My partner (32) underwent an emergency aortic dissection 7 weeks ago (16th March). The operation lasted 12 hours and was very complicated including being resuscitated twice and 2 blood diffusions. He left the operating theatre in a critical condition. This was followed by 16 days in ICU with many ups and downs (pneumonia, reintubation, dialysis of the kidneys, a second operation to drain liquid from the heart, liquid on the lungs and so on). After 4 weeks he had to have a third operation following an infection of the sternum – the wound had to be reopened and cleaned and the bacteria removed. Since then, he has made a huge improvement and was released from hospital a week ago. He is young, fit and in good health so he should make a full recovery.
2 days ago he had an episode where he was having trouble breathing, this lasted about 2–3 minutes along with a pain in his right side. This passed quickly but happened again yesterday, more severe and with a very sharp pain in his back and slight vomiting. I brought him to A+E in our small local hospital and last night he was transferred to a bigger hospital after a leak showed up on the aortic cross section of the scan. The hospital will run another scan tomorrow as they are missing the stomach area, to confirm any leaks here. They are not sure yet if he needs to be re-operated or if there is a link between the episodes. He is currently in a different hospital to the one he was originally operated but will be transferred there on Monday if an operation is necessary.
Does anyone have any experience/advice regarding leaks following aortic dissection? And any advice regarding these 'episodes'?
After 7 weeks of dealing with this (in quarantine), Im really struggling and would appreciate any advice.