I was put on this beta blocker a few weeks ago and it is now one of 4 tablets I’m taking for heart related problems. I’ve been feeling absolutely drained, scarcely able to function beyond essentials, and my research indicated this was the likely culprit - unless my heart condition had suddenly got much worse.
I’m only on 1.25 mg and I’m not usually badly affected by prescribed medications. I wanted to experiment with taking the beta blocker later in the day and the pharmacist okayed my moving it to late afternoon. There was an immediate improvement in my energy levels and concentration. I spoke to my GP yesterday who said to try 7 pm and suggested monitoring my blood pressure and heart rate, as I’d really like to ditch the thing completely.
I know some people suffer with beta blockers leaving them in the twilight zone so it really is worth investigating a possible shift in when you take them. I’m certain it’s worked for me.