Hi everyone, I hope you are all okay and looking forward to the weekend. Has anyone experienced anaemia from taking aspirin and blood thinners please? . My blood levels have dropped and it’s only occurred in the past few months since I have restarted taking aspirin. I take Clopidogrel, and there did not seem to be any problems with that so I wondered if the aspirin can cause it. Thank you for reading my post. Judi
Anaemia and blood thinners and aspirin - British Heart Fou...
Anaemia and blood thinners and aspirin

Dear Heyjude
I tolerate aspirin no problem. I also now take Clopiwhatsit and have no problems with it. But taking both would not suit me at all. The odd aspirin for migraine etc is fine. Pre op surgeons have asked me to stop clopiwhatsit and take aspirin instead.
Most relevant is to listen to your professionals.
Good luck with your progress.
Thanks ever so much Blackcatsooty for replying I really appreciate it. Take care and thanks again. Judi
I've been aspirin and blood thinners since 2011, I'm low in iron and B12. Take irons tablets and B12 injections, had all the deep dive explorations, no cause found. I am diabetic, which I think contributes. Would be interested to see if any explanation found with your post. Take care. Moni
Hi MONIREN I am also type 1 diabetic for 34 years. My low blood, tests have only been since I restarted aspirin. I had several tests prior due to another complaint, my digestion, stomach etc all fine so I think it is the aspirin and blood thinner. I am having my blood test redone in a few weeks. I will let you know the outcome. Take care, Judi
Hi - I was on aspirin after my echocardiogram last year and very quickly became very anaemic! Within a few day I noticed severe changes , dramatic recital bleeds !!!! 2 weeks later my haemoglobin was rock bottom and quickly taken off aspirin asap . I’m now adviced to say allergic to aspirin . Having said that I had severe aortic stenosis ( now blissfully fixed ) and then got diagnosed with Haydes syndrome a side affect of aortic stenosis- that causes internal bleeds but once the valve is fixed , the anaemia goes as the bleeds stop .
Several blood tests later and haemoglobin all good !! However I’m not taking the aspirin again and my blood thinner s seem to be doing their job . I don’t eat meat but a good green diet but I now take an extra iron supplement just for good measure and am prescribed iron tablets ( yuk) which I take 3 times a week .
What I’m saying is Aspirin doesn’t work for everyone my experience would lead me to never risk taking it again
Hello Leonardo3, thank you so much for taking the time to send a detailed reply, it was very helpful. I am going to speak to the doctor on Monday and see what he says. I may end up stopping the aspirin, my bloods did not drop until I restarted taking aspirin. I may change to the coated ones and see how I get on with those. Thank you again for taking the time to send a lovely reply. Have a nice weekend, Judi
I am amazed that you have been prescribed Aspirin and a blood thinner, I presume you have been prescribed aspirin . ? , which can cause internal bleeding.
No probs - good luck 😉
So I’m on clopidogrel and edoxaban since 2019. Last year a routine blood test found low haemoglobin levels not severe but cause for investigation. No bowel cancer (thank goodness) but no cause found. I was put on high doses of ferrous sulphate. Cutting to the chase my haemoglobin dropped to very dangerous levels. Emergency blood transfusions and the repeat endoscopy found slow bleeds in my atrium and it was rectified. Being a silly old man I had ignored the increase in leg cramps at night, the muscle fatigue when exercising, occasional constipation and very dark stools. This was undoubtedly caused by the side effects of my medication. If anything of this sounds familiar I urge you ou to talk to your GP.
Thank you so much for taking the time to reply, I really appreciate it. I am very glad you are okay now and I guess it is a lesson for us all not to ignore these signs. My blood tests were fine in March, I was asked to do another blood test as routine for my diabetes this was just over a week ago. The drop in bloods coincides with my restarting aspirin so I think it may be that. I have always had a problem with aspirin. I have to have another blood test In two weeks. In the mean time I am switching to coated aspirin and see how I get on with that. Thank you again and take care, Judi
Hi Heyjude - I've just posted a very similar problem to the one you described here but I take aspirin and accompanying blood thinner Ticagrelor. I see you posted a while ago; but may I ask how are you doing now? Are your blood levels up again? Did the coated aspirin hope? Did you change meds? I've been taking iron since the last results and have another test in a couple of days - am keen to armed with evidence - anecdotal or otherwise ....
Hello 51heartattack, I hope you are okay. I changed to the the coated aspirin and my blood levels returned to normal. That was a while ago. I am due to have some more blood tests next week so it will be interesting to see how they are then. I will let you know. All the best with your appointment let me know how you get on.take care, Judi
Its interesting that a change to coated aspirin (from soluble?) may have returned your blood to normal, so it is highly likely you were getting gastro-intestinal bleeds somewhere, however small. It would be useful to know if that's till the case. I had a big problem through taking Ibuprofen over a few days some years ago, and was borderline transfusion although I didn't get one in the end. I have never touched it since. Anyway as a result I made sure I had coated aspirin when this was prescribed post HA. However I had to cause a bit of a fuss to get put back on it when my repeat was changed to soluble, which I guessed was down to some NHS accountant somewhere finding he could save a few pence on a prescription. Hope you are now sorted long term with the change.

Hello LowerField. I to hope I am okay. I am awaiting blood test results as a check to see how I am. I will let you know, take good care, Judi
How were your blood tests now .
Thanks so much for getting back to me - I really appreciate it. I shall definitely mention the coated aspirin. I can’t complain, I’m so beautifully monitored and looked after by my GP and the Cardiology Unit … its just sometimes the conversations are not very joined up - I find it so useful to share with others. I really appreciate you sharing your story and hope things continue to go well for you …
Talking of blood thinners, my Husband has been taking Apixaban since lockdown, prescribed to replace Warfarin, however he has developed all the side effects of Apixaban but blood test show he has developed Myeloma, any connection do you think. Worried!!