You are probably getting sick of me posting now, but after a hospital appointment yesterday I am feeling quite overwhelmed by everything.
Bit of back story- I'm 22 with congenital aortic stenosis and aortic regurgitation. I have had 2 operations to balloon the valve as a baby which has made it possible to prolong surgery up to now. Repairing my valve is unfortunately not an option so replacement is a must.
You have all been so helpful regarding my questions about the surgery, so I was hoping I could get the same help now.
Yesterday I met my surgeon team, and consultant at Birmingham to discuss my surgery. I have been given a choice on what valve I feel is best for me, but to be honest I feel really overwhelmed by everything and feel as though I need to hear peoples experiences before I can prepare to make a decision.
My first option is a pig valve, I will safely be able to have children, no drugs needed, however this will only last 5-10 years.
Secondly, they have mentioned a mechanical valve, with this comes warfarin, which means the liklihood of successful pregnancy not being highly likely. I have been warned warfarin has high chance at causing miscarriage or severe problems with the baby. If during pregnancy I go on heperin, the baby should be okay however studies have shown many chases where the mother does not survive or has a stroke or other medical problems. (Really upset me considering my age and how much me and my partner want a family of our own).
I have also been given the choice of the Ross procedure. (Just incase you dont know) where they take my pulmonary valve and put it in place of my aortic valve, then use a donor to replace my pulmonary valve. There is no set time frame as for how long this could last, i would safely be able to have my family. However if and when issues do arise, i now have 2 heart conditions instead of 1 and there are more risks associated with this possibility.
Im unsure which route to go down and as you can imagine my head is all over the place. My question today is to be helped to understand peoples experiences with the ross procedure, its success rate and how long it has lasted for them? It would also be great to hear off any ladies with mechanical valves who have been pregnant etc and be helped to understand how it has affected them? But also to understand how people have come to make their own decisions when in my position.
I apologise for the long message, but again any information is welcomed and so greatly appreciated!