Help: Hello my name is jackie aged 5... - British Heart Fou...

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macc1234 profile image
23 Replies

Hello my name is jackie aged 51 had breast cancer in 2018 had chemo and radiotherapy which has caused hf now on bisoprolol and ramipril I don't know what the outlook is and I am so petrified

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macc1234 profile image
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23 Replies
Milkfairy profile image
MilkfairyHeart Star

Hello macc1234,

Welcome to the forum.

There are other forum members who share your experience and I am sure they will be along to share their experiences with you too.

There are a few support groups who maybe able to help you also

macc1234 profile image
macc1234 in reply to Milkfairy


080311 profile image

Hello macc1234

You have found your way to the Hearties family, a forum that will try and help and support you.

You have been through such a lot, but you are here still standing. When we have heart issues it’s as if the ground as opened up under our feet, being diagnosed with HF sounds awful I wish they could find another way of describing it, really it’s our pump needs a bit of help.

We can help ourselves taking our medication and eating a healthy diet lots of us on the forum follow the Mediterranean diet recommended by BHF not really a diet as such just a healthy way of eating. And we need to take exercise.

There are lots of members who have improved their numbers, and they will be along to help you. Being scared is normal but with time and understanding you can get your life back on track.

I am a lot older than you, I was 68 when I had my Aortic valve replaced and bypass done that was 4 years ago, and here I am living my life grateful every day to the medical team that gave me my life back.

If you need an ear to listen or even a shoulder to lean on, there will be someone to help. Just post.

Things do get better.

Best wishes Pauline

macc1234 profile image
macc1234 in reply to 080311

Thankyou Pauline it's the not knowing that's scary and I've not helped myself by looking on Google

080311 profile image
080311 in reply to macc1234


Please don’t use dr Google, out of date and wrong information. If you need to look for something use either NHS or BHF websites. Using Dr Google can scare us out of our socks😂


macc1234 profile image
macc1234 in reply to 080311

That's so true and it did lol 😆😂

ahk59 profile image

Hi JackieLike you I had breast cancer treatment and through this caused my heart failure 6 years ago now.When I first was diagnosed I thought that my time was up.I was in hospital for 3 weeks,I had about 2stone of excess fluid couldnt breathe or walk far.Im on DIGOXIN RAMIPRIL CARVEDIROL,SPIRONALACTON,FUROSIMIDE.WARFARIN,ATORVASTIN,On discharge from hospital I started walking could only manage about 10 mins,fast forward to present and I walk about 40 min daily,I've had no side effects from any of the meds,and i feel marvellous.I had a healthy enough diet before HF so all I changed was amount of salt I eat,still have odd glass of wine.If you need to chat about anything I'm here


macc1234 profile image
macc1234 in reply to ahk59

Thankkyou as you know my head is all over the place and so scared 😨

ahk59 profile image
ahk59 in reply to macc1234

It will be an believe me it will get better at one point heart transplant was mentioned for me so I was really poorly an now apart from taking my pills I've forgot that my heart has issues.So take small steps and believe you will get through this

Boysy profile image

Hi, I am sure you will be back to feel that your life is back. One way or the other we all get scared or frightened. I had a heart attack last year and it has been taking me time to get used to medication and changes in my life. You will get there!

macc1234 profile image
macc1234 in reply to Boysy

Thankyou I feel abit better knowing I can talk to others

Best2 profile image

Hi there I am new to this forum and like you have recently found out my heart is damaged by a mild heart attack I suffered on Mother’s Day ! Discharged from hospital weds night with a bag full of meds and told follow up app will be in 3 months time ! I I’ve never been so scared anxious and not sleeping in my life ! But reading things on google is no good all American or just rubbish! Finding this site has been so helpful for me reading how people do move on with their lives and one day at a time things can be good for us again !!! I hope your feeling a lot better soon !

Tink35 profile image

Hi macc1234 I too have had breast cancer twice had chemo and radiotherapy, that was back in 2008 and 2010 and now have heart failure. I was diagnosed with that in 2011. I'm on various drugs. I do get out of breath at times but it doesn't stop me doing what I want. The hardest thing for me is trying to loose weight to help myself. Try not to worry as you can see I've had it a long time now. Just to say I'm 56 xx

macc1234 profile image
macc1234 in reply to Tink35

Wow you are a fighter and thankyou everyone have been so lovely 😍

JayceeW profile image

The power of positive thinking helps enormously. I had breast cancer 12 years ago. After the radiotherapy I ended up with a heart murmur and a damaged aortic valve. Three years ago come May, I had open heart surgery to replace the valve and to do a double by pass at the age of 77. I am now enjoying life again despite the medication. My husband has heart failure - on medication he is fine as long as he listens to his body. There is light at the end of the tunnel. Keep smiling!

