Stopping Lansoprazole: Well, given the... - British Heart Fou...

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Stopping Lansoprazole

HomerJSimpson profile image
54 Replies

Well, given the OK by the cardiologist to stop Ticagrelor and Lansoprazole given its been 12 mths since the HA. Not took old Lansy now for a few days, had myself a bit of corned beef hash with brown sauce last night and that seems to have kicked off the old acid reflux.

Just hoping it settles down and I don't end up on the Lansoprazole again 🤦

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HomerJSimpson profile image
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54 Replies

I have reflux disease and possibly a hiatus hernia. I have taken either Nexium or Lansoprazole for the last 15 years to good effect. Without them my oesophagus would be in a bigger mess than it is at the moment. No one wants to take medication, but without them on balance it is usually advisable. However if you only have mild reflux there are a number of things you can do to prevent flare-ups, including eating smaller meals more regularly, leave at least 3 hours from your last meal to when you go to bed, avoid spicy acidic foods, especially citric fruits, and don't drink spirits neat. There are other things you can do, I suggest you research them. In the end you will find foods that provoke a flare up, so avoid them, but if you have a flare up, go back to bland food for a while, to give your oesophagus time to heal, which is usually up to two weeks.

Dear HomerJSimpson

Did they recommend stopping the Lansoprazole dead or slowly? And certainly you know how to test if they were working or not by hitting your tummy with corn-beef hash and brown sauce !{sounds yummy}

Now I was put on them for the “old protection of the gut” line. Now Lansoprazole will not protect your gut lining if anything it can cause more problems than cure. It just cuts down the acid in your gut {produced not introduced}.

After a talk with my cardiologist I came off them, I was worried about absorption of other things that need a certain amount of acid {normal} to work.

If I get any form of discomfort I just take an over the counter chalk based remedy. {rare}

Anyone reading this please note this happened only after a consultation with my cardiologist {sure a Dr can give the go ahead} DO NOT TAKE IT UPON YOURSELF TO STOP ANY MEDICATION.

Take care and glad to hear that you sound like you are well on the mend.

in reply to

'Now Lansoprazole will not protect your gut lining if anything it can cause more problems than cure. '

Not if you have reflux disease. The reverse applies if my situation is anything to go by.

in reply to

Sorry I didn’t make it clear, Lansoprazole does not coat the stomach lining as a protection, it stops the stomach making its normal amount of acid, which in turn can cause more problems to some people.

{this has been edited by me to reflect that it is very important that we know exactly where stomach acid is formed and not it appears on its actions, I humbly apologise if I have mis-led anyone }

Kimberly07 profile image
Kimberly07 in reply to

How all doctors say different things I’ve asked to come off lansoprazole but my doctor insisted that I can’t because of taking aspirin but what I’d like to know is the ones of you that have come off lansoprazole do you not take aspirin?

in reply to Kimberly07

Yes I do take aspirin, but its such a small dose that it did not effect my stomach 0.75mg once a day,

I was having more problems on Lansoprazel than the aspirin ever gave me, { the list is long but all to do with the stomach area} So I ask my cardiologist if I could stop and see if the “problems” I had would subside, they stopped almost immediately and he did not bat an eyelid about it {he is interested in my heart not my stomach.

Now if I have any problems {rare} I take a basic over the counter chalk based anti acid. {again on the advice of the cardiologist and pharmacist}

You have to remember that this is me and I only stopped after taking the advice of my cardiologist and Dr

If you have problems that you think could be down to Lansoprazel then talk to your provider and get it sorted, it is very much another blanket drug that doesn’t suit everyone.

Kimberly07 profile image
Kimberly07 in reply to

Thank you so much for your reply I shall definitely speak with another doctor about my issue as I feel lansoprazole is causing me more problems . I’ve also tried every statin there is and none of them agree with me so I’m now waiting for an appointment at the hospital to talk about the injection now on offer from nhs for people not tolerating statins and my cholesterol is rising. Thank again I shall give an update when I ve spoken to doc

nellie237 profile image
nellie237 in reply to Kimberly07

Hi Kimberly,

I take 0.75 enteric-coated aspirin.

HomerJSimpson profile image
HomerJSimpson in reply to Kimberly07

Hi, I'm still on Aspirin. I stopped the Ticagrelor and was told I could stop Lansoprazole at the same time. This was from the cardiologist as well, not my GP

Kimberly07 profile image
Kimberly07 in reply to HomerJSimpson

Thank you for your reply very interesting how we get told different things the reason I was told to stay on lansoprazole because it protects my stomach from the asprin I have to take lansoprazole half hr before asprin but I’m now going to look further into it thank you once again

Firebrand51 profile image
Firebrand51 in reply to Kimberly07

I take my dispersible .75mg Aspirin in water after my main meal and have stopped Lansoprazole with no problems.

