Hi all I’m due to have my angioplasty and stents on 25th Tuesday coming. I’m totally overwhelmed by all the meds originally I was put on aspirin and esomeprazole then they added a statin and now I have had my pre op they have put me on clopidrogel too. I’ve been told by 3 different people when to take them all and they all say different things! I was just knocking back the aspirin statin and esomeprozole all together late morning when I felt like eating. But now I’ve been told to take the esompeprozole first thing then breakfast then aspirin and clop then statin at night time. What do you guys do? I’m overwhelmed with so many meds and the possible side affects 😬
So many meds! Overwhelmed!: Hi all I’m... - British Heart Fou...
So many meds! Overwhelmed!

I take my statin and ramipril at night. As per hospital advice then the prasugrul and bisoprolol and asprin in morning. I don't take omeprazole as I can't tolerate any more side effects than the ones I've already got. Most of my tablets are enteric coated. Hope this helps.
So far I haven’t had any side affects. Touch wood! But I have only just started taking the clopidrogel today. I’ve gone from taking nothing ever except the occasional paracetamol to rattling with meds.
General rules, as far as I’m aware (I’m on six meds):
Diuretics in the morning - take them at night and you’ll be getting up frequently.
BP in the morning.
Aspirin in the morning.
Statins at night.
Beta blockers either or both.
Always try to take any meds with food.
I think I need to get a pill organiser! I’m useless with pills! I’ve already got an alarm set on my phone to remember to take them but with them being all over the day now I’m going to totally loose track! 😂
Some very good ones on Amazon. I have one that has morning and evening compartments and can be separated day by so, for eg, if going away for the weekend you can just slip Sat/Sun in your toilet bag.
Pill organisers are one of the best if not the best inventions for those of us on daily meds - I love mine. I got my first one in-store but when that one wore out (the closures wear out after about two years constant use) I got my replacement on Amazon. I like that one so well I bought two more to have spares.
Look for the ones that come as 7 separate mini-boxes )with three compartments in each mini-box) and are enclosed within a 'wallet wrap' or a clear box the mini-boxes fit into - keeps everything together if the thing is dropped. Also helpful is to choose a container and mini-boxes that don't have labels pre-printed on the mini-box compartments. I used a cheap handheld embossing label maker to make labels for the compartments (currently as AM, PRN, and 7DY for morning, 'as needed' and the next week meds) - if my medication schedule changes I can simply change the labels and still be organised.
I love that I can simply look at the container to check if I've remembered to take my medications without having to open the lid and look for the day I'm worried I forgot.
That’s the one I have just ordered! Had different coloured days and all of them fit in a bigger box. 3 sections in each little box.
I'm well pleased with mine and think you'll be happy with yours but at least it's a start towards organising the daily meds - using this one for a bit will help you know what your specific needs are and help choosing replacements.
Don't worry about the stents. I've had three. No problems after a bit of normal post op. discomfort. The advice re meds timings is good. Forget about side effects. You probably won't have them, just don't imagine that you are having them. If you do, very mildly, they go in a few days ysuakly.
I second that. While there are of course people with genuine intolerances to certain drugs, in general I think if you expect side-effects, you tend to get them. Also, I've found with the medication I take (and I'm on 8 pills a day), if any side-effects aren't too severe and I can persevere, my body gradually adjusts and the side-effects wear off (yes, even the dreaded Ramipril cough and Bisoprolol tiredness!).
It’s a dull headache I am getting from the new clopidrogel. But all the meds are still new have only been on them for 2 weeks so I don’t think my body knows what the hell is going on yet lol.
Yes, it will take your body a while to adjust, but don't forget you've been massively stressed about the procedure next week, so maybe that might have something to do with your headache too? More drug advice: when you're on daily aspirin, it's not advisable to take any headache remedies (like Anadin) that also contain aspirin; only plain paracetamol is allowed (and a lot of us moan about that!). And definitely no ibuprofen - it makes breathlessness worse. It all sounds very complicated, I know, but honestly, you'll soon get used to it and before you know it, you'll be offering advice to other newbies! x
Boots sell very cheap pill organisers. I have one for morning pills and one for night time pills. I take all meds first thing with breakfast. The only ones I take at night are the ones that have to be taken twice daily. I can’t take statins.
The advice on timing is spot on. The only way I can cope (I also went from no pills to 8 ) is by having a routine. Pill dispenser boxes are essential. I have 2 sets , one for morning and one for bedtime. So every 2 weeks on the same day I replenish (and work out when I need more). The nighttime is by my bed and the morning in the kitchen. Do I make the odd mistake? Of course but if rare it really doesn’t matter. The angioplasty is straightforward. You should go on cardio rehab which we all found a great help. Good luck.
I just take all mine at breakfast (aspirin, amplodipine, statin).......
I was so overwhelmed by going from no meds. to 8, plus angina spray that I didn't hear a word the nurse said about how and when to take them. I'm still ambivalent towards them. I hate taking them but I'm so grateful that I can get them easily and that they keep them well. I take the omeprazole an hour before food. I take all the others with food. It's especially important to take the aspirin with or after food.
Yes I was given a shopping bag full of meds too , think it’s the norm but a bit of a shock nonetheless. Like you ,once I heard the words “heart attack” everything went in one ear and out the other ! ..same that due to covid you can’t have someone with you ...
You will have been put on Clopiogrel as well as asprin to prepare you for your angioplasty and stents. The usual routine is that you stay on both for a year then return to just one of them, usually asprin. Nothing to add to the good advice re timings, most statins are best taken at night, Rosuvostatin is one exception, your esompeprozole will give you best protection if taken a while before the other meds. It is depressing at first, I use to feel that if someone shook me I'd rattle, but believe me you do get use to the routine.
Thanks, yes that’s what I was told. Just bonkers that I went from taking nothing except the occasional paracetamol or vitamin c. I will get used to it. I have to, it’s just a bit overwhelming.
"But now I’ve been told to take the esompeprozole first thing then breakfast then aspirin and clop then statin at night time".
I don't have experience with esompeprozole, but the rest of your program sounds good to me and in line with both what I was told by my cardiologist and my own research of the med leaflets. I take apsirin, clopidogrel (and bisoprolol) together after breakfast with a glass of water and statin with a small glass of water* immediately before bed-time.
Stick with it - you'll get used to it and 4-a-day is as nothing to some of us (I add 3 other meds plus three supplements into my daily programme to cover off bronchiectasis and osteoarthritis in addition to my post-bypass meds! Yes it's a PITA taking ten items (some supps are three times a-day), but you get into the rhythm eventually and it doesn't stop me enjoying life, despite some variable bouts of tiredness. Good luck!
*don't want to add to the nighttime pees that a jippy prostate sometimes generates
It gets better, I was the same no meds to 2 then 4, 6 etc, had to have 3 artery bypass grafts, the day after the op I think I had 36 pills & potions. Now after 1year I'm down to just Aspirin & statin which will prob be forever but feeling great