My apologies for broaching such a problem, but I am looking for some advice on my present worrying problem of blood in my urine. I have had 2 cystoscopies which found no problem regarding my bladder. I have had a CBG and weak Mitral valve repair since 2017 and an ICD fitted in 2018. At present I have been prescribed medication which includes apixaban/bisoprolol/and entresto. I have heard that one or all of the drugs can cause bladder problems. As I was given the all clear by my gastroenterologist, I am now perplexed and wonder if anyone has had a similar problem or can throw some light on this worrying condition.
Blood in Urine: My apologies for... - British Heart Fou...
Blood in Urine

No need for apologies about the subject and I am glad you have posted to see if anyone can relate
I have had this problem when I have had bladder infections so it may be worth getting that checked out with your Doctor
I am pleased you have had a good check up as that should put anything sinister to one side
But have read that some of these medications can also cause blood in Urine , stools so could be another reason as to why this is happening
So many members on here that know such a lot hopefully will have even more advise or similar experiences and will reply when they read your post but I would give your Doctor a ring as I would feel the first thing they would want to do is send a sample of
Keep us updated how you get on x

Blood in urine is quite common and often associated with an basic infection issue. Bright red blood is always alarming because most times you would not see blood even if it was there because it is microscopic. But actually I would rather see bright red blood than dark.
The best advice is you take a sample and contact your GP to either get an appointment or they receive your sample for testing. If the blood indicates an infection they should be able to detect it there an then and in most cases prescribe a course of antibiotics. Alternatively it may need laboratory analysis.
Many infections can clear up on their own but why not give them a helping hand by more importantly consulting your GP first, with something tangible they can test. Peace of mind is most important and knowing what it is means something can be done about it. Most surgeries will see a patient the same day for blood in urine enquiries.
It’s likely it has nothing to do with other issues you raise and is a simple unconnected one, perhaps like most of us, if we are below par we are more susceptible to infection. I don’t know and it seems neither do you, so get your sample to your Doctor.
Of course you may have done all this already and you could still be analysed for traces of blood in urine and it is difficult to tie if down, so changes in other medications might be the answer. It could be a long process of trial and error.
Best wishes and a speedy recovery whatever the issue is. Don’t overthink and stress.
Dear homebrecito.
Sorry to hear of your problem but as already stated blood in the urine/stools is more common than you think.
Having said that I am not medically trained but feel you should get a couple of urine sample tubes from the chemist and take a fresh sample for testing to your Gp.
I hope that there is an answer to your problem and I can understand fully your worrying, but without those test answers it is going to be very hard to diagnosis you.
Take care
Are you 100% certain it is blood or is it just red? I ask because certain foods can colour your urine especially beetroot. I assume because of he cystoscopies this has already been checked.
I had blood in my urine some years ago and an endoscopy showed it to be due to a benign enlarged prostate. It was controlled by DUTASTERIDE tablets and has not recurred. Probably worth seeing your GP and your Urology Dept for some tests.