Hi all. I have been taking Ramipril for just over 2 months, now along with several other medications, for my heart failure. I have an annoying dry cough but also feels like I need to cough up phlegm with no luck. I asked the nurse about this but she said it would only affect me at night but my cough is both day and night and gradually getting worse. I wondered if anybody has experienced the same thing as I am beginning to worry it could be down to something else now. Glad to accept any advise anyone can give. Thank you.
Ramipril side effects: Hi all. I have... - British Heart Fou...
Ramipril side effects

Hi Jaskei, my husband has had the same dry cough morning and afternoon for a few years due to the Ramipril. It doesn't bother him but it bothers me he doesn't want to do anything about it. You should probably check with the doctor as your worried just to be on the safe side. Regards Sheena
I was put on Ramipril after open heart surgery, developed the Ramipril cough lots of us on the forum have had this happen to us. Had it day and night. I was changed to Candestatan and don’t have a problem with that drug. Speak to your cardiologist/GP see what they say.
Best wishes Pauline
Ah the Ramipril cough!! Annoying isn't it! I was changed to Candesartan with no side effects. BUT life changed and diagnosed with heart failure and now taking a medication called sacubitril/valsartan and bingo...the cough is back. Its the sacubitril that is the culprit. I would talk to your doctors, there are alternatives. As for me .... well, the drug I now take is for HF and as its been very very effective the cough is a small price to pay.
Hi, thanks for the reply. I also take my drugs for heart failure, diagnosed unexpectedly 2 months ago so if I only had the choice of taking Ramipril that is what I would do. I was just worried if it is something else and I was putting it down to the Ramipril as its getting worse. I will speak with my cardiologist as soon as I can get hold of him.
I.had the cough too but what was worse was that it gave me severe angina! I.only knew it was the ramipril when I had pneumonia (which Ive never had before or since) and couldnt take it. The angina miraculously went! In a week so did the cough! Doc took me off it.
I had the Ramipril cough, especially each time they increased the dose up to 10ml from a 2.5ml start dose, but I persevered and it gradually went away. I do, however, get a runny nose which I think is another symptom of Ramipril, but I also take Edoxaban, Bisoprolol and Atorvastatin, so who knows?
Hi Jaskei, I was put on Ramipril when I was first diagnosed. I was on it for several months and had the dry cough and also had the phlegmy thing. My HF nurse changed me onto bumetanide which has helped but I still have a cough, it has reduced, I just get the feeling now at the back of the throat. Perhaps you could mention it to your GP or heart nurse to try a different medication. There are many different ones and it’s just finding the one that has the least reaction to you coughing. Unfortunately it can be a bit of trial and error until you find the right one.
Absolutely. It was OK for a couple of months but that cough is so annoying.Plenty of other meds around.Good luck.
The answer is here with the NHS:nhs.uk/medicines/ramipril/s...
In taking ramipril for 11 days most of the dizziness has gone away though I do have a heady feeling and cough sometimes when I did not cough before. Also, some breathlessness which is gradually reducing.
Ramipril is an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor. It works by blocking a substance in the body that causes blood vessels to tighten. As a result, ramipril relaxes the blood vessels. This lowers blood pressure and increases the supply of blood and oxygen to the heart.
A dry, tickly and often bothersome cough is the most common adverse effect of ACE inhibitors. Recent studies indicate that cough may develop in around 10% of the patients treated with ACE inhibitors. In half of these patients, the ACE inhibitor has to be discontinued.
Ramipril and Hydrochlorothiazide
This information from Lexicomp® explains what you need to know about this medication, including what it’s used for, how to take it, its side effects, and when to call your healthcare provider.
There's been quite a few complain about Ramapril side effects over my time in the group. I was on these for 15 years as well and they do have there side effects which badly affect men as well. There are other medicines they can offer you. So see your doctor and get them changed. Good luck Brian
Hi Jaskei, do you take any diuretics too? The Ramipril cough is annoying but if you feel it is getting worse then it may be fluid retention? If you are on diuretics, then might be worth asking for a change of tablet. As others have mentioned there are alternatives to Ramipril so ask for a different tablet. I didn't get a cough on Ramipril but was changed to Candesartan anyway but one of my main symptoms of hf was coughing fluid day and night because of fluid around my lungs.
The problem is I was diagnosed with HF when I went for other tests so in all honesty I am fairly new to it all. I was started on several different medications but have no idea what they do as I haven't had a proper consult with anyone yet as I'm going for an angiogram next week. I managed to briefly speak with the nurse when I went for my pre op so my plan was to find out exactly what each medication is for and have things explained to me. It eases my mind though knowing others have experienced similar and there are alternatives. Thank you for your reply.
There are side effects to every tablet and what suits one person may not suit another so do ask for an alternative. I was initially taken off Ramipril and put on the middle dose of Entresto (sacubitril/valsartan) as well as a higher dose of Ivabradine but the middle dose caused a lot of fast bp drops to the extent I could see black spots when I walked anywhere and the Iva. caused double vision. I was changed to Candesartan and taken off Iva. but am now back on a lower dose of both and (touch wood) things seem ok. However although I was on Furosemide (water tablet) for 5 years, it stopped working and I was getting really short of breath, coughing all the time and feeling generally unwell. I was changed to a different diuretic and all is good again. Hopefully they will sort you out some different meds at your appointment. Good luck, let us know how you get on.
Hi Jaskei. I also got the Ramipril cough and so switched to an ARB (forget what it stands for) called Losartan. This was several months ago but the cough is still there. Has anyone else had this problem?
I couldn’t get on with Ramipril as it gave me a very dry cough. It was mainly at night and couldn’t get proper night sleeps. The cardiologist replaced it with Losartan, no problem but it took me about 4 weeks to get rid of the dry cough. Talk to your GP or cardio as they are aware of these side effects. Good luck!
Hi, that awful Ramipril cough! Same happened to me so I went to GP and was put in Lostartan instead, within 24 hrs cough vanished!
So glad there is an alternative!
Hi Jaskei, I was put on Ramipril in July 2020 following my HA. I developed a mild cough whilst still in hospital, and my temperature was fluctuating. So temp + cough they assumed it was Covid. Great, just what I need 4 days after a major HA. Covid was a false alarm and they concluded the cough was a side effect of Ramipril and the temperature - well the place was overheated in July. My cough settled and I no longer have that side effect. I do still get the Ramipril runny nose, but that keeps Kleenex in business. Hope this helps, All the best, Graham
Hi JaskeiI’m on Ramipril too along with other meds for my heart failure & the cough is a classic Ramipril symptom I’ve also experienced it & it’s annoying but mine stops for a while maybe months & then returns every now & again, I just put up with it because pro’s outway cons
Hi, I too was prescribed Ramipril after open heart surgery and developed the cough. In addition as the dose was increased I had a reaction causing swelling in and around my mouth so was prescribed Losartan and this stopped the cough too.
taking ramipril for 2 month now..I got dry cough and feel like my thraot is fulL and felt like is difficult to speak..the doctor recommand me to replace ramipril by...candesartan I Will start next week