I have been taking ramipril for the last 8 months and have headache, nausea and dizzness. Can these be side effects?
Ramipril side effects: I have been... - British Heart Fou...
Ramipril side effects

Hello and welcome to the forum! When was your BP last checked and what was it? I had similar symptoms at one stage and it was due to hypotension.
Hi Mexecira. They can be side effects of Ramipril. This drug is an ACE inhibitor that inhibits the enzyme that contracts your blood vessels. So it keeps your arteries wide and lowers your blood pressure and can have these side effects. If you’ve just been put on them or had your dose increased it sometimes takes some time to get used to the increased dosage. If you’ve just started to feel these side effects after 8 months then I suggest you talk to your doctor. Other factors might be lowering your BP now (like your level of fitness) and you may need a change of prescription.
I've been on ramipril, along with amlodipine for nine months.It made me a bit lightheaded at first and I felt slowed down.I also had a slight cough but no nausea or headache.
I found out I had heart failure in April and was put on ramipril and my does is being increased till it gets to 10mg but I have to have my bloods done and my blood pressure if your doctor at the hospital has a heart nurse you could phone them they are there for you don't just leave it to your doctor my nurse rings me and explains all about my medication so ring your heart doctor and explain to them you will find there like having another friend hope this helps good luck
Have you read the leaflet that comes with the tablets on side effects. I was on Ramapril for over 10 yrs with no side effects at all. Hope you get checked out with your doctor
Sorry to hear you are having bad side effects. I have been on a low dose of Ramipril (2.5mg) sinc April this year and have had the proverbial cough and really bad dizziness and shaky legs. My dose was increased to 5mg but the side effects were so bad had to go to GP within a week to get dose put back down to 2,5mg. I cannot take Ramipril in the daytime if I have to go out because I feel like I am going to collapse so only take it in the evenings now so do not experience the side effects if I am going to bed shortly after. I did ask my Cardiologist in November if I could come off/or change to another medication. He said an emphatic NO and said Ramipril and 2 other medications are keeping you alive. I couldn't argue with that! Medications affect us all differently and 'no one size fits all'. Try taking it at a different time to see if that helps you. If not you will have to speak to your Cardiologist (if he/she issued Ramipril to you). Your GP would be reluctant to override medications given to you by a Consultant. However, they can write to the Consultant on your behalf and advise you are having problems and will get a response back pretty quickly so you might want to go down that route. I do hope you can get it resolved quickly as I know how bad it can be.
Hi, sorry to hear you had bad side effects. Did you ever get the issue resolved?
I just started ramipril yesterday 2.5mg and have felt very nauseous, headachy, shaky and just woke from a horrid dream about drowning with water sounds swooshing through my ears that last for ages after I woke up and feel weak. My 24 BP monitor showed consistent high readings during the day and normal at night so I figure my blood pressure is too low tonight.
I hope you got it resolved!