24hr blood pressure results - British Heart Fou...

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24hr blood pressure results

11 Replies

just writing to let any one interested. about a 24hr blood pressure test. Had to wear a cuff for 24hrs and the following was found. The overall average was 131/87

The day time average was 133/88

Night time average was 126/86

It seems that the blood pressure is coming down nicely. But the cardiologist want me to go up from 20mg of lisinopril to 25mg of lisinopril. The reason is that the diastolic is still high for 78% of the time. I have no issue to do this but it seems that with my condition the bottom figure needs to be near or under the 80 mark. It just proves that both figures are now very important when it come heart issues. Of cause when i went to hospital the blood pressure was 147/98 so the old white coat syndrome does have an effect. But at home and in my safe environment as can be seen it is coming down nicely. So it seems that the blood pressure needs to be taken over a long period of time and the average is what is important.

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11 Replies

Hello :-)

It is so good they are doing these checks and now they are getting it down to some better numbers and yes top and bottom figures are both important

Now they know the results they know how to get it down even more so sounds like it has been a positive :-)

Glad you are back home in your safe environment and hope you have a relaxing evening :-) x

in reply to

thank you for rhe reply. Iam now home in my safe place and enjoying the evening. I hope you are ok? I have to admit when i done the 24hr check i took a couple of days off work. Hate to think what blood pressure would have been at work. Hope you are feeling better? iam now seeing an nhs wellbeing Councillor. Bit lucky really. As there was suppose to be a few month waiting list.

in reply to

Hello :-)

You sounds like me in a way home is my safe place but I am agoraphobic :-)

The results were better don't let that imagination of the if I was at work and so on get in the way things are improving :-)

I am struggling a little bit but thank you for asking me :-)

Now take those results knowing they will improve even more :-) x

thanks i will endeavour to see these improvements as another positive. I feel for you with your agoraphobia. It must be hard on you. But where ever there is a bed it is my safe place. It is strange how the mind can effect you so much. Went to a hotel on hols and the room was my safe place. Yes i went out but since my heart issue iam very weary. But i was a bit like it last year, before i knew about the heart thing. But i was a child who easily got home sick. And to this day i go away, but i dont like it, i battle through it but it uses alot of energy. Lock down did not help i suppose it just caused more worry and concerns and made home more of a safe place. Any way you take care and keep safe.

in reply to

Hello :-)

It made me smile when you said wherever there is a bed it is your safe place

When I kept having my heart attacks they would always put me in a side room and even though I wanted to be home that became my safe place and I would stay there till to my relief I could come home

I was also a child that never liked stopping very far away from home it is strange really how we are and I agree it is a battle and you do use a lot of energy I feel shattered dealing with my anxiety everyday

I think the only time I may have had an advantage was lockdown that is my everyday life so I did not struggle it was normal to me the only strange bit was that most were all of a sudden doing what I do everyday staying in

You take care to and please try not to worry things are looking up for you and you will be just fine :-) x

Jlw3027 profile image

I’ve been reading things on here awhile but this is the first time I’m actually writing anything 😬. Can I ask was your bp was before? I’ve just done a week of bp monitoring at home and it’s averaging at 155/90, I’m back at drs this afternoon to see what they say. I’ve got biscupid aortic valve with stenosis and enlarged aortic root, I had echo yesterday as I’m getting shortness of breath just from walking, so now waiting for my results. I’ve not had a problem with my bp before so this is all new to me.

in reply to Jlw3027

yes it was all a shock to me back in february. I have a photo of me in A and E and blood pressure on that day was 170/103. A bit high? Any way it is starting to come down so hopefully i might get to what they think i need to be at.

Mountwood profile image

I saw my GP because I noticed that my BP was high in the early morning but came down gradually and was normal by about lunchtime and for the rest of the day and evening. I was given a 12 hour monitor from 10am to 10pm even though I pointed out that this was not the time of day I was worried about. I wasn't surprised when the surgery phoned with the good news that my average was "spot on" 120/80. My GP's suggestion that I should take my Bisoprolol at night instead of in the morning has made a very slight difference but early morning readings are still high. You are fortunate to have a GP who will offer a 24hr monitor, anything less is useless, rather like my GP.

in reply to Mountwood

my 24hr monitor was arranged by cardiologist. As she wanted alot of data. But it is the first time i ever had one. So all a bit new. Just had blood test, i do seem to have to chase these up myself.

Carercmb profile image

Well done a real positive. Once stable it was better for me to not take my BP daily as I became apprehensive and anxious which didn’t help.

Both figures tell their own story.I have only been on medication for 5 months and feel more confident about the future.My BP averages now 130/80 and my medical team are happy with this.Previously they were averaging 170/90

A friend of mine who used to be the BP nurse said it’s considered ok if under 140/80 for my age! I am 78.

Good luck going forward, it’s a real positive once you have medical supervision and support.

in reply to Carercmb

yes i hope that this is the start of better control. Of my bp. Its all a bit new as i did not often have blood pressure taken. So the figure from my younger days are a bit vague. But i suppose high blood pressure has risen within the last 10 years.

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