Help please.: I was prescribed... - British Heart Fou...

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Help please.

Noodlesalad profile image
24 Replies

I was prescribed Clarithromycin ten days ago by my GP for really bad tonsilitis, I can't take penicillin as I'm allergic to it and the Clarithromycin is supposed to be for people who like me have had a previous allergic reaction. Third day of this medication my lips started swelling and my mouth really sore. I self prescribed Allevia for the reaction to the medication. Fourth day some at 2a.m. with heart thumping and beating erratically I couldn't decide whether to ring an ambulance or not as I felt awful. Anyway just lay on the bed and waited for my heart to settle. I then the following day went back to my GP I really didn't want another bad night and he could see my lips were swollen. He examined me said my throat was still bad and prescribed Doxycycline and Fexofenadine for the allergic reaction.My lips now feel numb despite the Fexofenadine and my mouth really sore. I've decided although I have another three days to go of Doxycycline I really can't take any more of them.

Had anyone else had a similar experience with these medications.

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Noodlesalad profile image
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24 Replies
BeKind28- profile image

Hello :-)

I am allergic to penicillin and I always get prescribed mostly Doxycycline they make me feel rough and upset my stomach which I grin and bear as if I do not take them then it is a struggle to find anything else that does not make me feel worse than they do

I am not sure when you went to the Doctors and were prescribed Fexofenadine for the allergic reaction you had to the other meds but if it was just a couple of days ago as you seem to have had a bad reaction could take a few days to settle down however if you are feeling really bad I think it would be a good idea to phone 111 and get their advice

I hope you feel better soon and let us know how you get on :-) x

Noodlesalad profile image
Noodlesalad in reply to BeKind28-

HelloThank you for your response. I got the Fexofenadine on Thursday.

As both my lips were numb this morning and yes I was a little concerned and decided to take an Allevia and within thirty minutes I could tell the numbness was subsidising, thankfully.

My GP said the Fexofenadine would make me drowsy but the first night I took it that wasn't the case and I was so tired.

I won't take it tonight as the Alevia lasts 24 hours.

If the numbness and swelling returns I agree and think it's time I went to the hospital as much as none of us like that I think in view of this being an allergic reaction it's wise to go. The first night on Doxycycline I felt really poorly as I'm sure you know the first dose is two tablets and didn't expect to feel so poorly.

Thank you again.

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to Noodlesalad

Hello :-)

Hopefully things will improve but if not I agree as much as we don't want to the Hospital is about the only place to go but hopefully it will not come to that

Yes the first dose of Doxycycline is not pleasant I just count the days till I have taken the course I hope you manage better on them :-) x

Noodlesalad profile image

Thank you.Not sure I will take anymore Doxycycline. I know my tonsilitis is still apparent but it's over ten days now of antibiotics and all these side effects do worry me. I have another appointment with my GP on Monday and will see what she advises.

Thank you again, if I do go to the hospital I'll let you know.

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to Noodlesalad

:-) x

Noodlesalad profile image
Noodlesalad in reply to BeKind28-

HiJust to keep you updated. I didn't take yesterday's dose of Doxycycline.

The lip numbness passed I think due to the Allevia I took. My mouth is still very sore, I had a very good night's sleep but did wake up at 3am with the same thumping erratic heartbeat as previous nights but it did eventually settle and I did get back to sleep. Now my lips are peeling and I'm covering them in Vaseline.

I'm not going to take anymore Doxycycline. I see my GP tomorrow afternoon and I'll see what she says.

Thank you again for your response.

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to Noodlesalad

Hello :-)

Glad you had a better night it looks like it could be starting to improve :-)

I am glad you get to see your Doctor tomorrow and let us know how you get on :-) x

Noodlesalad profile image
Noodlesalad in reply to BeKind28-

Will do. Been out this morning for first time in a few days apart from doctor's appointment.

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to Noodlesalad

Hello :-)

That fresh air no doubt will have done you good even though it is raining here :-)

I am sure you will be past this soon you seem to be making improvements even if slower than you would have liked but you are getting there :-) x

Noodlesalad profile image
Noodlesalad in reply to BeKind28-

Thank you. I'll keep you posted. I normally go to church on a Sunday morning by way of not staying in and enjoying the service today just didn't feel fit enough to sit in God's house.

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to Noodlesalad

Hello :-)

Fingers crossed next week you will feel fit enough :-)

You have the best day you can :-) x

Noodlesalad profile image
Noodlesalad in reply to BeKind28-

You too have a good day😊

Noodlesalad profile image
Noodlesalad in reply to BeKind28-

HiJust to let you know as you have been so supportive. I saw yet another different GP this afternoon who was extremely kind. Examined me and could see the Mick jagger lips, she did say my throat was getting better.

