scary rush to A&E with worst chest pains since HA is few days ago. All ok thankfully but also checked for blood clots due to swollen left ankle and pains in calf. Again ok. My GP has decided I should stop amlodopine immediately. I’m happy to cut meds ! However concerned about suddenly stopping them after 6 months Anyone had experience of this?
Can you just stop taking amlodopine? - British Heart Fou...
Can you just stop taking amlodopine?
Hi luis. I was on ramipril and amlodopine, but found my blood pressure was a bit low and causing dizziness. My advanced nurse practitioner suggested I stop amlodopine, which I did with no issues. I personally found my bp did go back up a little higher than I would like, but GP not bothered. Not sure if you monitor your bp at home, but may be worth doing this for a while to see how your bp readings go. Hope this helps. Best wishes x
Hi. Thank you this is reassuring as I am also on both ramipril and amlodopine. Look forward to amlodopine free days and hopefully might also get rid of excess fluid around torso too. 🤞🤪. I do have BP monitor so thanks for advice and will monitor
I think we should take the GPs advice so yes, drop those horrid amlodipine before they get set in to your system. I stopped them and moved to Ramipril. Far less reactions in my case and BP came down more easily.
Thank you. Yes I’m already on ramipril as well so definitely happy to drop one even if BP goes up a bit. Thank you.
I had swollen ankles and aching legs when I was on Amlodipine. Exercise made the situation worse. It also gave me problems with concentration - not good as I was self-employed and running my own business. My GP switched me to Losartan and a decade later I'm still on it without any issues whatsoever.
Oh wow! That is hood to hear - I mean how you are now not when you were on the med ! And I recognise the symptoms sadly. Thank you. I’ve stopped taking it - hopefully things will start to improve

Amlodipine is now on my list of drug allergies..... of which there are quite a few! I would say that for me Losartan has been a brilliant medication - zero side effects, even when my GP raised the dosage to 100mg. Following surgery I now am on a much lower dose.
What I would say is that it is important to be proactive in respect of your medication. You know your body and how you are feeling. Work with your GP to get medication that suits you. Medication is meant to make you better, so the decision to stop the Amlodipine seems to me to be spot on.
Thank you so much for that info. I too have had bad reaction to some other meds - Diltiazem was horrendous - but up until recently amlodopine was ok. Desperately hoping stopping it will get rid of these recent issues. Currently unable to sleep for aches and pains in legs and chest even though I’m shattered. I’m stressing about a family thing and I know this is not hood as it brings on the micro vascular angina. Difficult. But I’m reassured by your comments so thanks again