I posted about my dash to hospital ad my Night in Resus with regard to a rapid heart beat - that was back in July of this year. Since then I have been on the medication I was given at the hospital - no one has reviewed or altered the medication or its dosage.
I take a Beta Blocker and 2 doses of Apixaban daily.
I saw a consultant in the hospital before I was discharged - he said he wanted me to take a blood thinner to prevent heart attack and stroke, he said Warfarin had been the drug to take but now there were several more modern drugs to take that did the same job but without all the side effects, He said it was of course patient choice and would I wish to take the new drug or Warfarin - having just spent a very traumatic night with a heart rate at 200 I was more than willing to follow his recommendation., I left with him saying he was going to call me in for an Echo Cardiogram and when he had the results we would discuss how we were going to proceed regarding treatment and drugs. 6 weeks later I got called in for the Echo - 3 weeks later after I had heard nothing I contacted my Drs surgery to see if they could find out what was going on - I was told they had that week received a report from the hospital - I made an appointment to go in and see the Dr. I went to the surgery was told that the hospital report required no further visits - that I did not have Heart Failure or heart desease and to keep taking the meds I was given at the hspital.
Since I started taking these medications I have never felt so ill - I suffer with constant tiredness, no energy, lethargy, stomach problems, headaches, I am light headed, have tingling in my face on a regular basis and haved no interest in doing most of anything.
I have done some investigation on line and founf that I am one of thousands in the same boat - I have seen a GP again ( I won't say my GP because you never see the same one twice) to be told they don't advise that I change my medication and that there is always a transitional period of time when taking new medications.
Can someone help me please - I don't know what to do - I want off this Blood thinner - I don't have a serious heart condition - surely as long as I take the Beta Blocker and look after my diet etc there is no need for a Blood thinner.
Can I go to the Drs and demand to have a referral to a heart consultant - I want to talk to someone who is specialised in the heart not a General practitioner.
Any Advice please - I would be so grateful I am going out of my mind with the worry and frustration.
Thank You