Hi! I m a almost 20s teenager, athletic, no medical history but now... I think i was have covid in december last year from when this symptoms decide what happens in life.. Or it s just coincidence.. So i have all day palpitations, on all ways, pumping, thumbing, skipped beats, irregular rythm,pauses, i feel my pulse in all my body, fingers, head, butt, hands, fingers etc.. sometims feel breathless, head pain, oscilate bp, when i lay down is ok and is rise when i stand up.. i eat healty, i work out all time, do almost 10.000 foot a day etc.. I drink a lot of water (3-5L a day), vegetables, i take suplements like coq10, omega 3,magnesium,multyvitamins for months but nothing, try psihological meds for anxiety.. 0 results, tiredness all time, EKG/ECHO/TEST EFFORT/HOLTER OK, doctor says go to the gym, do anything but my heart works bad, irregular.. What i can do, help me, analys Labs all are ok...
Heart condițion or what? I m so tired - British Heart Fou...
Heart condițion or what? I m so tired
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Hi Helpme166You need to trust your doctor plus having so many tests and they all have turned out seemingly ok. It might be that you are the type of person that focuses and scrutinises everything of course if you are looking for something and determined to find something you probably will. Your organs are placed inside a receptacle that is covered there is only so far they can stretch or go, your body is probably the greatest thing ever made it can do amazing things but like all things could have it’s limits.
You are twenty something you should. Be focused on happy things my suggestion is arrange a day to see terminal children in a hospice an ideal place would be to visit a Demelza hospice there are a few around. After that then see where you are with things. My bet is you will come out of there feeling different. Good luck
Hi help me. I'm so sorry you are feeling like this. Perhaps it's long covid. But like the other person said all the tests have come back negative so you need to stop worrying and get on with your life. Everything is fine. Be thankful for that. I wish I could do 10000 steps a day! I can hardly do 3000 at the moment since my heart problems. But have a positive attitude and you will get better.