can I drop down from 5 mg Bisoprolol to 2.5 mg Bisoprolol
Bisoprolol : can I drop down from 5 mg... - British Heart Fou...
You need to ask your cardiologist or GP. They will have details about your condition.
Doses can be changed but strongly advise not to do it without talking to your Doctor first
Happy New Year 🎉 x
thank you , I do realise that and the thing is my Surgery Pharmacist was going to drop them down from 5 to 2-5 nhs but I got Covid and I was on antibiotics so I decided not to . But now I feel awful with this medication and definitely either want them changed or the smallest dose possible . Trying to see a doctor is impossible so I thought I’d ask the advice of people here .
Quick Question is Why ?are you having problems ? for a day or two probably OK longer term you will need to be monitored.
Best Regards and a HNY
I have difficulty breathing and pains in all my joints particularly my knees , cramps that make my toes curl at night and so cold feet and hands . This is a dreadful medication , been on it since October .

i dropped mine to 2.5 and I am still lethargic with severe joint pain. The GP wouldn’t have it that my problems were an issue.

I have the exact same side effects
Bisoprolol is one of the medications you should never change without speaking to a doctor who exactly knows your particular situation. Preferably your cardiologist, who would have prescribed it.
I would speak to your GP. My husband was also having awful side effects, dose was reduced to 2.5, along with another of his meds being reduced, and he was feeling much better within a few weeks.
thank you , but tried in vain to see or speak to the doctor , it seems that my notes still haven’t been updated from when I was discharged from hospital in October 2022 . So until that happens it seems I’m stuck .
Good morning. Personally, I would not advise changing any heart medication without consulting your gp or consultant. I get no end of different aches and pains from the meds I am on but they are supporting my heart at mo so am grateful and putting up with it for the time being. Everything is obviously a personal choice so of course it's your decision what you do but I hope you get sorted and sooner rather than later. Good luck x
thank you for your advice , but be assured I wouldn’t stop this medication without consulting my doctor . The thing is I can’t seem to get to see or speak to one . The problem with the Bisoprolol is that I’m ok before I take it then afterwards once I’ve taken it , I find it extremely difficult to breath , Is this a normal side effect ?

Hi ....personally I have not had problems with bisoprolol but have some new meds where I am noticing various things. I had open heart surgery 4 months ago and have had ongoing problems....all being dealt with.....but I found a good source of getting answers or feedback was through the consultant's secretary. You should be able to get it from hospital switchboard or the cardiac team. If not.... PALS.... contactable at all hospitals and I found them really helpful for all sorts of things xx

when I first started taking it, it lifeless took my breath away for weeks. I’ve gotten used to it but sometimes still struggle with breath. I’ve had a very hard time mediating and getting in deep breaths since starting.
hi. I am on 10mg a day of bisoprolol and felt like a virtual zombie for months. With the agreement of the cardiac nurse I dropped to 7.5mg and within days my resting heart rate increased significantly although the fatigue got no better. I actually felt worse as my resting heart rate was too high. . I made the decision to go back up to 10mg with the support of the cardiac team and decided that the side effects were just something I had to live with. It’s taken the best part of a year to feel ok on bisoprolol and that might also coincide with my recovery from ohs. Please speak to a health professional before adjusting your dose, better safe than sorry. Good luck.
I was prescribed 3.75mg after my HA and stents....been on it 2 years without issues so there is a dose in between 2.5 and 5 which you could ask about...
this sounds like sound advice , will ask my pharmacist about that , thank you .