I take 10 mg Isosorbide Mononitrate twice a day as well as other heart meds. I take one at breakfast time and the other at dinnertime. Someone mentioned to me yesterday that I should take them nearer together so I can have a longer gap between them. If not my body would get used to them and they won't work so well. So when is the best time to take them please? Thank you for your help with this.
Isosorbide Mononitrate : I take 10 mg... - British Heart Fou...
Isosorbide Mononitrate

Hi, I take 40 mg twice a day and was told the same. I read in a bhf booklet that it is best to take it 6 or 7 hours apart and that is what I do now. I would be interested to know what others do as well. All the best.
I would recommend having a chat with your pharmacist at the local chemist as they’re really good for advice on meds, I have regular consultations with mine.
i take 30mg extended release once a day at breakfast.
Hi hearty1. My dose is one 25mg prolonged release tablet once a day, so I take it in the morning with the majority of my drugs cocktail
I take 30mg twice a day and the label says they should be 6 hours apart which, on the whole is what I do.
Hi Benzman, thank you for replying. So the label on yours says should be 6 hours apart. Mine only says take one twice a day so I was taking one at breakfast about 7am then one at dinner which could be about 7pm so double the gap you have between yours. Best wishes.
I just to have a slow release one at first but it gave me dreadful headaches, so bad I did not want to do anything, so it got changed to twice a day. I have had the dose doubled since then.
I would advise sticking to the the 6hr window between 1st and 2nd daily dose . I was informed by a cardio consultant that this time window is important and if the 2nd dose is taken later there is a risk your body can become "immune" to the isosorbide , ie it no longer provides the desired effect.
i take 120mg... 2x60 isorobide.. pharmacy told me to take both together in the morning
I take 120mg (2x60) mononax xl in the morning
Thank you for your reply so you take them in the morning. I take mine twice a day. Keep well.

Hi hearty1
I take 60mgs isosorbide mononitrate extended release tablets at 6pm and then 30mgs at 11pm .
I also use GTN patches.
I have most of my angina in the evenings and at night
I was told very clearly that you need a period of time without nitrates as your body gets used to them and over time they become less effective.
I take 20mg slow release capsules in my morning ‘cocktail.’ I started on 10mg normal tabs, at 8 and 3, which was the advice given as mentioned by others, but had ups and downs through the day so switched to slow release which is much better (for me).
Pharmacy couldn’t get the caps for a while and gave me slow release tabs which were ‘the same’, but I had huge amount of pain- they just didn’t work. GP said this was ‘not unusual’ and found me a chemist with caps in stock- all back to normal now.
Thank you for your reply HectorsDad. Right you take them at 8 & 3. I haven't been told to do that. It only says on the pack 1 twice a day. But as people are saying there needs to be a longer gap until the next day. Best wishes.
Yes, but that was before I switched to the slow release which are once per day.
The logic explained to me was... the standard tablets last around 8 hours, although they tail off a bit after 6. The body must be clear of them for at least 8 hours in every 24 as it quickly adjusts and they will have no effect. 3pm does is after 7 hours, the overlap covers the tail off of the first tablet, and that tab is gone by 11 giving 9 hours free from the drug, mostly while asleep.
In me, they were only lasting around 4 hours, and I had a big ‘bump’ after taking them, and again when leaving the system. Not so helpful, but the slow release capsules work well- for me at least!
Ok HectorsDad sounds good. This wasn't explained to me by the consultant although I was being prescribed other meds for heart failure at the same time. This morning I had it about 8 so next one should be in the afternoon not at dinnertime as I've been doing. Many thanks. Have a good day.
Well, I’m not medically trained. This is just what I was told by GP and Pharmacist ( at great length, tbh😅). To get the best info, I would ring your pharmacist or the BHF help line.
I was initially prescribed 25mg (slow-release) daily which I still take, along with my other meds first thing in the morning
However, when I walk fast, I still get chest pain and need to use my GTN spray.
So the specialist suggested upping the daily dose to 50mg. I still get 25mg tablets but my prescription is for 2 per day both of which I take IF I'm going to go walking.
So on most days it's 25mg (1 tab) on walking days it's 50mg (2 tabs). So far, so good.