Kimberly07 profile image
Kimberly07 in reply to Firebrand51

Thanks firebrand for your reply is your main meal evening time. I hate taking so many pills I think all meds help one problem but cause another.

Firebrand51 profile image
Firebrand51 in reply to Kimberly07

My main meal is now at lunchtime as it’s easier and helps digestion also I’m not too tired to cook a wholesome meal then. Meds are a pain to balance but I appreciate they do cause other problems, take care, Brens Ps I’ve just come out of hospital (Sunday) after having sternal wires removed and so far so good x

ChoochSiesta profile image

We are all adults capable of making informed decisions. This is not North Korea

Dear b2btest

Then this forum/site would be void of people, sensible discussion is paramount for others to understand the benefits of thinking sometimes out side of the box.

One size does not fit all as all sizes don’t fit one.

Hello :-)

Lansoprazole does reduce stomach acid and just about everyone that comes of it then suffers a while but it usually all evens back out

You could reduce them more slowly to see if that helps till you are of them or be careful what you eat for a while any foods you know might give you indigestion just keep of them till your stomach adjusts again but it will come good and you will be able to enjoy your corned beef hash and brown sauce with no problems soon :-) x

Fine, its nice of you to comment on what you consider to be appropriate to be {or not to be} said in this forum, I can also copy and paste huge amounts of information from any site that I choose to do so from.But judge or tell others what should and shouldn’t be done is not in my make up.

Take care


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Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star


Can you please help me understand why you have deleted your other replies to this post?

The other forum members replies now look disconnected, I am confused 😕

Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

b2btest left as I sent the reply. He was there as I wrote it then gone😊

Corn beef has never given me acid reflux!!I quite enjoy the occasional corn beef sandwich with a dash of mustard.

I think even the dimmest amongst us would recognise that acid reflux and heart disease are not the same. That aside although you and your GP may be within 'the school of thought' that PPIs do more harm than good when prescribed to heart patients, it seems to me that there is a perhaps a wider body of medical opinion that consider, on balance, PPIs to be a necessary medication for some of us taking heart disease medication, because if that wasn't the case, the medics wouldn't be prescribing them. And finally for those of us with reflux problems (with or without heart disease) they are necessary, and their benefits, certainly for me, appear to outweigh any risks.

nellie237 profile image

Hi Homer,

I was on Lansoprazole from 2009 (hiatus hernia, and apparently quite a lot of acid). At some point the dose was increased to 60mg. I reduced to 30mg in Nov 2020 (coeliac dx), and stopped completely in March 2021. At the beginning of this year, I had to take them again for a couple of months.

My advice would be............... Don't give up on the giving them up, but if you need to re-introduce them for short periods so be it. Good luck.

HomerJSimpson profile image

Well, that post took an interesting twist 😂😂😂

in reply to HomerJSimpson

I blame the corn beef hash………………………………………

Bradshaw278 profile image

I have been on 30mg Lansaprazole for nearly four years, given it with list of drugs after stent. I have asked doctors on several occasions whether I need it or not and without specific reasons have been told to continue with it. Then recently I have spoken with clinical pharmacists and they have told me I can come off it. I am on four other heart associated drugs for life. Apixaban, Atoravastatin, Ramapril and Isosorbide Mononitrate(60mg). I have gone down to 15 mg Lansaprazole with advice to then go down to one tablet every other day. I have been told to come off it immediately as you have done will result in problems for a week or more before it settles down.

VelvetSky profile image

Hi, I have a Hiatus Hernia and stomach problem’s, I changed to Famotidine and find it works better, probably has it’s own set of risks, you just can’t win.

Silvertail profile image
Silvertail in reply to VelvetSky

Regarding heart and stomach issues being different subjects, I often cannot tell the difference between reflux or angina pain. They both hit me in the middle of my chest and I agonise over whether or not to go to the ED. GTN spray helps both. I was told this by a doctor and have found it to be true.

benjijen profile image

I used to have awful acid reflux before heart problems began. Had stents and was put on usual meds including lansoprazole. Acid reflux stopped. I have tried to come off it a few times and acid reflux returned. My acid reflux also causes me to vomit so not good for my oesophagus!

