Hi, this is my first message here. So I've been worried about my heart rate for a while as it always seems really high, but have been putting things off due to Covid. However recently my heart rate has been really high, and I've been having some chest pains, feeling like ill blackout when I stand up and also just a sick jittery feeling all day.Also I did an exercise dvd the other day and my heart rate went to over 200 and I obviously felt awful afterwards, so won't be doing that again. So ive booked an egg with the doctor on Tuesday.
My question is whenever I look at my resting heart rate its between 90-105, and goes up to 140 when I stand up and walk about. Its usually around 120 when standing up and working. So I'm worried if I have an ecg and its 95 say, will she say that's in the normal range and that I'm fine? I know I don't want to be sick, but I don't want a slightly lower rate to show that I'm fine when I don't feel it. Hope you understand what I mean by that. Any ideas what will happen when I have it? thanks