 24hrs, u/s heart scan, ECG. Found to be no cause for this happening. Advised by Cardiologist to regulate BP meds myself Losartan 50mg taking only when BP at 150, although he did say to not bother taking my BP at home… This seemed to work, taking 1x 50mg dose am along with Clopidogrel and Lansaporazole prescribed previously.and one before bed.
Work fine for 6mths, Cardiologist did say that both high and low BP cannot be treated together, it’s one or the other.
Just before the heatwave that we have been experiencing, things went awry, the balance of meds was really difficult to regulate again. GP referred me back to Cardio. Appt in January
Have managed to stabilise the meds taking all at bed time. So I am now back on the exact thing as before all this started, except taking at bed time not AM.
However, randomly taken BP reveals AM reading of 165/85 although I feel ok.
What is going on, no one seems to have any explanation as to why this is happening.
Can anyone help, please?