NotAllWhoWonder profile image

I stopped taking it on my own after 3.5 years. It’s not designed for long-term use as the side effects outweigh the benefits: found that out the hard way, as it also caused severe IBS, and I ended up with slight deficiencies in a number of minerals (stomach acid is essential for the absorption of a lot of them).

To compensate, and for a more natural approach, I started taking slippery elm instead.

wischo profile image
wischo in reply to NotAllWhoWonder

The side effects outweigh the benefits, well only if you do not need to take them in the first place. The side effects for most people are minimal and yes there have been some cases of vitamin B12 reductions and a possible loss of bone mass. I was told as I have GERD to stay on them as the acid could easily cause stomach or osophagus cancer so avoiding that would be a plus. Also taking Aspirin long term leaves you more prone to tummy bleeding which in itself can be fatal. Also that chalk like antacid should not be taken while on aspirin as it is an acid neutraliser and as aspirin is Salicyclic acid it can neutralise them making them useless? according to my cardiologist. The medical experts rarely prescribe a medicine without a reason so perhaps we should not disregard it because a few google posts that we only think we understand.

NotAllWhoWonder profile image
NotAllWhoWonder in reply to wischo

PPIs should only be prescribed as a last resort, and only if digestive issues (GERD, etc) are present, not as a catch-all for the sake of it, and definitely not long/life term. The human stomach simply cannot function properly with only 2% of the acid it produces. What I posted was my experience on them, which was having them do more harm than good. My overall gut health has improved significantly, and I’ve been able to pick up weight again in the year that I’ve been off them.

I was originally put on them after my heart attacks because of all the meds I had to take - I eventually developed erosive gastritis and erosive duodenitus, but wasn’t taken off the PPIs once the holes burnt into my stomach lining were healed. Even at my next medication review I was just left on them, and my GP just wrote off my gut issues as IBS that I’d have to learn to live with. Suffering for another 2.5 years unnecessarily wasn’t great, especially when I did some digging and found that one of the side effects of Lansoprozol specifically was aggravated IBS symptoms.

I’m not medically trained so not advising anyone to not take what they’ve been prescribed, just sharing my personal experience, which is pretty much why this forum exists in the first place.

wischo profile image
wischo in reply to NotAllWhoWonder

Your first two lines nullify your last short paragraph??. A PPI long term can reduce stomach acid up to 50% so think your 2% statement is a little bit dramatic.

pasigal profile image

I was also taken off Tica after a year but remain on lanso 30 mg. I still have reflux, even had a GI scan but only found minor irritation. Still, I know what I'm feeling. I do need to do a bit of trial and error, but the thought of giving up coffee...true, reflux/GERD and heart issues are not the same but for many people they are intertwined, as they share a common nerve trunk and there's even a cardio/stomach syndrome.

LMFlorentina profile image

I recently came off Lansoprazole after around 10 years of taking it. I was advised to come off it very slowly - I was on 30mg per day, and was told to do at least 2 weeks of every other day, 2 weeks of every third day, etc. I had terrible headaches in the first few weeks but no reflux issues. I also tried to avoid any acidic foods and drinks for a while, but that is quite tricky. I don’t need the tablets at all now so I’m really glad I took the time to taper off the dosage.

TeresaMay profile image

I am on Lansoprazole, as well as many heart & BP meds. I am suffering with explosive diarrhoea. Does any one else have this most distressing condition?

Leonardo1 profile image
Leonardo1 in reply to TeresaMay

Hi - I too suffered the explosions and came off the Lansoprazole and with immediate effect normal service was resumed !! (I had to have a colonoscopy just to make sure all was well - what joy and it was ) so no more Lansoprazole for me thank you !! I did checked with the Gp first and she agreed

Felt fab ever since !!


seniorita profile image
seniorita in reply to TeresaMay

I was prescribed Lansaprazole when Ranitidine was wihdrawn. I got diarrhoa, started losing weight quickly, then it made me throw up. Long story short, no PPIs suit me, I'm on Famotidine which is an H2 receptor atagonist like Ranitidine. I had to connect the dots myself, I would strongly suggest that you don't let it get to the vomiting stage as that is truly awful.

Wooodsie profile image

Can't believe a bit of corned beef could cause such consternation 🤷‍♂️. Homer, if you learn what causes acid reflux for you (me, high fatty foods and curry), take a Nexium a couple of hours beforehand. This strategy is agreed by my as yet unseen GP, and works for me. The GP wants me ro use Nexium for acid management because he believes the aspirin cause stomach inflammation.

