Yesterday after a long frustrating wait, I finally got a face to face meeting with my cardiologist I also took my wife to try and get through to the cardiologist how bad my issues are and how much it is affecting my day to day life.
Got to say it was hard work due to her being so dismissive of things and coming away with things like is she had a cure for everyone who came through the doors and was tired and everyone gets some chest pain, I don't just get tired doing something I get absolutely whacked and these chest pains are not like wee niggles.
I have already had an angogram back in July and this showed I had a completely blocked rca but had a collateral arteri going round it some blockages in my other arteries and a suggnicant liason on one.
I also attended a treadmill test for the DVLA at the start of December and despite speaking to this cardiologists secretary three times before Christmas to find out if I had passed or not when I mentioned to her yesterday she had forgotten to fill the paperwork out due to being off on compassionate leave and the size of her workload.
She then said would look at my heart scan my reply to this was you have not given me one despite my doctor and the A@E doctor referring me back to cardiology to have one oh she said I will send you right away and this showed I have another arterie apparently to left that is completely narrowed and has quite a bit of disease apparently it is on the left but ware it sits it would be difficult to stent or ballon due to access and it's condition.
she has said she is going to give me additional medication to add to what I currently take and up my bisporol, give it two weeks and if no improvement take it to the medical team and see what the next step will be.
I also as suspected failed my treadmill test on the 7th of December and have temporarily lost my HGV entitlement she informed me of this yesterday at the meeting aswell.
She was very apologetic that we have had to fight to get to see her, I just hope now I finally get somewhere and try and get some normality back .
Sorry for the long post.