I had been picking up quite nicely since the death of my husband in December but suddenly started feeling unwell again. I had a blood test on Friday and the Dr. Phoned this morning to say I have kidney failure. The result is 26 of whatever. I have to have a repeat this week and if lts the same be referred to kidney specialist. IT does make sense of the return of nausea and back pain with exhaustion. Oh well. Here we go again!
Has anyone had the shock of discoveri... - British Heart Fou...
Has anyone had the shock of discovering they have kidney failure as well as heart failure?

So sorry to hear that, especially as you will no doubt still be dealing with the grief following the loss of your hubby. Unfortunately, heart and kidney disease can often go hand-in-hand. I’m assuming the 26 figure is the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR), or the present percentage that your kidneys are filtering out waste and toxins. You may be able to improve on that figure by drinking plenty of water, avoiding salt and avoiding too much protein in your diet - reduced functioning kidneys cannot cope with too much protein. Also ensure any high blood pressure is kept under control with kidney-friendly meds, and avoid all NSAIDs (anti-inflammatory drugs). With just these few simple measures you might even find an improvement at your next blood test or at the very least that the current level remains stable. There is a very good Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) forum on HU. Good luck with the next blood test.
Thankyou. Plenty to think about. I'm already on salt free diet but been told to increase fluid now. I'm not eating much protein because of the nausea. My g.p. did say that urology will want to adjust meds but may need dialysis.
The nausea must be horrid - my hubby experienced a bout of it recently whilst on nuclear medicine infusions. He was prescribed some anti- sickness pills but they really didn’t help. He found sips of lemonade helped. I’ve now got a stock of ginger biscuits ready in case he has to go back on the infusions as ginger is supposed to be helpful as well.
If your GP is right about the possibility of a session of dialysis, that could hopefully resolve the problem, I do know someone who was admitted to hospital with kidney failure a couple of years ago. He had dialysis and has been fine ever since.
Lots of good luck wishes and please do keep in touch and let us know how you get on.
That's encouraging. I thought dialysis was permanent. I use lemonade but find tonic water even better and Nairns stem ginger biscuits really good. I worry about eating out though. The burping is not lady like!
Thankyou for the quick response. It does help to get others experiences as it shows that most health issues are a continuum and it's good to take a breath and wait to see where you are. I just didn't expect it.
i was admitted with angina 2 weeks ago but the kidneys became the major problem!.. gfr was 29.. was put on IV fluids for 2 days.. gfr back up to 33 when i was allowed home.. but blood test last week shows back down to 31.. another blood test next week but in the meantime GP us making a referral to kidney docs
That list is amazing! Everything I enjoy and have is on the list other than potatoes which I'm not keen on. I've just had my delivery from tesco yesterday so I'm going to find it hard to replace foods until I can get another delivery slot.
Instead of tonic you could try ginger beer/ginger ale. I would go for one that doesn't have sweeteners in it (loath aspartame etc ). Fevertree do nice ones.
I will try them.
Hi.....I have spent most of this year in hospital following covid-19 which left me with left ventricular cardiomyopathy and stage 3 kidney failure as well as lung damage. ....what a nasty virus..... the irony of it is I caught it in hospital....
my kidneys have stopped working many times this year......I can't tolerate Ramipril.....I was told by one nurse consultant that I had maybe 2 months maybe 2 years and maybe choose between having a working heart or kidneys........
Been out of hospital after 8 days with kidneys not working again......
So far it's been a year to forget....
When taking heart meds you need to regularly check kidney function..I take entresto and a side effect is also that it can affect the kidneys...hope your result is better next time