HomerJSimpson profile image
HomerJSimpson in reply to Wooodsie

To be honest, I was getting the reflux for some time before the HA. My other half was constantly saying I need to get it checked but I thought getting shares in Asda's antacid department was a better option 🤦.I'm not convinced it's the corned beef to be honest, it's just with coming off the Lansoprazole at the same time.

Although I never knew a simple post like this could cause so much aggro as witnessed above 😂😂.

I'm definitely looking at possible triggers though, thanks for your reply 👍

Wooodsie profile image
Wooodsie in reply to HomerJSimpson

I had mine for a long time before heart probs too. Lansoprozole didn't do anything for me, when doc changed to Nexium, I was virtually miraculously cured 😀, like I said, I now keep them in stock for emergencies and feeling acid coming on. Interestingly, my doc said he used them for hangovers 👍 (so do i now 🤣🤭). Good luck.

ghm63 profile image

I asked to come off it last year.Went down to half dose( dropped evening tablet). I had a poor reaction, reflux return with slight palpitations.

Started back on old dosage, it took me a month to get back to “normal”.

Would love to cut down on some of the heart meds, had a HA 2 years ago this week with 2 stents fitted.

Lately, I have felt so bloated with not the greatest bowel movements, plus reflux feeling.

Stockcarman profile image

I have lansoprozole to cut stomach acid down but there are some other effects it has. The stomach needs acid to digest foods etc. However because of that I suffer also from low B12 and have to have B12 injections also I have low magnesium and other vuts and minerals at times. So have been thinking of stopping the lansoprozole but when I have tried I get soreness down my throat area so go back on them and will have to try other supplements etc

Hugiebear profile image

How do you know which of your tablets is causing your problem, most of us take quite a few?

HM24 profile image

Try taking regular dose of gaviscon advanced for week or so (has to be advanced) it works! Hopefully will prevent need to go back on Lansoprazole. It worked for me.

jerry12953 profile image

Before getting angina I was prescribed Omeprazole for acid reflux FOR LIFE and it certainly works. I later discovered that normally my reflux could be kept at bay by taking one Gaviscon Advance at night before going to bed. Only if the reflux is really bad do I need to take Omeprazole at all, and usually one single dose (or possibly 2 or 3) will get the reflux back under control. It certainly (for me) isn't necessary to take it daily.

Again, for me, the pain of angina and the burning sensation caused by acid reflex are two completely different sensations.

I was scolded earlier in this thread about discussing reflux disease on a heart based forum, but a few others have now commented about it so I will add this to what I have said earlier to anyone who has it and is trying to limit their PPI medication for reflux, or even come off it altogether. Do not treat your condition lightly. Back washing of highly acidic stomach acid into the oesophagus due to a weak lower oesophageal sphincter or a hiatus hernia can, over time, produce cell change in the oesophagus resulting in Barrett's Oesophagus (look it up) or worse Oesophageal cancer. And just because you only have occasional flare ups and pain doesn't mean its not happening all the time as I found out. That's why I take my PPI daily (irrespective of any heart medication needs) although I appear to suffer no side effects nor have done since I started over 15 years ago. If in doubt talk to your GP.

T2Green61 profile image

I had the same. Six weeks on and it’s settling down a bit now. The aspirin doesn’t help with it apparently. Managing it with diet, look up acid / alkaline foods, mint tea really helps, lots of fluids, take aspirin and remaining meds after food. Preferably a big bowl of porridge and a banana. Hope this helps.

Bert1957 profile image

My husband was also told that he could stop taking Lansoprazole after a year. He experienced a similar issue. When I Googled ‘stopping taking Lansoprazole’ it said that you should stop taking them gradually - something his cardiologist had omitted to mention! The acid reflux abated after a couple of weeks.👍

Exie8 profile image

Corned beef hash and brown sauce would give anyone heartburn! Not a very healthy choice heart-wise either. (Just saying!)

Musicl profile image

Are you on Aspirin? If so, you may still need something to protect your stomach against acid and ulceration.

Prada47 profile image

Nothing like a good Corned Beef Hash, I prefer Tomato Sauce though washed down with 4x500ml cans of Tribute. When you have it not very often it's classed as a treat in this house. No problem with Omeprazole I do see it as one of the less important Meds I take !!!


Prada47 profile image

I think we eat what the rest of the population eat, lots of things that they say you shouldn't eat. Never sure who " they " are maybe they are just people who like to interfere in other peoples lives. Like an overweight chef I can think of !!! IMHO

ps the Tomato Sauce is to go with the Corned Beef Hash not on it's own just to clarify-)


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