Had cabg x 3 2 years ago. 1 yr later discovered a problem with a 4th artery. Too narrow to stent. Given Ranexa to control angina type episode. Worked for about a year although I’ve been having hearing problems so when I had another episode didn’t want to increase it so meds changed to the isosobride. Just started it and feel awful. Bad headaches - aching all over - my stomach bloated. Is there anyone else taking this. On the plus side BP in good shape. Thanks for your help.
Isosobride mononitrate: Had cabg x 3... - British Heart Fou...
Isosobride mononitrate

I have been on isosorbide mononitrate extended release tablets for nearly 10 years. Nitrates with Diltizem are the mainstay of my anti angina medication.
I also use GTN patches.
First of all you can experience a headache from hell. Feel sick, light headed and just awful.
It does usually ease, sometimes it can take a couple of weeks.
In the meantime, I suggest you drink plenty of water and take some paracetamol to help relieve your headache.
Interestingly I couldn't tolerate Ranolazine.
I hope you feel better soon.
Thank you for taking the time to respond. I really do feel awful and this after only 2 tablets. If I thought it was going to stop I would persevere. I will try to keep going and drink more water. Can you say what your problem was with ranolazine.
Hi. Isosobribe mononitrate mAde me feel exactly same as you for 2 weeks. I used to wake up with terrible headache. However, as Milkfairy said, my headache went away after 2 weeks. I’m also on Ranolazine
How much isosorbide have you been prescribed?
Ranolazine gave me palpitations.
It's a bit of a marmite medication, works from some but not others!
I’ve been given 50mg once a day. Right now I feel terrible. I feel as if my head weighs a ton, I ache all over and I think I’m having a type of anxiety attack. I was on ranolazine 500mg twice a day but I had to go to ER on Wednesday - sore left arm and tightness in chest. After all usual tests they said I wasn’t having a HA even though it felt like it. They changed my med and sent me home. So I’m feeling a bit on my own and still feeling unwell. Appreciate your comments. Thank you.
Has your Cardiologist considered non obstructive coronary artery disease NOCAD?Microvascular dysfunction or vasospastic angina?
You might find this BHF link interesting.

Pre my bypass I was on two anti-anginals, Isosorbide Mononitrate and Diltiazem. (a CCI - Calcium Channel Inhibitor), either separately or together. The Isosorbide Mononitrate did cause a headache that lessened and disappeared over a week to ten days. I think it has to be expected as GTN spray gave me a sort of rush followed by a headache. I found Diltiazem the more effective but it caused occasional light headedness and nausea.
I’ve been on 60mg isosobord mononitrate for 2 years. I split the dose and take it twice a day with breakfast and lunch and have no problems. As suggested persevere and if still suffering in a couple of weeks talk to your GP about the dosage. Good luck.
Thank you - it’s only been 3 days but it is a very bad experience. I think I’ll do as you suggest and take half in the morning and half at lunch. Thanks for the tip. Much appreciated.
yes the pains and headache for a few weeks were horrendous .then terrible muscle / joint pain . had to stop. on
Elanton now
Elantan is a type of isosorbide mononitrate.
Hi Rabbit, In addition to the comments previously made, it's pretty much "horses for courses" with our medications, definitely not a case of "one size fits all" . . . Just takes time, working with your GP/Cardiac Team, to get the balance right and see what works best for you.
Exactly like you, I've CABG X 3 and a 4th artery too narrow to stent
Along with a vast quantity of other meds. I've been taking Isosobord for over 2 years now, 60mgs at night and have had no issues with it at all.
Hope you can get this sorted out and feel better soon 🙏
Thanks for reply. I’m interested to hear what meds are helping you as we seem to have similar condition. If you don’t mind could you tell me what meds you’re on and are you stabilized now.Thanks.
Sure, no problem, we seem to be in a similar boat.My heart related meds. are:
Omeprazole 40mgs morning **
Aspirin 75mgs morning
Clopidogrel 75mgs morning
Isotard 60mgs morning
Disopyramide 500mgs daily (in 3 divided doses)
Bisoprolol 7.5mgs (at night)
Dapagliflozin 10mgs night ***
Atorvastatin 40mgs night
** This medication is dual purpose Heart & Diabetes
*** This medication is dual purpose Heart & Hiatus H
I'm 30 years as a insulin dependent diabetic, injecting 3 times daily.
I take other medications, mainly associated with diabetic related issues, neuropathy/nerve pain.
So all in all, it's a lot ! and I hate it.
My initial diagnosis was 4 blocked arteries, found following a TIA.
However, following the placing of 3 stents and some of the above medications, I was still getting the same symptoms, especially on the most minor of exertions.
