I’ve got health anxiety about my heart after having a heart attack in 2017. The main anxiety has only come on this year. Before that most of the time I got on with life apart from a few trips to A and E. My angiogram didn’t show up any major blockages but aches and pains in my arms this week make me anxious again. Intermittent sharp pain in my arm was the only symptom that I had in 2017. I’m now on antidepressants and having CBT which is helping I think. A twinge sends me straight back into anxiety though. Any reassuring words welcome.
When do you stop worrying about aches... - British Heart Fou...
When do you stop worrying about aches and pains?

I think all of us who have been through heart event can become anxious on occasion. You have done the right thing and have been checked out. If this weeks pains are new they need checking out too. With the pandemic we are all a little more anxious than normal.
Hopefully your CBT is helping, remember your not alone here on the forum we are always here to listen and offer support where we can.
Any new pain needs checking,
Hope your feeling better soon.
Best wishes Pauline
Thanks for your reply Pauline. It’s not a pain as such more a bit of an ache now and again. My shoulders are very tense and so is my neck so my husband thinks this is the problem. I’ll keep an eye on it - my health anxiety wants me to rush to the hospital but CBT tells me to watch and wait.
Tight shoulders and neck I get if I get tense, after my heart surgery 5 weeks later my husband had a big stroke and I became his carer that’s nearly 4 years ago and having to think for both of us can really make me tense😩 Remember you are doing everything right,
Take care Pauline
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HA 1 year ago no treatment only meds
Bang this week indigestion same time of morning for 3 days, dont feel ill but have dizzy spells when moving .
Took plunge today and phoned GP
Agrees BP a little low but wants to stay as it is
Advised to lose weight but Says as on Im on steroids difficult to to .
Says pain does sound like acid reflux that Im on a lot of powerful meds and under bit of stress at present .Advised to get up and turn around slowly and he thinks things will settle.
My Mum 92 was diagnosed with HF same time as my HA has taken a long time but had final telephone consultations yesterday with Cardiologist .
She needs a TAVI done but she has decided not to go ahead with it says she feels the risks are too high .
Its her choice and I have to except that .
I must say I feel a lot better just talking to GP .
Have you tried Meditation when your anxiety gets bad it works for me but not everyone's cup of tea .
If you feel pain warrants it call ambulance I know I would .
Take Care
Hi , Looking back now over the last 3 years I think my anxiety was worst than the actual heart attack , I was minutes from death ,had a cardiac arrest at home with my 15 year old son in the house , the paramedics shocked me just after they arrived , big heart attack blocked LAD , Blood clot , all kind of problems, I couldn’t be on my own for months, I hated being in the house just reminded me of it all , even now have panic attacks and dizzy spells, Always at AE thinking I was going to have another heart attack, Had a great Cardiologist at Liverpool saved my life , He told me mechanically your fixed after stenting However mentally it may take much longer, I threw away everything that reminded me of that day, I even sold my house as I could not move on from what happened there ,Followed my dream and bought a barge , It’s getting better slowly but surely , Not sure this will help, But your never on your own on here. Take care. Robbie
Thanks Robbie. It’s amazing where our minds take us after an event but sounds like things are improving for you. I can totally understand your need to get rid of any reminders of that day.
Hope you’re enjoying life on your barge! All the best for the future!
Hi Jo,
oh my anxiety has peaked this year! Terrible thing. Every time I get an ache, I am 4 months post op. I am having counselling but my best help has been an audio thingy by a guy called John Crawford. Look him up if you are on Facebook as the link is there. I listen to it once a day. Hope you feel better soon. x