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Heart Problems, Tachycardia, Blood Pressure, Bradycardia

Adbxt93 profile image
12 Replies

Hello my name is Adam and am 28 years old and I’ve been suffering with Heart and Blood Pressure problems for a while now. My first problem started when I was 16 years old o was at the gym one day doing weights and my heart Rate went super fast like it was going too come out of my chest. I had all health tests and they could never find what caused it.

A couple of years later I decided to go on Anabolic Steroids (Bad choice I know) what happened was all my heart problems believe it or not went away, I never had any Tachycardia events or problems whilst taking steroids.

6 months ago I decided to quit steroid use for good as my and my partner are going to have baby and I’ve also decided enough is enough with the bodybuilding. When I first come off testosterone I was okay but after a month I started to notice my heart was struggling. Then a couple more weeks later I started to have Tachycardia events again like when I was 16. This time they was happening more often.

I went to my GP and seen a cardiologist and they realised my Blood Pressure was high but I had Postural Hypertension which means it drops when I stand up. The problem with this is if they treat my high blood pressure when I stand it could drop into my boots causing me to pass out so am on a very low dosage of Ramipril for my BP.

Anyway my Cardiologist decided to book me in for some test one was an ETT (Exercise Tolerant Test) surprisingly during the ETT I never went into a Tachycardia heart rhythm which is the problem I want to be found and corrected as it’s very scary when it happens. When they did an echo on my they noticed my Ventricle was slightly enlarged which is the cause of my High Blood Pressure. On Average I get Around 145/90.

Other then that all my other tests have not found what is causing the Tachycardia, I am still currently waiting on a 24 hour heart monitor test.

I think I may of found out what causes my Tachycardia, they seem to trigger when I bend down and stand up or put my body under any pressure. This makes me think are these events linked to my blood pressure and has anyone else have this stuff happen to them ?

I really am trying too find the problem and a cure as I want to live a normal life and be able to exercise again, please can people give me advise or help me with what they think it could be.

Last thing and this one is a little embarrassing but it is true !, when I have sexual intercourse or masterbate my heart rate drops to really slow heavy beats and I feel like am Bradycardia ? I have heard sexual activity can raise blood pressure but why does my adrenaline when it kicks in slow my heart down not speed it up like normal people ???.

I think I have multiple problems to be honest I just don’t know which is doing what, my biggest concern and worry is the Tachycardia.

Thank you for reading

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Adbxt93 profile image
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12 Replies
RufusScamp profile image

This sounds very complex and unpleasant. Have a chat with the BHF nurses who can give better advice than most of us.

Adbxt93 profile image
Adbxt93 in reply to RufusScamp

How do I contact them ?

Thank You

Kristin1812 profile image
Kristin1812Heart Star in reply to Adbxt93

The Heart Helpline team are on 0300 330 3311 Mon-Fri 9-5pm or email hearthelpline@bhf.org.uk

vinixxx profile image

Maybe you will get more info after 24h holter results.Be free to share here anything new.

Dear Adbxt93.

My goodness what a complicated mess your health is in at the moment, I say moment because I’m sure with the right answers and care you can get back to living a near normal life {I am not medically trained in this dept}

I think that you have been honest in mentioning your use of steroids for body building, no one has the right to judge you and believe me I’m sure other members would agree.

But as you know and it’s well documented that steroids of all kind can have negative effect on the heart.

I have been a long time steroid user, first injection then cream but nowhere near the levels that you need for body building, but I do have a solid, hairy and muscled physical look which must be part due to its use.

I was told that there was no proof of my use connected to my heart problems, but then they never seem interested in past history anymore {except for family } and concentrate more on the now and what they can do.

Has your consultant mentioned Clomid? I’m sure the other gym men will know about it, using it after steroid use to maintain testicular size and potency as you are trying for a baby.

I hope your journey is short and the outcome positive for you.

You are in my thoughts

Adbxt93 profile image
Adbxt93 in reply to

I have managed to successfully conceive and my partner is now pregnant so am really happy about that, I did use Clomid and HCG for a short while for assistance.

As to my heart issues they were there before steroid use if anything steroids hidden or healed the problem as I have been fine whilst I was on them, it’s when I come off them my health has been all over the place.

Thank you for the nice comment too and non judgement, we all make mistakes and I won’t be going back on them, right now is about fixing my health not people telling me it’s the steroids so thank you. I will keep everyone updated on tests and results

in reply to Adbxt93

Sorry for the delay in answering your fantastic post, what great news for the pair of you, a little mini you and partner is on its way !

Life would be pretty boring if we didn’t make mistakes along the way, what you have done is the hardest part, recognising and forgiving yourself.

Strange that I can be proud of a complete stranger , but proud I am, proud of your fight, proud of your past failings.

You will get there.

