Yesterday I had my follow up appointment after having pericarditis and an effusion with my cardiologist that fitted my pacemaker , he said all my scans and blood tests to check for any damage caused by pericarditis were all good , my heart has gone back to its normal size , there’s no scarring or other damage so that’s a huge relief . There’s a 25 percent chance of me getting it again but I see it as a 75 percent chance of not getting it again . He asked how I was getting on with my pacemaker , I said I get pain and discomfort every day from it. pressed around my pacemaker and it was pretty painful , I was jumping in pain if that makes sense . He said that as I get pain every day it can’t be left as I’ll have this pacemaker another 6/7 years , when I asked about the procedure he said I’ll be there a few hours, he said the procedure to reposition the pacemaker isn’t going to cause any risks as he won’t need to move the leads , I have agreed to have it done as the thought of daily pain for 6/7 years is a no but I said only after Christmas and he laughed and said he’ll do it February so a good outcome. xxx just thought I’d share my good news to hopefully give some positivity to others struggling with pericarditis or their pacemaker .
A positive outcome of my long journey... - British Heart Fou...
A positive outcome of my long journey & hopefully some encouragement for anyone who has pericarditis or is struggling with their pacemaker

Great update
That’s great news, I’m also waiting to get my pacemaker repositioned , it’s not much fun being in pain every time you move. I been told up to a 12 weeks wait , this is week 3. Take care and stay strong.
How long have you had your pacemaker ? I hope you get your appointment date sooner xx
I’ve had my pacemaker for 5 months, other that the constant pain I don’t have any other heart problems. I’m extremely lucky and grateful. You have had a very rough journey, hope they can reposition your pacemaker quickly after Christmas and that will be one less thing for you to worry about. Wishing you all the best and good health.
Have you always had pain from your pacemaker or has it started up gradually ? Tonight I’ve got a lump appeared on the edge of my pacemaker and it’s really hurting , my cardiologist pressed on that edge so I’m hoping he hasn’t made things worse . Yeah I’ve had a very rough time of things so I’m scared about if things go wrong again . Take care xx
My pain started about 5 weeks after getting my PM. It has moved across towards my arm, so every time I use my arm it moves it. The surgeon I saw this time said it was put in the wrong position but his cover up for his colleague was you are very thin. I can see the shape of the pacemaker as it sticks out. I’m lucky as my PM has cured my symptoms of fainting so I’ve been blessed. Wishing you all the best , look after yourself.
Thank you for your reply , I’m quite thin where my pacemaker is so I’ve always been able to see the outline of it especially in the last week, I was having momentary blackouts that we’re getting worse ,on my heart trace from my 7 day ecg seeing where my heart was pausing was scary . Thankfully the pacemaker is doing it’s job and I don’t have any pauses now, still not if a fast heart rate so I was eventually started on beta blockers . I’m glad your pacemaker has stopped you fainting, it’s frightening . Take care of yourself too , you’ll have to let me know when you get a date for your procedure x
Hi westie I have just noticed your post I was only thinking of you this morning so glad you have a positive outcome from your appointment think you start to feel better knowing why the pain is happening and more importantly how it can be resolved so although I know you still have the pain now at least it will all be gone for you next year take care so pleased for you ❤️Xx
Hi there Westie - sorry I’ve not been in touch for some reason I couldn’t get back online at the time, can’t believe it’s 3 years since we were in touch just hoping your ok I’ve got back online had a two year break from my issues but they are back again! So back having tests love to hear from you take care Sheila 😊
Hi Sheila , so lovely to hear from you but really sorry to hear you’re having to have tests again . Hopefully your results will be ok . Take care too ❤️