I have been taking 2.5 bisoprolol for a number of years was increased to 3.75 back in January, having lots of dizziness lately and no lower than usual wonder is it ok to drop back to 2.5 over weekend to see if it helps ?
Can I drop my bisoprolol : I have been... - British Heart Fou...
Can I drop my bisoprolol

I would say you should not alter dosage without consulting your GP/cardiologist.
If you increased in Jan, I would suggest you wait till Monday and speak to your GP/Cardiologist or, if you feel the dizziness has become too bad then call 111.
The docs love upping the dosage of this drug. It’s supposed to help keep the heart in good physical shape in future. I suspect the doc will encourage you to adapt to the higher dose and don’t be suprised if in future years they creep it up to 5mg.I suspect you will adapt but do let them know if it’s really bad.

Hello and welcome to the forum!
Bisoprolol is used to treat a number of conditions including hypertension, heart failure and AF (Atrial Fibrillation). As a peer-to-peer support group no one can advise on your medication dosage. The fact you have been on Bisoprolol for over half-a-year before developing dizziness is unusual as a few people experience this on the first few days (if at all) of taking the medication or a doseage increase.
There are numerous other causes of dizziness including ear infections. As Hidden has advised ring your GP on Monday or 111 before if you are concerned or the dizziness worsens. Please let us know how you get on.
Not sure any of us on this forum are qualified to answer this, you should really contact your GP in the first instance.
Hi and welcome here!Personally speaking, I wouldn't just lower the dosage myself.
I have been on Bisoprolol for many years, (to treat palpitations ) on different dosage throughout that time.
Presently I take 5mg, and do suffer with dizzy spells.
In July 2020 I underwent AVR...and following the surgery I was on 7,5 for a couple of months, the dizziness I suffered was severe, got it lowered to 5mg and still on that.
Also I suffer with Meniers (ear problem/vertigo/tinnitus) so I'm not sure what is causing my fairly frequent dizziness.
I think you should get an advice from GP/ cardiologist...
Have a lovely dizziness free weekend!😊
As you will know, we are not able to advise because members of this wonderful forum are not medically qualified, nor do we know your medical history. You have only just joined the forum and you have given us no background information. Why (for example) was your bisoprolol increased to 3.75mg in January? The advice you have already received is absolutely right : you need to talk to your GP or cardiologist.
Personally, I would be willing to try such an experiment because I know my medical history, and I understand what all my meds do and why I'm taking them. An experiment might give some information for a discussion with my GP/cardiologist. If I did an experiment like this I would monitor my blood pressure with my home BP monitor and keep an eye on my heart rate with my pulse oximeter...and (obviously) see how I feel. But it would be very irresponsible of me to even suggest experimenting with your meds without consulting a medical professional.
Hi, I too would wait until speaking to Cardiologist, interesting that some of the replies mention that their Bisoprolol doses were increased, at my 6 week appointment post triple two weeks ago I mentioned I was ‘slumping’ at 4pm and he reduced it from 2.5 to 1.25 and suggested taking at bedtime, which is much better for me.
I'm not giving you the ok to change your dose or not but when I was increased to 5mg my GP agreed it was probably to much so I took 3.75mg however this made me to zonked out so I dropped myself back to 2.5 mg and both my Cardio and GP were totally fine with my decision.
I really wouldn't be asking any of us as we cannot give advice at all. Always best to ask your gp.
I was on 1.25 was fine then raised to 3.75..I was a mess..light headed ..dizzy etc..what they hadn't noticed was my heart rate was at 40bpm as I was a heavy lifter at gym..so fit..I feel they just give you what they want without really looking at individuals.
Please be careful with changing the dose without medical advice. I am on the maximum of this at 10 mgs. I wanted to drop back down but GP added a nitrate tablet in to help and allow the Bisoprolol to do what it is supposed to and I have been much better. These are important medications and keeping in touch with medics whilst the dose is being tweaked to your need is vital. Please reconsider doing this yourself, it is not a good idea. 😸
I am taking 10 mg for 5 years no problems your body should adapt but talk to Doctor
I love all these replies saying consult your GP/cardiologist. I don’t know what planet they are on but where I live there is fat chance of getting past the doctor’s receptionist or the cardiologist’s secretary. My GP has more or less retired and they are reliant on odd locums, and the cardiologists are always off on leave and do not appoint a stand in. No one ever knows my case history and the whole system is crumbling.I feel I am on my own. I tried the heart nurse but they are not doing that anymore because of COVID duties…
Totally agree with you. It’s a shambles at present. Also very worrying. We get phone calls??? How in earth can your health be diagnosed at the end of a line particularly certain people find it hard to talk via this medium. It was always a bit scary going to see the doctor but as soon as you enter surgery you feel able to discuss your problem. I imagine lots if illnesses are going undetected.