Take care and I wish the three of you all the very best

Liam-James profile image
Liam-James in reply to Adbxt93

Alright mate I myself have used steroids in the past I was never a big lad naturally and I did 3-4 cycles of testosterone and one cycle of test and equipoise, the last was about 3 years ago, I also used to go out with the lads and drink and do recreational drugs at times, all things I’m not proud of looking back and if I had a time machine I’d never touch anything but unfortunately that’s not an option!

I’ve had heart issues since around November last year all of a sudden I felt tired fatigued and had weird chest discomfort, fast heart rate then dropping low and a massive banging forceful heart beat like a car backfiring or a drum inside my chest also my blood pressure seemed slightly high. After an echocardiogram this January I was told I had left ventricular systolic impairment and my ejection fraction (EF) was mildly low they said at 40-50%. They put me on Ivabradine and Ramipiril in February and then in May I had a cardiac MRI and was told my heart function had recovered and they took me straight off my meds.

They think it was a virus that affected my heart but I don’t know if maybe I had something going on for a while from being a silly boy who knows maybe it could of been silly mistakes I made in the past then a virus that just made things worse I don’t know. But after the MRI and stopping meds they told me I was basically back to normal even though I don’t feel it, I feel I was took off the meds too soon but I’m still seeing cardiology and pushing for further tests.

I still have a really forceful banging heartbeat I notice it more the more I do things such as bending over, squatting down then standing back up, exercising and pushing it more, walking up the stairs up hills etc really make my heartbeat bang. Sometimes my heartbeat picks up and goes quicker with exertion other times it seems like my heart does a bang and goes slower which is very weird and scares me every time it happens. I also get like a visual pulsing in my eyes and the more I do or the more forceful my heart feels I can see it pulsing in my eyes which is weird.

Like you I’ve noticed having sex or even just masturbating also makes my heart bang it sounds daft but it’s not like I’m going for it or getting out of breath but I can feel my chest bouncing up and down and it don’t feel good and like you say I worry is my blood pressure going up to much and that’s why I’m getting the banging, whenever I exert myself and that’s what’s causing the issues.

Sorry for the long essay mate but there’s a lot of similarities between Our stories so I f you ever want to talk then feel free to drop me an inbox . Also what was your ejection fraction on your echo that you had?

Take it easy mate.

Adbxt93 profile image
Adbxt93 in reply to Liam-James

Hi Liam,

I don’t know what my Ejection Fraction is ? They didn’t tell me about that just that my left ventricle was larger then normal but I think it may be from birth.

When you said about walking up the stairs and the pounding heavy heart beats I do seriously think that’s blood pressure as mine sometimes feels like the heart is stopping but am really not sure if it is which is scary. I was lying in bed once felt like my heart was stopping lucky I had a heart monitor on and my beats were down to like 48bpm.

With the masterbating or sexual activity I have to stop at times to let my heart catch up. These are problems we should not be having and I really do hope it’s blood pressure related and can be treated,

Am sorry to hear you have similar issues if not worse then mine as I havnt been diagnosed with anything other then postural hypertension and an enlarged ventricle.

I will keep you updated on my heart journey and I hope you keep me updated with yours, please keep pushing your doctor as I’ve had to fight to get all these tests done and Ive proved I did have an issue for ages they kept jibbing me off and didn’t care.

All I want is a normal life again and be able to do normal things like stand up, walk up stairs and stuff then worry because my heart is going slow and heavy or super fast, or feel like my head is going too explode.

People like us deserve a second chance for messing up hopefully we find a cure

Worried422 profile image
Worried422 in reply to Adbxt93

Hi mate. For few years i was out of breath easily then sweplijg in legs. High bp. Doc told me its anxiety. Lately the pounding in chest and throat soon as stand up or wapk upstairs. Like i want to rip my throat out. Pressure in head especially bending over. Like u instanty cnt breathe too. Just told have leaky heart valve. No firther tests needed. My bp with my new meds rampril and fruisimide poponaolol whilst sitting is down too 120/60 50 odd heart rate. Soon as i stand its 180/100 80bpm . Im seeing private doc later. Will keep u posted

DanniC88 profile image

Hi. First off dont panic it can make tachycardia worse. I have sinus tachycardia which is high heart rate along with palpitations/ectopic beats. I take 2.5mg bisoprolol which keeps my heart rate a good level. Sometimes though like you I can bend down or even lay down in bed and it goes bonkers for no reason. Ive worked out that decaff tea and coffee is better for me, more water and limit chocolate and spicy food. Its not a miracle cure but helps. I too had tests but nothing could be found. I had an MRI scan -clear, 7 day holter monitor showed episodes of fast heart rate with occasional palpitations even when sleeping, ETT test i was fine but had palpitations on recovery, echocardiogram scan was also clear. Its been going on for 2 years still with no answers. Its hard I know and i hope you get answers. Ive been listening to York Cardiologist DR Sanjay Gupta on youtube he's very good.

Adbxt93 profile image

Hi everyone I might have answers finally and will update you all in the next couple of weeks thanks for the support

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