Hi I have been having problems with my blood pressure lately it's been 138/88 normal,155/88 at work and when I went to a&e it was 178 went there because back of my hands were sweating, head sweating and confused. Did a CT scan to see if I was having mini strokes but was ok. In the past I have had heart attack and two stents but in. I am on statins and bendroflumethiazide 2.5 mg doctor has told me it needs to come down but not put me on anymore medication. Thanks for your help
Blood pressure is it to high - British Heart Fou...
Blood pressure is it to high

Hi Gaz
There is a ‘white coat syndrome’ whereby BP rises when you see a nurse or doctor.
It seems to be stress related. listen to your GP and follow his advice. Good diet, good exercise and reduced stress will help.
I think I stress about being stressed which isn’t helpful at all.
Best wishes
How relaxed are you when at work? Also, when you take your blood pressure at work are you relaxing for at least 5 minutes before you take it? As blackcatsooty has posted, you may have "white coat syndrome" where your blood pressure is higher when taken by a doctor or a nurse. I suffer from that too and my blood pressure readings are often a good 20mmHg (systolic) and 5mmHg (diastolic) higher in my GPs surgery than when I take a reading at home. If you were in A&E and feeling very uncomfortable / hot / sweaty this could also push up your blood pressure. Readings are usually lower at home because you can control the environment you are in to a much better degree when taking a reading.

I suspect dual therapy may be a solution although I am not medically qualified. With this two different types of BP medication are used as they have different actions. For me adding a minimal dose of Bisoprolol (a beta blocker) dropped my Lisinopril (an ACE Inhibitor) dose by over 75%. You are on a diuretic. My understanding is that CCIs (Calcium Channel Inhibitors) often compliment these.
It is slightly high. At cardiologists last week and it was at 142 and they said it was slightly raised but he didnt seem too concerned. I would monitor it yourself maybe but make sure and relax for 5 mins or so before doing the reading xx
Since your blood pressure appears to be consistently high, I don't see how it can be white coat syndrome. I first found out I had HBP in 2002 in the doctors office. The top number was 155 and they wanted to send me to the emergency room. I refused (because I felt fine) so they made an appointment with a cardiologist. Over the years I continued to attribute the HBP to white coat syndrome when in reality it was uncontrolled blood pressure (I was in denial for long time!). In the meantime, I believe HBP has taken a toll on my kidneys. If I were you, I would take my blood pressure regularly and if the number are consistently high (above 130), I would go back to the doctor to voice my concern. I think it's really wrong to tell you your BP needs to come down without giving you guidance on how to do that - it's not like you have a magic wand!
Thanks for your replys. I have a appointment to see the cardiologist on Friday will mention about my blood pressure. Thanks again
Good Morning. Have you tried a reduced salt eating ‘campaign’? Salt seems to do awful things to one’s innards and if as you say, you like crisps and eat normal bread or shop bought meals, you may actually be consuming quite a lot.
Taste buds become used to high salt but can readjust with practice.
I wrote to a high end supermarket asking if they could reduce salt in own brand bread and they wrote back saying the salt content was written on it and you can work out your own intake!! Like we all sit down with calculators totting up the good and bad bits of each food stuff.
If you find food bland without salt, trying adding fresh or dried herbs/spices.
Thanks for reply. I don't have salt on my meals just pepper, I am cutting out crisps. Have not had a problem with my blood pressure until 2 month ago. When my left eye went blood shot and sweating back of hands and head and my head not with it confused. I bike and walk alot
I have been checking my blood for last few days and my blood pressure has gone back to 122/78 range at work and home and feel a lot better in my self. So do not know what was making my blood pressure high is last five weeks . Thanks