When should you take aspirin? On the pack it just says one a day. Hubby looked on google and it says as most strokes and HA occur at night or early morning aspirin should be taken last thing at night. Has anybody been told exactly when to take it?
Aspirin: When should you take aspirin... - British Heart Fou...

Hi there, don't recall being told when, in hospital I took it with the others usually 9 ish in the morning, I take mine at home wuth the rest just before I eat breakfast
Hi I had a heart attack 9 weeks ago and part of my ongoing medication is 1 soluble aspirin which I am told to take in the morning I’m not sure if it makes a difference morning or night but I’d recommend taking it the same time every day. Regards. Jim
Thank you. Hubby has been taking it in the morning for last 18 months. When he was in hospital the sister told him that some of his other medication which he had been taking for at least 20 years should be taken first thing in the morning before any food or drink and he had been taking it in the afternoon. I think he is just trying to spread the vast amount of drugs he takes over the course of the day. Will ask our very helpful pharmacist next time we visit.
Hi again ! Don’t forget if you really need to speak to someone knowledgeable about it you can always ring the British heart foundation helpline and speak to a real cardio nurse !!! I’ve always found them great !
I have read last thing at night.
An alternative blood thinner is lemon juice mixed with apple cider vinegar garlic and ginger
I blend 5 whole lemons ( make sure you wash them thoroughly first ) large knuckle of ginger a whole bulb of garlic and a 1/4 cup of apple cider vinegar with 3 litres of spring water drain it refrigerate it and drink a small amount several times a day usually an hour before meals
I also use artichoke tincture
( I get this from a herbalist doctor and pay £40 every three months )
I can’t say this works for everyone it’s not easy changing your life and sticking to the change and yes always listen to your gp, but it’s kept me off meds and I feel better for it.
Oh good veg recipes can be grabbed from the deliciously elks blog or books this has made my transformation to veggie food easy and the food is ace.
In relation to the British Heart Foundation I have tried in vain to contact them to seek a local support group and all I get it a request to donate to their charity and an old chap telling me dong be silly and to do what my doctor says and take all medication, despite mebeing put on medication which is not pertinent to my condition! Ie blood pressure tablets when my blood pressure after a 24 hour heart monitor test was fine
I have Arteriolosclerosis but no narrowing of the arteries
Having talked this through with one of the good doctors in the surgery changed my life style since July last year done aerobic exercise 1/2 hour 5 days a week put myself on a non meat no dairy meal planner cut down dramatically with alcohol and taken artichoke juice daily my cholesterol has dropped to 3 and my gp has advised the consultant was over cautious and has taken me off all meds and reviews my bloods 6 monthly.
As such the BHF are useless.
Look at dramatic real life changes that you can achieve I am sure at some stage I may be on meds but for the moment and with this life change I feel good and am pleased a little reading on the net and a good chat with a good gp has prevented me taking statins blood pressure tablets and aspirin.
Give them a wide birth
I was recommending that she talk to bhf helpline with a general query not with specific condition advice. I have contacted them 3 times and always got through to a cardio nurse always gives valid advice and NEVER have I been asked to donate.
agreed Jim they have been great we found they were able to explain procedures etc as to the advice above please ignore unless you were told something by you own doctor or pharmacist ie someone trained not an amateur such advice could be dangerous. Re asprin make sure you don't go straight to bed after you take it - leave at least half an hour so it is digested - when it doubt ask your cardiac nurse, pharmacist or BHF if you have had heart surgery you will need to take medication to maintain heart health - information on the web has to be treated with caution & is different according to your individual health circumstances.

My aspirin dose is every other day because of another issue that cropped up. According to one of my consultants the effect lasts 48 hours which lead him to reduce it. Therefore the timing is unimportant BUT it should be taken after food to reduce the risk of longer term use causing stomach problems. BP pills, statins, etc. do not constitute a meal.
I too have a yummy morning asprin. My understanding is that the effects are indeed sufficiently "long-term" that the timing isn't all that crucial.
In terms of the risk of stomach problems, this was flagged by my gp who added Lansoprazole, which reduces the amount of acid your stomach makes, to my list of meds.
Thank you Mike and everybody that has answered. Hubby takes OMEPRAZOLE to protect his stomach as he has had stomach problems for many years. He rattles with the amount of tablets he takes for his many health problems.
Hi, my dad took Omeprazole tablets for years, as he had suffered with stomach problems since being a young man. I believe they were quite expensive when they first were being prescribed, as they are amazing for anyone who suffers from stomach ulcers. It can even cure them, as it kills the bacteria in the stomach that causes ulcers, and the ulcer heals. Amazing stuff. I know just how your hubby feels, I had weight loss surgery 5 years ago, so only have a tiny tummy now, LOL. New Years Day 2013, woke up in hospital, this was going to be my year, lose all my weight and follow my dreams. I suppose we shouldn't count our chickens, 7 weeks later deafness, falling about as if drunk, hey, a brain tumour (Acoustic Neuroma) non cancerous, thank goodness but bang went my dreams. Also discovered my heart problem. Ah, well, still here, LOL
I should take a soluble Aspirin, 1 a day in water, taken with food. It thins the blood a little, I believe, ask your GP for the dosage. You may need some mediciation for your stomach, as long term use with Aspirin can cause problems in years to come.

Having had stomach problems, I got v clear instructions. Esomeprazole first thing, then breakfast, then aspirin. Works a treat.
The instruvtions I got from the hospital when being discharged tell me to take in the morning.
On my pack it just says " Take with or just after food or a meal "
Just reading about Angioplasty " There is a serious Risk of Clots forming in the stent ( stent thrombosis ) if Aspirin or Clopidogrel are stopped early following stenting. Therefore you must take both Drugs for the prescribed course ".
You will be given a Clopidogrel card on discharge which will specify exactly how long you will need to continue with the drug. Aspirin will have been given to you prior to your procedure and will be For The Rest of Your Life.
Sometimes I think, I have just thought an Aspirin take them or leave them Clearly that's not the case !!!
Pre Admission meeting tomorrow Cardiac Intervention Clinic with the Pre-Admission Nurse'
Angioplasty on the 26th March !!!
getting a little Nervous
Frank W
I’m pleased with this site and that you had a good experience but I am still awaiting contact to inform me of a support group in the area ?!
We belong to BHF and BLF sites and have found them to be most supportive. Hubby had HA 2016 and me a malignant tumour removed along with my thymus gland in 2015. I find both sites very friendly and helpful.
To be honest, I am the world's worst at remembering to take medication and forget most of the time. My mum is 89 years old, she has had umpteen operations on her heart, nothing major but is still going strong. I know that she takes her Aspirin with her lunch, glass of water at the side, so I suppose if you follow a routine every day, you can't really go wrong. I suppose it could be with breakfast or an evening meal. I would look at Aspirin as being something that helps rather than something that is absolutely necessary that you take at the same time every day. Like yourself, my mum worries about strokes, and whether it helps or not she has taken to having lemon juice in hot water every day, she thinks it helps with breaking the fats up in food. If you are worried have a wored with your GP, you may also need medication to prevent any stomach problems with taking Aspirin regularly.
My husband has a shed load of tablets to take in the morning, so he had his aspirin with his evening meal.