I have asked her to refer me for allergy testing because as she said their running out of options of what they can safely give me now. Also I pointed out as I'm on my own supposing I was unconscious I wouldn't be able to say what I'm allergic to. However seemingly allergy testing is very expensive and I may be refused she says, so I guess I'll just curl up and for it the worst happens.

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to Noodlesalad

Hello :-)

That is good news that your throat is getting better :-)

I think you can go online and have private allergy testing no doubt it will be quite expensive but if the refuse it is something to look into and think about as you do have a valid point how can you tell someone what you are allergic to if you don't know

Fingers crossed they will test you on the NHS

Let us know how you get on :-) x

Noodlesalad profile image
Noodlesalad in reply to BeKind28-

Thank you. I will look into having it done privately.I'm so pleased my throat is getting better, although I thought it was better before I went to the doctor with a swelling in my neck.

I'll keep you posted.

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to Noodlesalad

Hello :-)

I think if you can afford it then it is worth getting them done :-)

I bet you are glad your throat is getting better and I am pleased for you that it is :-) x

Noodlesalad profile image
Noodlesalad in reply to BeKind28-

HiI've just been looking into having the allergy testing privately and it's approximately £300 so definitely won't be taking that route. I go to a private hospital in a couple of weeks for my twice a year spinal treatment so I'll ask when I go there, my treatment there is funded by the NHS praise the Lord.

It's such a huge relief to know my throat is getting better. I had resorted to my favourite home remedy of honey and when I couldn't sleep last night I suddenly remembered a nurse I used to work with swore by honey rum. I know she used to buy it in Spain, one of my friends is going to Portugal in a couple of weeks so I may ask her if she can get some.

I just need to be patient now and wait for my swollen lips and sore mouth to heal.

You've been so kind thank you for listening and responding.

BeKind28- profile image
BeKind28- in reply to Noodlesalad

Hello :-)

Going private I knew would not be cheap but lets hope when you have your Hospital appointment they may help I do hope so

Honey rum sounds lovely that should be on prescription :-)

I am sure your lips will improve now each day :-) x

MountainGoat52 profile image

Just a thought... and it probably doesn't apply in your case. When I was prescribed Clarithromycin I had an immediate adverse reaction with chest pains, difficulty breathing, etc. As a result the medication has been put on my blacklist. However, after doing some research, I found it should not have been prescribed as I was on Eplerenone at the time. I therefore wonder whether the problem you are experiencing is down to an incompatibility with another medication. As I said... just a thought.

Noodlesalad profile image
Noodlesalad in reply to MountainGoat52

Thank you for responding. I did consider the same I'm on statins and did notice that clarithromycyin should not be taken with statins so for the few days I did take it I didn't take my statin. I'm also on Clopidrogel I didn't consider not taking that as I think it important. I'm also prediabeaties type 2 and in my last blood test it had gone up again to 88 . I'm not taking medication for the diabetes trying with diet however this problem first came to light last year so I'm going to discuss it with my GP tomorrow.Thank you again.

Headcook10 profile image
Headcook10 in reply to MountainGoat52


I too used to have clarythmocycine for my copd flare ups

Since having heart meds after my unknown heart attack and now severe heart failure

I can no longer take clarithromycin as I felt like I was drugged and the whole room was spinning

I was told stop taking Atorvastatin whilst on them but that all other meds would not interact by my gp and pharmacist

I believe this now to not be the case

I too take eplerenone

Moving forward I now am to use doxycycline which never worked previous but time will tell

Noodlesalad profile image
Noodlesalad in reply to Headcook10

HiI wasn't told not to stop my Atorvastatin while on Clarithromycyin but did unusually for me read the leaflet that came with clarithromycyin and that's where I read about not mixing the two just sheet luck but that's how I knew it wasn't combining both that made me react.

When I got the prescription for the Doxycycline I asked the pharmacist if it was safe to take with ramapril, Atorvastatin and Clopidrogel, his answer was I think so! Didn't help me feel better.

Thank you for responding.

Headcook10 profile image
Headcook10 in reply to Noodlesalad


I believe it was the eplerenone that caused the reaction I had

I was advised by all that this should not be the case it was coming on here and somebody said it was eplerenone

I take entresto too

My gp spoke to me like I was making up the reaction

But we no how we feel right

Hope you are feeling better

Noodlesalad profile image
Noodlesalad in reply to Headcook10

I firmly believe we know our own bodies better than any qualified person. I think I've had undiagnosed type 2 diabetes for some years. I have had blood tests in the past all were normal. I think my diet was much healthier when I was younger, and I have controlled the diabetes without realising it. It's only now that I've been having so many health problems a random blood glucose was done last year and showed I was type 2 diabetes. I decided to correct it with diet instead of medication and I'm going to say I've never had to eat so much food. I have generally tried to ensure I don't eat more than 1200 calories a day now I have to try to eat 2000calories and it's alot but I'm going to keep trying and do intend discussing this with my GP tomorrow.Thank you again.

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