Hello all - it has taken me a while to get around to writing this and I haven’t updated since my angiogram 10 months ago.
Well, am through the other side and I had my aortic valve replaced in May and in the end it was at The Harefield Hospital. My symptoms in April had become a little worse (I had a bicuspid aortic valve - a congenital condition) and the palpitations etc had become worrying. I asked could I be checked over whilst I was “on the waiting list”. To cut a long story short I was called in for an MRI scan, ECG, Xray etc on the Friday (at the Brompton Hospital) and then on the following Wednesday after they looked at the results they called me to say they were offering me a date at The Harefield in a week! Everything seemed to happen so fast.
The operation went ok (and apparently they also had to “patch” a small area of my aorta which had become thin and fragile) but 2 days afterwards my right lung collapsed. Not so great as I had to have a lung drain inserted (whilst awake - not exactly a walk in the park 😦) and that stayed in my side for 4 days. I think if I hadn’t had the collapse of the lung my recovery would have been far faster.
Anyway, I am now as I said earlier 10 weeks post op. I know we shouldn’t “compare” recovery times but sometimes I feel my progress is a bit slow after reading about others on this site post AVR ! Still a little painful over my chest and tight over my scar especially on first waking and I have only attempted one small journey driving in the car so far. Also when breathing in deeply (yes still doing those breathing exercises!) it sometimes feels pretty uncomfortable. Doing 30 to 45 minutes walking a day though and a weekly online post cardiac surgery exercise class as well. Just hoping that I will feel more “renewed” soon and one hundred percent better soon.
Take care all and best wishes.