Athena-Heinrich profile image

To have heart failure on top of what you've been through must be absolutely terrifying . Well done for reaching out ! My story I just offer (though not the same as yours .) I was (I thought) a super healthy slim 65 - new boyfriend - (I thought!) - in the sidelines . Then I collapsed with an aortic dissection very nearly died and next thing was having open heart surgery and plastic aorta (euggh!) put in in a foreign hospital ! Lost voice became like a hideous michelin man for a time . Overnight I changed from a very young seeming person to a hobbling fuddy duddy with croaky voice from tubes and horrible medication. Its a year later - having seen virtually nobody because of the dreaded C - and being in bed in pain a lot, thinking I might die, have a stroke, have to have another op like numerous others online do after this etc etc. Ive had times when I could see no point in it all except I loved talking to friends on whats app (though exhausting) However a year later I feel relatively normal am not in pain and seem to still be here! And...walking (very important) a lot which am now able to do ! I'm actually enjoying my odd life of solitude despite it all - just because I feel and look much better than I thought possible a year ago and am here ! ( I even wear lipstick sometimes - just for me ! ) I seem to find it impossible now to think about - or how long - the future will be. Step by step by gentle step. Each day at a time as is said . Yes it could all fall apart again. Im older than you so perhaps (not necessarily though) have seen or known many people die and become aware how very mortal we all are. Nobody nobody knows including doctors how much time we have, whatever age we are. I know people whóve survived all sorts of cancer and illnesses (including breast) and regained their lives or found happinesses. It takes a long time to get over the awful shocks and agonies of it all but the body is an amazingly thing. Very best wishes and whooshing you strength and endurance with your journey.

Hi Jackie and welcome to the forum. I echo what JayceeW said, there is light at the end of the tunnel, one day at a time. My sister is 25 years post mastectomy, she is doing very well. I was diagnosed with HF last April. I am 75, and getting better by the day. Take care. x

Dru75 profile image

Hi Jackie, I know just how you feel. I’m 46 and was diagnosed with hf 6 months ago. It is very scary and I’ve been having panic attacks. So many tablets to take and always so tired. I’ve started a phased return to work but am worried I’ve bitten off more than I can chew! I’m determined to be here for my kids but I’m finding it very hard to motivate myself to do what I need to. I’m sure things will get better and I’m told I’m doing very well but mentally I am struggling. If you ever feel overwhelmed or just need someone to vent at, feel free to message me. You’re only 51 years young and life is too short to be drowning in fears. Take the tablets and all the advise, get help when you need it and take things slowly and remember you’re not alone.

macc1234 profile image
macc1234 in reply to Dru75

Thankyou so much im struggling mentality too but everyone on here are so helpful and supportive 💓xx

npchsw profile image

Hi, I can relate to your story too - doing really well after BC at 48, only to find the chemo caused heart failure in my 50’s, terrifying. And I felt really angry that having faced mortality issues re cancer and got my head around them and my life back on track (more or less), that I faced these issues again in a different shape with cardiac disease. Sometimes life can feel very unfair. But 3 yrs on from heart failure, and rattling with (very effective) tablets I feel well, so don’t despair. Best tips: avoid Dr Google, take one day at a time, and expect that good days and bad days will come in random order so don’t overthink them (HF can be a right rollercoaster.) I wish you well!

FeetheBookworm profile image

Hi Jackie

I too am part of this club. Was diagnosed with breast cancer at the age of 49 and found out when I had HF at the age of 61 that is was due to the chemo treatment. Or else it was viruses as I had many during and after treatment as my immune system was shot to pieces and still remains so.

I get v tired but am better at pacing myself. I have much more energy in a warmer climate than colder.

Take your tablets, watch your fluid intake 1 1/2 litres a day in the early stages and eat a healthy diet. And take regular exercise if you can. Walking will do.

It is frightening when you first get diagnosed - the name alone is enough to put the fear of God into anyone.

You will have good days and bad days. We are all here to help so don’t feel you are alone.


macc1234 profile image
macc1234 in reply to FeetheBookworm

Thankyou for your kinds words the scary thing is I've got no symptoms and really scared I don't want to end up in hospital but everyone on this forum are very supportive 💖

Hello macc1234, I had breast cancer in 2013 and heart failure 2015 due to enlarged heart by chemo. Both breast removed because cousin got cancer back. Didn't want to go back for surgery again. Went on Entestro 24/26 in 2018, it did wonders for my breathing and energy but I am also on CPAP. Could not go up on Entestro because it dropped BP to low. It is 2021 and cardio is putting me on bisoprolol 25 mg. Suggest you watch and keep record of BP/pulse. If it goes to low, talk to your GP. Low Blood Pressure and Sugar can cause tiredness, weakness, and nodding off while sitting after eating. It happens to me at times. Just watch how your body handles the medications. Take one day at a time. Don't get discourage! You will be surprised what your capable of doing. Yes our life will change and new possibility will come from this, but we can be overcomers with each new step. 8 years and still going!

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