To cut a very long story short, in spring last year, I was finally diagnosed at the John Radcliffe Hospital in Oxford as having Hypertrophic Cardiomyopathy (with obstruction). This was diagnosed via a Cardiac MRI.
This is a genetic heart condition. Often referred to as sudden cardiac death syndrome. The symptoms of which can mirror those experienced due to blocked arteries. I was 57 at the time.
The diagnosis came as a total shock, even more so when you are given given your predicted statistical survival rating for the next 5 years.
I was told that the HCM would be managed, at least initially, with extra medication. Possibly of ICD if needed further down the line.
I'm so grateful for having a superb healthcare team looking after me at the JRH, nothing is too much trouble for them, very supportive.
To date, things have settled down. The Bisoprolol has been increased from 2.5 to 7.5 this was needed to control my BP. BP now stable at 124/80
Other than that, my medications seem to be doing the job.
Only downsides is that I do get very tired and fatigued, mainly if I "overdo" things. I've learned to pace myself.
Like most people on here, there a good days and other days not good at all . .
Depression comes and goes, and comes again . .
I still get breathless on medium exertion and have to sit for 10 mins or so to "come to" but other than that, heart wise, I'm not too bad. But add in the diabetes. . 🙄 but I'm hanging in there and doing my best.
Not sure if any of my information is useful to you, but hope you'll keep me posted as to how you get on.
Take care 🙏
You’re an inspiration. I know it’s hateful taking so much medication. You fix one thing and the side effects get you in another way. I wish you all the very best as you progress. I feel I’m at the start of my medication journey and it’s a tiresome journey at that. I naively thought that once I had the bypass “I was fixed”. Thank you for sharing with me. I will keep you posted as I go.
Thank you. I was just looking at your previous posts, to kind of view things in context and read you had a triple bypass, oh my, that's courageous in my opinion, how did you get your head around that?The reason I'm interested is because initially when I was told my 4 arteries were found to be blocked, I met with the Surgeon, who started off by telling me that what I really needed was a quadruple bypass . . .before he could say anymore, I totally lost it, I was so petrified, I even thought I'd rather take my chances and die, rather than have the procedure. I'm not going to lie, the thought of having a huge scar weighed heavily on my mind.
Then, meltdown calmed, the Surgeon took the opportunity to get things back on track, and went on to say, dont worry, I'm not putting you on my table - because the only way you'll be getting off it, is dead . .
Because of my previous stroke and my unstable diabetes, he explained I would not survive such a big operation, he said he could place the stents and follow up with medication and hope for the best.
Im ashamed to admit it, I know it was vanity, but I felt such a sense of relief, I nearly kissed him.
So it is you, and the many people like you that are truly inspirational, to have the courage and bravery to undertake a literally life-saving, life-changing operation and the trust you had, to put your life in your surgeon's hands. I salute you.
As an end note, I haven't escaped the dreaded knife entirely. Following a serious fall in 2019, I broke both my shoulder and my arm and I'm currently waiting for a full shoulder joint replacement, which I've been told and shown, comes with it's own lovely scar, just draping over the shoulder 😫 Ain't karma a bitch . . .
Take care
I was put on it after my heart attack. Had no problems at all but as I'd never had any signs of angina even before the HA, it was eventually stopped,
I was on it after my heart attack, headaches were horrendous at 2-2:30 every day for around 3 hrs , cardiologist suggested taking at 3pm but it only moved them into the evening, took me off them in the end
What did they switch you to? I don’t think I’m going to be able to continue. Not only dreadful headache my whole body feels like I have the flu.
Hi Rabbit2313, they never tbh, they just said to stop taking it if it’s causing me that much pain (which it was as could hardly do day to day tasks).
I’m on a lot of different meds now after having issues with repeated plaque build up due to bridging lad artery, they have spoken about reusing it but I can’t as is so debilitating
I’d email/speak to your cardiologist and see what he says 👍
All the best
I contacted GP this morning and they’ve given me a lesser dose (25mg). I’m to start in the morning and see if I can tolerate this. If not I may go see the cardiologist who originally prescribed. Nothings easy. I’ll keep you posted. Thanks for the advice - much appreciated.
I was prescribed this just 5 weeks ago. No side effects and no chest pains.
My back has now broken out in a heavy duty rash (hive like). The headaches are not so debilitating on the lesser dose but the rash is worrying. I’m going to try and get in touch with GP come Monday but that won’t be easy. So don’t know what to do should I stop taking it or take it until I talk with GP. Anyone else have this side effect.
Spoke with GP Monday and he asked me to go see him at 11.30. He looked at rash and wanted to make sure it wasn’t shingles. It wasn’t. Spreading still. Said to stop the isosorbide and leave it for a few days and start Nicorandil. Anyone any experience of this please?